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hi there i hope someone can help me with this

i have plugged in my adapter into my laptop its is saying ( plugged in , not charging ) and it is at 96% and is not moving i have taken the battery out in put back in but still nothing any ideas lol :(

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Hi Cecilia, welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help


There are three probable reasons as to why you're having this problem...


1. Your charger/adapter is shot.

2. The power socket is defective or has broken away from its board.

3. Your laptop battery is shot.


Try this:

Remove the battery from your laptop and then plug your adapter lead in and see if your computer starts. Your laptop can run without a battery, and should start up and run normally.


With the battery still out, unplug the power adapter and look closely into the power socket. You will see a small metal pin in the centre. Take a matchstick or something similar and gently touch the small pin. If it wriggles about, it has broken away from its board and will need either replacing or resoldering back in position.

Note: Some power sockets are mounted on a seperate board to the motherboard, this is often called a power board or daughter board. This board can also be replaced.


The cost of either resoldering/replacing the power socket or renewing the daughter board would probably cost between £80 and £100 at a repair shop.


The other option is that your laptop battery its self is had it, and needs to be replaced. Although it is worth saying that if you don't use your laptop outside the home, or away from somewhere where you have access to power, you can use it without a battery in it at all.


Having said all this, I am assuming that you have given your laptop enough time to charge past the 96% mark.

If you post the exact make and model of your laptop, we can establish the cost of any spares you may need...

I thought I knew today...I'll try again tomorrow. :)


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