Windows 2000 Workstation
Windows 2000 Professional help and discussions.
1671 topics in this forum
Can't change folder default display size
by Guest Ron K- 2 replies
For some reason I cannot change the default display size of certain folders such as: My Computer, Recycle Bin, Control Panel,(all the OS folders). What I mean by this is the size of the window that pops up when you click on an icon on the desktop. I will use the mouse button to change the size, but the next time I open it, it is the same size as before. All of the installed program folder windows will save any change in size. This has been an issue since the initial installation, but I just recently upgraded my monitor and the size difference is finally getting annoying. OS: W4K SP4 Thanks, Ron K.
Raid5 Controller Out
by Guest dc- 1 reply
Have a Raid5 controller puked.. Any way to replace the controller w/o Clean Install? 4 Terrabyte HDD tia, don
Earn online free
by Guest ari- 3 replies
Hey! I just tried a very popular network called YouMint and it looks amazing! 1. Invite Friends and get them to invite theirs. Mint Money! (Rs. 110 for 20 friends) 2. Choose to receive relevant SMS Promos. Mint even more money! (Approx Rs. 650 a month) 3. Send Free SMS to anyone in India! YouMint is backed by international investors of great fame and the same guys who started the mobile short code revolution in India! Check it out... Cheers Ariyanayaka Sundaram
How to turn off Yahoo Messenger
by Guest Mike Arter- 4 replies
Yahoo starts automatically when I boot up. The Autoexec.bat file is empty. How do I switch off this preogram? Thanks
M I-5,Per secution , h arassment at wo rk
by Guest 0 replies
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= harassment at. work -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Once I stopped watching television and listening to the. radio at the end of 1990, "they" had to. find other ways of committing abuses. So they took what must be for them a tried. and tested route; they get at you by subversion of those around you. Since they wouldn't be able to. do that with my family or friends, that meant getting at people in the workplace to be. their mouthpieces and. do their dirty work for them. They supplied my employers in Oxford with details from what was going. on in my. private life, and what I and other people had said at my home and accommodation in Oxf…
M'I-5 Perse cution ' wh y the s ecurity ser vices?
by Guest 0 replies
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=. why the security services? -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= You may ask, why do I think the "they". referred to are the security services? Is there any evidence. that there is a single source, as opposed to a loosely based "whispering. campaign" amongst many people? Even if there is a single source,. is there any evidence that "they" are professional "buggers". as opposed to amateurs, or perhaps people working for a privately funded. organization? a) As. to the question of a single source versus something more fragmented; it. is quite obvious that there is a single source from the way the campaign has been carried out…
M I.5 Persecuti on , the ir meth ods and tact ics
by Guest 0 replies
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= -= MI5: methods. and tactics -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= They deliberately set out to harass in a way that would resemble. the symptoms of schizophrenia, so that any. report of the harassment would be taken as indicating mental illness and "treated" accordingly. They. never show their own. faces; they only work through proxies, in the media, among the public, and by manipulating people in the workplace. Since they do. not declare their identity there is no evidence. to initiate legal action against the security. services or anyone else. The only people you can prosecute are the proxies and they will deny knowledge of. any c…
about add/remove programs in client machine
by Guest John- 2 replies
Hi, I am having 200 Clients in my network w2kprof + win xp and we are having Windows SBS 2000 server. Now i need to do a audit of all programs installed on client machine . So how can i do it on seating server it self . as i cant move to 200 pc manually and check there all the programs...please help ..this is a real challenging task... -- John Daz
USB Drive Partition Size
by Guest Sid Elbow- 3 replies
Is there a partition-size limit for USB drives? I have a USB drive with a 250G HD. I was able to create a single partition using the whole drive space but could not format it (NTFS). When I created two, roughly equal, partitions I was able to format both.
M.I 5-Perse cution . my re sponse to the harassme nt
by Guest 0 replies
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -=. my response to the harassment -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- My first reaction in 1990/91 was to assume that if I. broke contact then they would not be able to follow. and would lose interest. So I did the things that have been suggested. by other people; I sold my television, stopped. listening to the radio and tried to withdraw away from the sources of abuse as much as possible. I. reasoned that they must have more important things to deal with and that normal people. would simply leave me alone if it were made. difficult for them to continue their harassment. I reckoned without the sheer. vindictiveness of t…
M`I,5.Pe rsecution - who knows abo ut i t?
by Guest 0 replies
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -= who knows about it?. =- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Many people know, both in the establishment and media, and. among the general public. Despite an absence. of its target from the UK for more than two years, the echoes of paranoia can still be heard loud and clear. from across the water. When it started in 1990,. the only people who knew were those in BBC television who. were spying on my home, and a few radio broadcasters. There were a few cases. of public harassment, but very little compared. to the situation that developed a couple of years later. The list today. includes BBC TV staff (newsreaders such as Martyn Lewis, Michael…
M'I.5,Persecu tion , h ow a nd wh y did it start ?
by Guest 0 replies
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- -= how and why did. it start? -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The harassment didn't start by itself, so someone must. have been there at the outset to give it a firm push and set the "animals" after. me. It looks as. if I was set up in June 1990, and the timing indicates someone from university was. responsible. >One thing which. has been missing from this discussion is this simple >prognosis: that maybe he is right. and that, despite his admitted >mental condition, there really is a campaign. against him organised by >now-influential ex-students of his. university. In May or. June 1990, Alan Freeman on Radio…
M I-5 Persec ution , Capit al Radi o - Ch ris Tarra nt
by Guest 0 replies
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-= -= Capital Radio - Chris. Tarrant -= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-= Capital Radio DJs have been "in on it". from the start. One of the first things I heard in the summer of 1990 was from a Capital DJ. who said, "If he listens to Capital then he can't be all. bad" (supportive, you see. We're not bastards). Much of what came over the radio in 1990 is now. so far away the. precise details have been obliterated by time. No diary was kept of the details,. and although archives if they exist may give pointers, the ambiguity of what broadcasters said would. leave that open to re-interpretation. In spring 1994, Chris Tarrant…
Services.exe-entry point not found.
by Guest Ushnell- 4 replies
After updating my Windows 2000 Pro with update rollup 1 and the service pack, I realized my hard disk's space went down gradually so later decided to uninstall both to find out which one is the cause. After uninstalling the service pack though, it demanded that the computer be restarted. Windows restarted but a dialog screen popped up with the message: the entry point: IsWellKnownIs could not be found in the dynamic link library ADVAPI32.DLL. because of this Windows now starts up slowly, network connections, printers and multimedia are not available and Explorer generates errors when I do right-click commands. This problem has caused my computer to b…
Uninstall IE6 frm W2K
by Guest atharsagri- 5 replies
I m trying to uninstall ie6 frm my w2k server but it is not uninstalling. even tried to uninstall frm windows components, but it is not listed there. Regards, -- Athar Sagri
Can I change drive to Fat32?
by Guest 2 replies
I got Win2k installed on a computer I bought and it's licensed to me. However I did not get an install disk. I initially did not want to use 2K and I plugged in my harddrive with Windows98se installed on it. Ever since I have been swapping hard drives. I want to set up my system as a dual boot for Win98 and Win2K. But I want ALL drives to be accessible from Dos. Therefore I want to change the 2K drive to Fat32. I have Partition Magic which will make the change, but will doing this cause problems with Win2k working? Its currently set to NTFS. I dont have the install CD so I cant risk it. Howver, before I do it, I intend to use Partition Magic to clone the …
can someone recommend a good backup & part mgr
by Guest rob- 2 replies
Hi all, i need a good system backup program and also a partition manager - can someone recommend some good ones ?? thanks and have a happy/healthy New Year ... rob
M.I,5`Persecutio n ` 22 ,544 + 83 7 = 23,3 81
by Guest 0 replies
MI5. Persecution Update: Friday 7 April, 2000 22,544 + 837 =. 23,381 Last. weekend I delivered another 837 faxes to politicians and the media on the subject. of the security service conspiracy which has destroyed my life. This brings the total in the. last three years to at least 23,381. These totals do not include partially delivered. faxes. Some of the. recipients of these faxes must know that what I say is true; and. I hope to motivate those people to acknowledge the reality of the harassment. which has followed me for ten years. It takes much time to transmit these articles, but. as OCG MD Simpson-Wells said to me in 1992, you have to be. a good commun…
M I-5'Perse cution , MI 5 Ha ve S ystematically Destroy ed My L ife
by Guest 0 replies
MI5 Have Systematically. Destroyed My Life This is getting depressing. From the feedback. Ive received, the recipients of these faxes are tired of hearing my complaints, and in truth. I am tired of sending them. The reason I havent yet. ceased sending faxes is because I cannot think. of any other effective means of replying to MI5s actions against me, and I feel I have to do something to try. to defend myself. Three/four years ago I got. the MI5 harassment out of my system by posting about it on Internet. newsgroups, and for a few months this tactic was quite effective - I received (and indeed still do. today) support from newsgroup regulars, and felt I could m…
M-I 5`P ersecution . MI5 a re Afraid to A dmit Th eyre B ehind th e Persecuti on
by Guest 0 replies
MI5 are Afraid to Admit They're. Behind the Persecution MI5 have. issued a formal denial of any involvement in my life to the Security Service Tribunal, as you might expect them to; but,. more importantly, the persecutors have never denied that theyre. from the Security Service, despite several years of accusations from my corner. on usenet and in faxed articles. I am not surprised that the. Security Service Tribunal found "no determination in your favour". I. am however a little surprised that the persecutors have refused. to confirm my identification of them; by doing so, they implicitly admit that my. guess was right. "No determination in your favour" says…
Newly installed programs won't let Windows boot.
by Guest 6 replies
A friend of mine has a major problem. He has a conflict between two programs, EasyArmor firewall and FixIt utilities, and his computer can't start up. He can't even get it into safe mode, it just keeps restarting. He has a recovery CD from the manufacturer, but that doesn't work, unless he wipes his disk, and he has important data on the hard drive. He has no Win2000 startup disk and no 3.5 floppy drive. Any suggestions? TIA.
About Desktop Lock 1 I dont know how to unlock it!!!
by Guest 3 replies
Hello. Please help me with this one. I installed Desktop Lock 1 yesterday. After I installed, my desktop was suddenly locked. It required a password then I typed my normal password, the same password as I use to type when I log on. But it didnt work. I confused then I restarted my computer and hoped that it would be good. And it's still the same. It requires a password. I dont know what I have to type as a password. I had typed my nomal password but it didnt work. I read an article last night says that a default unlock key for Desktop Lock is "h". I typed it but it doesnt change anything... Please help me with this one.... hikssss ;'( help.......…
IE6 for w2k server
by Guest leoj- 6 replies
how to uninstall internet explorer 6 in windows 2000 server
Unstable update cue
by Guest Mike Riley- 1 reply
A few weeks ago I clicked yes to a W2K security update prompt. Immediately afterwards, when I rebooted, the process got only so far, before my computer restarted itself. This happened just once. Since then Wndows has sort of been behaving itself, except that I keep getting security prompts and when I click yes, I then get a message saying no updates are available. All in all, the system feels unstable. The problematic update was probably "Critical Update for Office 2003 (943452)". By the way, when I try go into he control panel, to try to uninstall this update, it isn't listed. Any suggestions, anyone?
by Guest bptheini- 5 replies
Bought this 2nd hand pc and when I boot up, I get this message windows\system32\config\system" is corrupted........... You can try to repair by choosing the first 'r' from win 2000 cd. (something to that effect) Going through kb269075 cd system32\config - ok when I hit enter ren system system.old - it says renamed operation fail. ren system.alt systemalt.old so what can I do or any idea where did I go wrong? Thanks