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Winsock Issues: Is this the appropriate place to post?

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I am in desperate need of some help. I am in the UK and have recently

changed my ISP from Virgin to Sky. Apart from the atrocious and pathetic

service offered by Sky to me, I have discovered that my internet connectivity

is down because of a Winsock error. The diagnostic program Netdiag is so

unreliable that although it first notified me that the error was due to an

LSP in the Winsock, it has never notified me since I deleted the Registry

entry and the Program folder entry about the error ever again. Instead the

Netdiag tells me that it cannot connect to the internet because the http,

https and ftp ports are blocked by a firewall which is wrong because I turned

the firewall off (rendering myself vulnerable) only so I could connect to the



After trial and error connections on many occasions I saw the Microsoft

support page


This advised typing “netsh Winsock reset catalog” in front of the C prompt.

Although I have restarted the computer on a number of occasions, doing that

has not restored connectivity even though the Winsock has been reset

according to the computer.


I only manage to connect to the internet by trial and error after many

messages that the problem may instead be in the modem and to turn the modem

off and on and then to contact my ISP which is pointless because as I

mentioned above Sky broadband hardly ever respond. I tried another ISP and

the computer connected without any hassle so the problem is with the ISP

although I just want to make sure before I take the rogues at Sky broadband

to court. Does anyone please know what to do about the Winsock error other

than spending another 100/- and reinstalling windows and losing data just

because Sky Broadband is a third-rate ISP?

I also have received information that this is a Registry error but again am

not sure how to ascertain or remedy that.

I await your kind response.

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Guest Nightowl

Re: Winsock Issues: Is this the appropriate place to post?


H2Q <H2Q@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote on Sun, 25 May 2008:


<snip problems with Sky connection>


Hi HQ2


Sorry you're having all these problems with Sky. May I suggest that you

post to another newsgroup I follow, uk.telecom.broadband ? You're likely

to get better help there as it's a UK group where people are familiar

with Sky and its ways :-)


Hope you do get it sorted out.


Best wishes,



Guest pcbutts1  [MS MVP]

Re: Winsock Issues: Is this the appropriate place to post?


Use my Winsock Repair tool. Download it here




Ignore posts made by the person called Leythos, he is a stalker who's been

obsessed with me for years ever since I spurned his advances towards me.





"H2Q" <H2Q@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message




> Hello,


> I am in desperate need of some help. I am in the UK and have recently

> changed my ISP from Virgin to Sky. Apart from the atrocious and pathetic

> service offered by Sky to me, I have discovered that my internet

> connectivity

> is down because of a Winsock error. The diagnostic program Netdiag is so

> unreliable that although it first notified me that the error was due to an

> LSP in the Winsock, it has never notified me since I deleted the Registry

> entry and the Program folder entry about the error ever again. Instead the

> Netdiag tells me that it cannot connect to the internet because the http,

> https and ftp ports are blocked by a firewall which is wrong because I

> turned

> the firewall off (rendering myself vulnerable) only so I could connect to

> the

> internet.


> After trial and error connections on many occasions I saw the Microsoft

> support page

> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb457156.aspx

> This advised typing “netsh Winsock reset catalog” in front of the C

> prompt.

> Although I have restarted the computer on a number of occasions, doing

> that

> has not restored connectivity even though the Winsock has been reset

> according to the computer.


> I only manage to connect to the internet by trial and error after many

> messages that the problem may instead be in the modem and to turn the

> modem

> off and on and then to contact my ISP which is pointless because as I

> mentioned above Sky broadband hardly ever respond. I tried another ISP and

> the computer connected without any hassle so the problem is with the ISP

> although I just want to make sure before I take the rogues at Sky

> broadband

> to court. Does anyone please know what to do about the Winsock error other

> than spending another 100/- and reinstalling windows and losing data just

> because Sky Broadband is a third-rate ISP?

> I also have received information that this is a Registry error but again

> am

> not sure how to ascertain or remedy that.

> I await your kind response.





Guest Leythos

Re: Winsock Issues: Is this the appropriate place to post?


In article <bmh_j.1963$N87.1854@nlpi068.nbdc.sbc.com>, pcbutts1

@leythosthestalker.com says...

> Use my Winsock Repair tool. Download it here


Do you really want to trust someone that was banned from posting

directly to Microsoft Usenet servers, someone that has posted links to

pornographic materials on HIS WEBSITE, who's website is in the MVP HOST

Block list?


> Ignore posts made by the person called Leythos, he is a stalker who's been

> obsessed with me for years ever since I spurned his advances towards me.



Chris, you've been posting my name in EVERY ONE OF YOUR POSTS ALL OVER

USENET, if you don't want to see me reply then stop posting my name in

your posts - it's that simple. Take my name out of your posts and I'll

stop replying to them. It's your choice, keep harassing me in every post

and I'll keep replying to defend my name.




- Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.

- Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a

drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist"

spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)

Guest Kelly

Re: Winsock Issues: Is this the appropriate place to post?


Run: WinSockFix and also LSP-Fix.




All the Best,



Taskbar Repair Tool Plus!




"H2Q" <H2Q@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message




> Hello,


> I am in desperate need of some help. I am in the UK and have recently

> changed my ISP from Virgin to Sky. Apart from the atrocious and pathetic

> service offered by Sky to me, I have discovered that my internet

> connectivity

> is down because of a Winsock error. The diagnostic program Netdiag is so

> unreliable that although it first notified me that the error was due to an

> LSP in the Winsock, it has never notified me since I deleted the Registry

> entry and the Program folder entry about the error ever again. Instead the

> Netdiag tells me that it cannot connect to the internet because the http,

> https and ftp ports are blocked by a firewall which is wrong because I

> turned

> the firewall off (rendering myself vulnerable) only so I could connect to

> the

> internet.


> After trial and error connections on many occasions I saw the Microsoft

> support page

> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb457156.aspx

> This advised typing “netsh Winsock reset catalog” in front of the C

> prompt.

> Although I have restarted the computer on a number of occasions, doing

> that

> has not restored connectivity even though the Winsock has been reset

> according to the computer.


> I only manage to connect to the internet by trial and error after many

> messages that the problem may instead be in the modem and to turn the

> modem

> off and on and then to contact my ISP which is pointless because as I

> mentioned above Sky broadband hardly ever respond. I tried another ISP and

> the computer connected without any hassle so the problem is with the ISP

> although I just want to make sure before I take the rogues at Sky

> broadband

> to court. Does anyone please know what to do about the Winsock error other

> than spending another 100/- and reinstalling windows and losing data just

> because Sky Broadband is a third-rate ISP?

> I also have received information that this is a Registry error but again

> am

> not sure how to ascertain or remedy that.

> I await your kind response.





Guest PD43

Re: Winsock Issues: Is this the appropriate place to post?


Leythos <void@nowhere.lan> wrote:

>Do you really want to trust someone that was banned from posting

>directly to Microsoft Usenet servers, someone that has posted links to

>pornographic materials on HIS WEBSITE, who's website is in the MVP HOST

>Block list?


Sorry, but I gotta plonk you. I'm getting tired of opening up a

message and finding this.

Guest Leythos

Re: Winsock Issues: Is this the appropriate place to post?


In article <74bj34hetr6qkdk52qs7fmpgavidreqtbm@4ax.com>, pauld1943

@comcast.net says...

> Leythos <void@nowhere.lan> wrote:


> >Do you really want to trust someone that was banned from posting

> >directly to Microsoft Usenet servers, someone that has posted links to

> >pornographic materials on HIS WEBSITE, who's website is in the MVP HOST

> >Block list?


> Sorry, but I gotta plonk you. I'm getting tired of opening up a

> message and finding this.


That's your choice and you are welcome to it, no skin off my back.



- Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum.

- Calling an illegal alien an "undocumented worker" is like calling a

drug dealer an "unlicensed pharmacist"

spam999free@rrohio.com (remove 999 for proper email address)

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