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temp directory

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Guest Bill Cunningham

What is safe to delete in xp mce's temp directory? The files there? The

contents of directories like content.ie5 ? I want to get the cookies and

history and garbage files left behind out of the temp directory.



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Guest PD43

Re: temp directory


"Bill Cunningham" <nospam@nspam.com> wrote:

> What is safe to delete in xp mce's temp directory? The files there? The

>contents of directories like content.ie5 ? I want to get the cookies and

>history and garbage files left behind out of the temp directory.




Download and run CCleaner.exe

Guest Twayne

Re: temp directory


> What is safe to delete in xp mce's temp directory? The files

> there? The contents of directories like content.ie5 ? I want to get

> the cookies and history and garbage files left behind out of the temp

> directory.

> Bill


It's always safe to delete all temporary files. The only caveat is you

might not be able to delete some of them if they are in use; windows

refuses to allow their deletion. To minimize the chances of a temp file

being in use, do the deletions immediately after a boot; usually there

will be none in use at that time. If it's still a problem, try doing it

from Safe Mode.


Disk cleanup will accomplish the same thing for you, and actually more

since it knows where all those things will reside. Start; Programs;

Accessories; System Tools; Disk Cleanup.





Guest Bill Cunningham

Re: temp directory



"Twayne" <nobody@devnull.spamcop.net> wrote in message


> Disk cleanup will accomplish the same thing for you, and actually more

> since it knows where all those things will reside. Start; Programs;

> Accessories; System Tools; Disk Cleanup.




> Twayne


I see diskcleanup. Should every checkbox be checked? I notice some are

checked others aren't.



Guest Terry R.

Re: temp directory


The date and time was 5/24/2008 5:16 PM, and on a whim, Bill Cunningham

pounded out on the keyboard:

> What is safe to delete in xp mce's temp directory? The files there? The

> contents of directories like content.ie5 ? I want to get the cookies and

> history and garbage files left behind out of the temp directory.


> Bill




Hi Bill,


Since Win98 came out, I've been using a DOS program called DELTREE and a

simple batch file with a shortcut placed in the Startup folder to clean

client machines. You can download the file here:




Here are the lines needed to have your temp folders cleaned each time

you boot your computer:


:: Cleans out temp files on Startup

<path>\deltree.exe /y %temp%

<path>\deltree.exe /y %tmp%


where <path> is the location you store the file (c:\util).


Save the file in Notepad called "cleantmp.bat". Use the quotes in case

you have extensions hidden or you will wind up with a file named



You can use the DEL command without downloading any file, but the

problem is that this method doesn't remove empty folders:

del /s /q %temp%\*.*

del /s /q %tmp%\*.*



You can also remove and create the folders using the RD command:


RD /s /q %temp%

RD /s /q %tmp%

MD %temp%

MD %tmp%



I have my TEMP & TMP folders point to the same location, so I only need

one line.


Remember you want this happening at Startup, so put either the

cleantmp.bat file or a shortcut to it in the Startup folder. It's

automatic and easy.



Terry R.


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