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XP Pro Upgrade and SP3

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Guest Korbit

I've been using XP Pro for quite several years, but I've never really owned a

copy, so I bought the Professional Upgrade Retail cause I plan on rebuilding

my computer soon, and don't want to deal with issues arising from an invalid



My question is, I want to slipstream SP3 onto my XP install disc. Is the

process for this the same for the Upgrade edition as it is for the regular,

or is there something special that I need to do?


Also, I've been reading some conflicting info about SP3. Is it officially

out yet? Or is it still RC2?




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Guest Fazal

Re: XP Pro Upgrade and SP3



If you are talking about using Nlite to make a slip streamed media..make

sure you have the latest version..I belive its nLite 1.4.5..It does

offer SP3 integration.


And yes! MS has released the final version for SP3 and will be soon

pushing it to automatic update engines..

As of now I would not reccomend you to install SP3 as I myself have

faced various problems after SP3 install..one of them being device

manager going blank...though I have posted a solution for it too which

works fiine..but I prefered unistalling it later from all machines..


Hope it hepls









Guest farid

Re: XP Pro Upgrade and SP3


I downloaded the SP3, installed it on 2 machines and do not have any

problems whatsoever. Did not burn to disk, saved on stick for the second

machine and ran it directly on the one where it was downloaded.

There are no problems whatsoever provided you get the full download of

approx 316 mb.





"Fazal" <fazalzaidi@msn.com> wrote in message



> If you are talking about using Nlite to make a slip streamed media..make

> sure you have the latest version..I belive its nLite 1.4.5..It does

> offer SP3 integration.


> And yes! MS has released the final version for SP3 and will be soon

> pushing it to automatic update engines..

> As of now I would not reccomend you to install SP3 as I myself have

> faced various problems after SP3 install..one of them being device

> manager going blank...though I have posted a solution for it too which

> works fiine..but I prefered unistalling it later from all machines..


> Hope it hepls


> regards


> Fazal



> --

> Fazal

Guest Korbit

Re: XP Pro Upgrade and SP3


Thanks for the fast replys! I'm glad to hear that SP3 is indeed officially

out. Does it integrate DirectX9c? Or is that still a separate download?

Guest TaurArian

Re: XP Pro Upgrade and SP3



Windows XP Service Pack 3 Overview

Windows® XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) includes all previously released updates for the

operating system. This update also includes a small number of new functionalities, which

do not significantly change customers' experience with the operating system. This white

paper summarizes what is new in Windows XP SP3.




TaurArian [MVP] 2005-2008 - Update Services



How to ask a question: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555375

Computer Maintenance: Acronis / Diskeeper / Paragon / Raxco



"Korbit" <Korbit@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message


| Thanks for the fast replys! I'm glad to hear that SP3 is indeed officially

| out. Does it integrate DirectX9c? Or is that still a separate download?

Guest Colin Barnhorst

Re: XP Pro Upgrade and SP3


SP3 can be slipsteamed with an upgrade edition cd just fine. You would then

use the slipstreamed cd whenever you need to use an XP cd for your computer.


Be aware that in order to install XP with an upgrade edition cd you will

also need to have the cd for a version of Windows qualifying for upgrade to

XP on hand.


"Korbit" <Korbit@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message


> I've been using XP Pro for quite several years, but I've never really

> owned a

> copy, so I bought the Professional Upgrade Retail cause I plan on

> rebuilding

> my computer soon, and don't want to deal with issues arising from an

> invalid

> license.


> My question is, I want to slipstream SP3 onto my XP install disc. Is the

> process for this the same for the Upgrade edition as it is for the

> regular,

> or is there something special that I need to do?


> Also, I've been reading some conflicting info about SP3. Is it officially

> out yet? Or is it still RC2?


> Thanks,

> Korbit

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