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GPO to add sites to a Security Zone for Terminal Server users

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Guest ChrisRob

Hello everyone,


I figured out how to configure a GPO to add sites to the intranet zone for

our pc users, but it doesn't appear to be working for our terminal server

users. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks for your help.



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Guest Peter Dickason, MCSE, CCA, CNE

Re: GPO to add sites to a Security Zone for Terminal Server users


That would be true and I believe it has to do with Win2k3 server enhanced

explorer security. What you need to do is adjust the registry at logon to

add your sites to hkey_current_user for each user.




Hope this helps.



Guest ChrisRob

Re: GPO to add sites to a Security Zone for Terminal Server users


Thanks Pete, can you tell me what this is doing? I can see the keys that it's

accessing, but what exactly does the script do? Thanks again.


"Peter Dickason, MCSE, CCA, CNE" wrote:

> That would be true and I believe it has to do with Win2k3 server enhanced

> explorer security. What you need to do is adjust the registry at logon to

> add your sites to hkey_current_user for each user.


> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/899270


> Hope this helps.


> Pete




Guest Peter Dickason, MCSE, CCA, CNE

Re: GPO to add sites to a Security Zone for Terminal Server users


Well basically it copies your settings from local machine to current user.

I'm not a big fan of fudging registry keys but with TS that's the nature of

the beast. Your only other option is to hard code the sites in GP under

user / Administrative Templates / Windows Components / Internet Explorer /

Internet Control Panel / Security Page / Site to Zone Assignment List which

is the route I decided to take when I experienced this problem. The only

issue with hard coding them here is that the user cannot make his own

adjustments which may or may not be desireable.



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