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svchost.exe and MpCmdRun.exe

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Guest Peter Larsen [CPH]



I have a problem where svchost cause my computer to run at 100 %.

It seems like that svchost is running MpCmdRun.exe (windows defender comand

line) and that somehow goes wrong.

Is there a fix for this or what should i do ??


Thank you in advance.



Guest Gerry

Re: svchost.exe and MpCmdRun.exe




What version of Windows Defender is installed?


In Windows Defender click on Help, About Windows Defender.







Hope this helps.





Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute



Peter Larsen [CPH] wrote:

> Hi,


> I have a problem where svchost cause my computer to run at 100 %.

> It seems like that svchost is running MpCmdRun.exe (windows defender

> comand line) and that somehow goes wrong.

> Is there a fix for this or what should i do ??


> Thank you in advance.

> BR

> Peter

Guest Peter Larsen [CPH]

Re: svchost.exe and MpCmdRun.exe


Hi Garry,


I have uninstalled defender to fix the problem, but it did not change


Svchost.exe is still running at 100% - this time running wuauclt.exe

(automatic update).


So it seems like there are a problem with the update software !!(?)





"Gerry" <gerry@nospam.com> wrote in message


> Peter


> What version of Windows Defender is installed?


> In Windows Defender click on Help, About Windows Defender.



Guest Gerry

Re: svchost.exe and MpCmdRun.exe




Is this after installing SP3?







Hope this helps.





Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute



Peter Larsen [CPH] wrote:

> Hi Garry,


> I have uninstalled defender to fix the problem, but it did not change

> anything.

> Svchost.exe is still running at 100% - this time running wuauclt.exe

> (automatic update).


> So it seems like there are a problem with the update software !!(?)


> /Peter



> "Gerry" <gerry@nospam.com> wrote in message

> news:ueB7OyUsIHA.5068@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...

>> Peter


>> What version of Windows Defender is installed?


>> In Windows Defender click on Help, About Windows Defender.

Guest Peter Larsen [CPH]

Re: svchost.exe and MpCmdRun.exe


Nope, before !!


"Gerry" <gerry@nospam.com> wrote in message


> Peter


> Is this after installing SP3?



> --




> Hope this helps.


> Gerry

> ~~~~


> Stourport, England

> Enquire, plan and execute

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


> Peter Larsen [CPH] wrote:

>> Hi Garry,


>> I have uninstalled defender to fix the problem, but it did not change

>> anything.

>> Svchost.exe is still running at 100% - this time running wuauclt.exe

>> (automatic update).


>> So it seems like there are a problem with the update software !!(?)


>> /Peter



>> "Gerry" <gerry@nospam.com> wrote in message

>> news:ueB7OyUsIHA.5068@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...

>>> Peter


>>> What version of Windows Defender is installed?


>>> In Windows Defender click on Help, About Windows Defender.



Guest Gerry

Re: svchost.exe and MpCmdRun.exe




See if the solution suggested here helps:

You receive an access violation error and the system may appear to

become unresponsive when you try to install an update from Windows

Update or from Microsoft Update







Hope this helps.





Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute




Peter Larsen [CPH] wrote:

> Nope, before !!


> "Gerry" <gerry@nospam.com> wrote in message

> news:%239mK%23QbsIHA.2208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...

>> Peter


>> Is this after installing SP3?



>> --




>> Hope this helps.


>> Gerry

>> ~~~~

>> FCA

>> Stourport, England

>> Enquire, plan and execute

>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


>> Peter Larsen [CPH] wrote:

>>> Hi Garry,


>>> I have uninstalled defender to fix the problem, but it did not

>>> change anything.

>>> Svchost.exe is still running at 100% - this time running wuauclt.exe

>>> (automatic update).


>>> So it seems like there are a problem with the update software !!(?)


>>> /Peter



>>> "Gerry" <gerry@nospam.com> wrote in message

>>> news:ueB7OyUsIHA.5068@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...

>>>> Peter


>>>> What version of Windows Defender is installed?


>>>> In Windows Defender click on Help, About Windows Defender.

Guest XweAponX

RE: svchost.exe and MpCmdRun.exe


"Peter Larsen [CPH]" wrote:

> Hi,


> I have a problem where svchost cause my computer to run at 100 %.

> It seems like that svchost is running MpCmdRun.exe (windows defender command

> line) and that somehow goes wrong.

> Is there a fix for this or what should i do ??


> Thank you in advance.

> BR

> Peter


Defender is "actively" scanning all the files and folders on your PC- It is

a general part of the windows BLOAT but other programs especially Norton and

Mcafee do it as well.


Open Defender and set it so that it either is not running any active scans,

or just shut it off and remove-delete it permanently. Of all AV programs

Defender is the most BLOATed and the most unhelpful. But if you can shut off

the active scanning, that will help.


In the Defender Program go to where they hide the Options, and look for "Run

in background" or "Use Active Search" - I do not know the exact words, but if

you search through the options, you WILL find something that indicates that

Defender is running in the background, checking files and folders. THAT is

the thing you got to shut the Fook off- And then it will probably run al

right, scanning only when you want to instead of all the time.


ON a newer PC that process uses less memory, but if you have a gig or less

of Ram, that service will swallow your OS whole - Shut it off!

Guest Peter Larsen [CPH]

Re: svchost.exe and MpCmdRun.exe




The problem is not limited to Defender only - its a Windows Update issue.





"XweAponX" <XweAponX@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message



> Defender is "actively" scanning all the files and folders on your PC- It

> is

> a general part of the windows BLOAT but other programs especially Norton

> and

> Mcafee do it as well.


> Open Defender and set it so that it either is not running any active

> scans,

> or just shut it off and remove-delete it permanently. Of all AV programs

> Defender is the most BLOATed and the most unhelpful. But if you can shut

> off

> the active scanning, that will help.


> In the Defender Program go to where they hide the Options, and look for

> "Run

> in background" or "Use Active Search" - I do not know the exact words, but

> if

> you search through the options, you WILL find something that indicates

> that

> Defender is running in the background, checking files and folders. THAT is

> the thing you got to shut the Fook off- And then it will probably run al

> right, scanning only when you want to instead of all the time.


> ON a newer PC that process uses less memory, but if you have a gig or less

> of Ram, that service will swallow your OS whole - Shut it off!

Guest Peter Larsen [CPH]

Re: svchost.exe and MpCmdRun.exe


Hi Garry,


I already have this update, but it didn't change anything.

I don't get an access violation error, but it is unresponsive.


This weekend i applied Service Pack 3 to XP (hoped that it would help), but

no change.

Next thing is to install Internet Explorer 7.... :-)




"Gerry" <gerry@nospam.com> wrote in message


> Peter


> See if the solution suggested here helps:

> You receive an access violation error and the system may appear to become

> unresponsive when you try to install an update from Windows Update or from

> Microsoft Update

> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927891/en-us


Guest Gerry

Re: svchost.exe and MpCmdRun.exe




I would hold on installing Internet Explorer 7 until your current

problem is sorted.


Have you installed Windows Live OneCare? That programme incorporates

Windows Defender.


Alternatively was Windows Defender cleanly uninstalled? The start-up

items are:

c:\program files\windows defender\msmpeng.exe

c:\program files\windows defender\msascui.exe

c:\program files\windows defender\mpcmdrun.exe


The last of the three seems to be the one giving you grief. This one is

for the Scheduled Task of checking with Windows Update for Windows

Defender updates..


A safer way than msconfig to disable / remove unwanted start up items is

to use Autoruns.



With Autoruns you can uncheck an item, which disables it from starting,

or you can can right click an item and then delete it. If you uncheck

you can recheck to re-enable the item. It is a much safer approach than

editing the Registry. Another useful feature of the programme is that

you can right click an item and select Search Online to get information

about the item selected.






Hope this helps.





Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute




Peter Larsen [CPH] wrote:

> Hi Garry,


> I already have this update, but it didn't change anything.

> I don't get an access violation error, but it is unresponsive.


> This weekend i applied Service Pack 3 to XP (hoped that it would

> help), but no change.

> Next thing is to install Internet Explorer 7.... :-)


> /Peter


> "Gerry" <gerry@nospam.com> wrote in message

> news:u2hXTZfsIHA.420@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl...

>> Peter


>> See if the solution suggested here helps:

>> You receive an access violation error and the system may appear to

>> become unresponsive when you try to install an update from Windows

>> Update or from Microsoft Update

>> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/927891/en-us

Guest Peter Larsen [CPH]

Re: svchost.exe and MpCmdRun.exe


Hi Garry,


I'll wait installing internet explorere 7 :-)


I have uninstalled Defender and set Automatic Update to false - this way the

problem never occurs - but i wont get any updates either.


Immediately after i start Windows Update (through the Start menu),

svchost.exe goes to 100%. If i close Internet Explorer again, svchost.exe

stops after a few seconds.


Are there any of your steps that will change anything here ??





"Gerry" <gerry@nospam.com> wrote in message


> Peter


> I would hold on installing Internet Explorer 7 until your current problem

> is sorted.


> Have you installed Windows Live OneCare? That programme incorporates

> Windows Defender.


> Alternatively was Windows Defender cleanly uninstalled? The start-up items

> are:

> c:\program files\windows defender\msmpeng.exe

> c:\program files\windows defender\msascui.exe

> c:\program files\windows defender\mpcmdrun.exe


> The last of the three seems to be the one giving you grief. This one is

> for the Scheduled Task of checking with Windows Update for Windows

> Defender updates..


> A safer way than msconfig to disable / remove unwanted start up items is

> to use Autoruns.

> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/ProcessesAndThreads/Autoruns.mspx


> With Autoruns you can uncheck an item, which disables it from starting,

> or you can can right click an item and then delete it. If you uncheck

> you can recheck to re-enable the item. It is a much safer approach than

> editing the Registry. Another useful feature of the programme is that

> you can right click an item and select Search Online to get information

> about the item selected.


> --




> Hope this helps.


> Gerry

> ~~~~


> Stourport, England

> Enquire, plan and execute

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



Guest Gerry

Re: svchost.exe and MpCmdRun.exe




Have you downloaded and tried Autoruns?






Hope this helps.





Stourport, England

Enquire, plan and execute


Peter Larsen [CPH] wrote:

> Hi Garry,


> I'll wait installing internet explorere 7 :-)


> I have uninstalled Defender and set Automatic Update to false - this

> way the problem never occurs - but i wont get any updates either.


> Immediately after i start Windows Update (through the Start menu),

> svchost.exe goes to 100%. If i close Internet Explorer again,

> svchost.exe stops after a few seconds.


> Are there any of your steps that will change anything here ??


> /Peter



> "Gerry" <gerry@nospam.com> wrote in message

> news:eI9dL4OtIHA.3780@TK2MSFTNGP03.phx.gbl...

>> Peter


>> I would hold on installing Internet Explorer 7 until your current

>> problem is sorted.


>> Have you installed Windows Live OneCare? That programme incorporates

>> Windows Defender.


>> Alternatively was Windows Defender cleanly uninstalled? The start-up

>> items are:

>> c:\program files\windows defender\msmpeng.exe

>> c:\program files\windows defender\msascui.exe

>> c:\program files\windows defender\mpcmdrun.exe


>> The last of the three seems to be the one giving you grief. This one

>> is for the Scheduled Task of checking with Windows Update for Windows

>> Defender updates..


>> A safer way than msconfig to disable / remove unwanted start up

>> items is to use Autoruns.

>> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/ProcessesAndThreads/Autoruns.mspx


>> With Autoruns you can uncheck an item, which disables it from

>> starting, or you can can right click an item and then delete it. If

>> you uncheck you can recheck to re-enable the item. It is a much safer

>> approach

>> than editing the Registry. Another useful feature of the programme

>> is that you can right click an item and select Search Online to get

>> information about the item selected.


>> --




>> Hope this helps.


>> Gerry

>> ~~~~

>> FCA

>> Stourport, England

>> Enquire, plan and execute

>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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