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Limit access to remote server via hostname?

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I have a server that i need to access via rdp. It is a public webserver and i

use the windows firewall to block incomming request and so on.


Is there any way to block port 3389 so that only users from say a specific

hostname or with a specific computername or something can login?


I have tried to add so that only people from a certain IP can login but then

i have the problem that i have a dynamic IP at home that changes all the

time. I can add a XXX.XXX.0.0/ and it will help some but not that



Anyone have any tips to make it more secure? Maybe i could do some "security

bu obscurity" thing where i for example must go to some webpage and enter a

username/pass .. the webpage then open for 3389 for some time or something?

But well .. hehe

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Guest Frane

Re: Limit access to remote server via hostname?


there is no intergrated security to limit access via terminal services.

you can publish terminal services via IIS (web access) and then forbid

access via IP in IIS.

but the best way would be use third party firewall






Frane Borozan

Terminal Services and Citrix Presentation Server user logging


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