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:Problem Downloading XP SP3 on Vista Machine.

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Guest Harold A Climer

I want to download XP SP3 and install it on my XP machine at home.

However I only have dial- up at home and the SP file is humongous.

I will have to re-format my hard drive and re-install Media Center

Edition because of some glitches, so I want the whole 550+ MB_ file.

I have a Vista machine at work, so I thought I would download it there

because I have T1 connection.

However when I go to the download page for XP SP3 the download button

does not appear on the page. It is not grayed out it is just not


When I go to the same page on my computer at home the download button

is just where it is supposed to be.

What gives? Is there a direct link where I can download the file on

any machine?

Harold A. Climer

Dept. Of Physics, Geology, and Astronomy

University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

309 Grote Hall



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Guest Big Al

Re: :Problem Downloading XP SP3 on Vista Machine.


Harold A Climer wrote:

> I want to download XP SP3 and install it on my XP machine at home.

> However I only have dial- up at home and the SP file is humongous.

> I will have to re-format my hard drive and re-install Media Center

> Edition because of some glitches, so I want the whole 550+ MB_ file.

> I have a Vista machine at work, so I thought I would download it there

> because I have T1 connection.

> However when I go to the download page for XP SP3 the download button

> does not appear on the page. It is not grayed out it is just not

> there.

> When I go to the same page on my computer at home the download button

> is just where it is supposed to be.

> What gives? Is there a direct link where I can download the file on

> any machine?

> Harold A. Climer

> Dept. Of Physics, Geology, and Astronomy

> University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

> 309 Grote Hall

> 423-425-4546

> Harold-Climer@utc.edu


You went here?


Guest Shenan Stanley

Re: :Problem Downloading XP SP3 on Vista Machine.


Harold A Climer wrote:

> I want to download XP SP3 and install it on my XP machine at home.

> However I only have dial- up at home and the SP file is humongous.

> I will have to re-format my hard drive and re-install Media Center

> Edition because of some glitches, so I want the whole 550+ MB_

> file. I have a Vista machine at work, so I thought I would download

> it there because I have T1 connection.

> However when I go to the download page for XP SP3 the download

> button does not appear on the page. It is not grayed out it is

> just not there.

> When I go to the same page on my computer at home the download

> button is just where it is supposed to be.

> What gives? Is there a direct link where I can download the file on

> any machine?


You should be able to download SP3 from any machine with any OS.


If you wanted to download the executable file and utilize it to install on

one or more computers (save it on portable media, etc):



If you wanted to download the CD image of the CD that you will (at some

point) be able to order from Microsoft for (likely) a shipping charge and

utilize that CD now to install SP3 on one or more computers:



Need something to write that ISO image file to an actual CD - given you have

a CD burner and blank CD and have downloaded that? Free Program you could

utilize to burn the ISO file to an actual CD:


(Gave you the Vista link because - you obviously have Vista.)



Shenan Stanley



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