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Need help to create subkey

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Guest Jan :\)

I am in hopes that someone can help me with this problem. I dual boot with

Vista and XP on two of my 4 machines, I have found the workaround

information for hiding the Vista drive from XP do that it won't delete the

Restore Points, or so it says, and I have a situation I am not sure how to



Here is the workaround in the KB article:

To keep Windows XP from deleting restore points of the volume in Windows

Vista, add the following registry entry under the

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices\Offline registry subkey in Windows



Value name: \DosDevices\D:


Value data: 1


Note If the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\MountedDevices\Offline registry subkey

does not exist, you must manually create this registry subkey. Create this

registry entry when you have installed Windows Vista on the "D" partition in

Windows XP.


My Vista is installed on the E: drive in XP, so I have found the subkey,

but, the \DosDevices\E: subkey is a Reg_Binary key with different Value set

up. I have tried to create a DWORD for the \DosDevices\E: but, it says that

it is already there, although, it is not a Binary and not DWORD. I don't

know what the existing subkey may be for, so I don't want to overwrite it

unless I am sure it won't mess something else up. And, it I change the name

of the DWORD I don't know if it will work.


Any suggestions would truly be appreciated.


Jan :)

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