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hi all,

so i've some kind of serious problem,but i'm not sure what exactly it is, so anyway, i've re-installed my windows like 3weeks a go, and after that when i played games sometimes my screen started to show blurry screen, at the start i tought it was due to overplaying, but it happen even after lets say 1hour of gaming... Anyway 2/3days a go, i installed cod4, and tried it for first time, after 5mins of gameplay my whole screen went, green and and some strange lines apperead all over the screen(kinda like in matrix lol) it stayed like this for 30mins so i had to restart pc, after that the the screen vision remained in the same way... i even tried to re-install windows but it did not help .. =/

Also i tired my monitor on other PC and it worked fine..

In my opinion i think its the graphics card..because i've graphics card something like this : http://www.legitreviews.com/images/reviews/590/geforce8800gt_gts.jpg and i can't open it to clean it =|

Anyway what do you think my pc's problem is :S?

ps sorry for my bad English knowledge

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Hi Inferect, can you please tell us the make and model in fact all you know about the computer itself, also that picture you linked to, is it definitely the same card?


The card may or may not be dismantled for cleaning, some can some can't, but at the moment I suspect the card anyway.


However with some more details one of our more proficient at graphics members may be able to help further.


PS your English isn't bad, I can understand you.


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I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄


Nop, my graphics card is not the one in the picture(i picked that to show it as an example), my g. card is nvidia geforce leadtek PX8800GT, my g.cards box looks like this :http://i.testfreaks.com/images/products/600x400/199/leadtek-winfast-px8800-gt.463559.jpg

Hi again, I am no expert on graphics and the cards, however one of our regular members will be on line on Monday who may be able to help further.


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I have installed Windows, now how do I install the curtains? 😄





Have you also installed the latest drivers for your graphics card?


I have a link to Nvidia drivers in my sig ;)



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Hi Inferect. I am no expert by any means but a similar thing happened to my wifes screen with vertical lines in many colors going down the screen. It was intermittant at first and anyway to cut a long story short it was the screen and not the graphics card. Try applying pressure to the top and sides of the screen at different points and see if it clears. If it does then you know it is the screen.


Eitherway, goodluck.


It could be either, try a different screen if you can. (if the board has onboard GPU also try this to confirm if it is the GPU)


If not then the most common thing to cause lines on a screen is the GPU RAM overheating,

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=/ i've no access to any other monitor/screen, but i tried to connect my current screen/monitor to other pc/laptop and it worked just fine, so it is not the monitor/screen problem i think

Did you uninstall and then install the GPU drivers again as Maynard suggested?


It can often happen if the drivers have been corrupted, but its a quick and easy way to check without having to buy a new GPU


Can you also let us know what Motherboard you have and a model number if it has one :)

Intel Q6600 @ 4Ghz (Watercooled)

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Did you uninstall and then install the GPU drivers again as Maynard suggested?


It can often happen if the drivers have been corrupted, but its a quick and easy way to check without having to buy a new GPU


Can you also let us know what Motherboard you have and a model number if it has one :)


Yeah, I reinstalled GPU and all other drivers twice even and it did not help.


i've fatal1ty F190HD ( somewhere its written as FI90HD), btw would this card support geforce 220/240 graphic cards?


Your MOBO has onboard GPU too (have you tried connecting the monitor to this to see if you get a display?)


Within the BIOS you should be able to enable/disable the onboard GPU (if you are using an add in card then its probably been disabled, some boards do this automatically but some dont, so should have been done manually)


Lets try and see if we can identify the problem before you buy a new GPU

Intel Q6600 @ 4Ghz (Watercooled)

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