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Everything posted by Aldaz108

  1. So I got adobe premier couple of days ago. I have media encoder to render. WHats the best settings so it renders fast but looks decent for 720p? EDIT: Also what renders fast
  2. It's all Ok now I am using Adobe Preimere now and that renders fine.
  3. Is there a way I can make fraps record at the exact same time as Audacity?
  4. Nope, It's nothing to do with youtube. It's something with my software any editing program I use after editing and then rednering it gives the video this boarder around it.
  5. I am a youtuber who makes video's, Very recently my latest video's have been getting these black bars after being edited. dosnt matter what is used it always seems to get these black bars making a boarder around it. Like a picture frame. In the preview there not there. the resolution has never been changed or anything. Here is a video I made to show whats happening.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOzyXWzVrtw Please if anyone knows how to fix this please tell me as this is making my video's look very unprofessional. Just to Note this is happening After editing on Movie maker, Power director. both on 1280x720 resolution for rendering.
  6. I used MPeg 4 or something and WMV as I tested with windows Movie maker
  7. Ok So I made a video a while ago here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PG9_yQifW4 There is a black box around that for some reason and all my other video's never had that. How do I get it back to full screen? Any help would be amazing!
  8. I am not sure. I will test it out on my xbox for the wiring thing, and I have it plugged into the 3.5m jack things and the usb into one of the 3 or 4 usb slots at the back of my pc.
  9. So I moved my headset over to my PC. When I turn the volume up I can hear a background buzzing noise. it's really annoying and stuff. Does anyone know how to fix this? Notes -Parts of the rubber in the wire is broken but has wire tape around it . -I have a 750w Power supply -it's next to the internet wire -Some parts in the wire are broken
  10. Ok thanks guys. I think I am going to make them Logo's for facebook or backgrounds and stuff for about £1.50 maybe cheaper.
  11. Can Someone give me some idea's Please?
  12. Ok So I need help. I need to make money fast so I can get games and better hardware for my pc. So Here are my skills. -Photoshop CS5 basic skills can learn new skills along the way. -can make you tube video's and edit video's with Power director. -I can make websites with Weebly. Can people give me some ideas how I can make money in school some how.
  13. ok thanks I will I Contacted them via website they said they will look at it thanks ken
  14. ok Thanks guys I wonder if it is the CPU because its when I render things and play on games its been a while do you think they will take it and have a look for free?
  15. Ok I had my pc upgraded and everything now its dead noisy When either cpu or gpu is Running hot it makes fans go fast and it vibrates the pc case like hell Should I get a new pc case but is it worth £40 and on top fitting which costs £35 http://www.pcworld.co.uk/gbuk/coolermaster-elite-430-atx-tower-pc-case-11342076-pdt.html here is the pc case GHI computers CHarge £35 to take everything out of my case now and to put it into my new case is this worth it? And the case now Is Old now mesh nothing just a metal crate really......
  16. I dont have a clue I just when it came back from getting upgraded Is there not any like ways on just how to make it quite
  17. Ok I have opened up my computer because I though my fans were hitting wire but they were not because all wires were in a good clear place. I just noticed when I got back on my pc that the side plate is the things vibrating its the plate side with all the Motherboards on and stuff? How can I stop this as I do video's for youtube and when on a game recording footage all I can hear is that vibrating noise of metal like hitting a little bit and yes its annoying Should I take it to the shop and say can you do something to fix this as it was until I got it back from them it started doing this. Specs 750 W Power Supply GTX 560 AMD Atholon x4 8gig
  18. thank you for this advice I will be asking my dad if he can do this tonight thanks=)
  19. Computer fan noises sounds like a mini jet Hi My CPU fan I think sounds like a Jet engine trying to take off! I used speccy to see what the temp was it said around 50'C when in a game and around 30 and 40 when idle is this normal? sometimes it sounds like my fan is going to fall of from the cpu. and also sometimes it sounds like it hitting of scraping against something? should I clean it with a compressed air? should I see if a wire is in the way? another think do you think getting a fan control program is a good idea or a bad one? p.s sorry for making another post as I did not get a reply from the others when I asked my specs GTX 560 AMD Atholon ii x4 620 prompus 8gig 64bit windows 7 not sure what wattage I have think its a 700 or 600 watt supply
  20. thanks and while am here do you know any ways of getting the right tags for a youtube video and website so they get viral? just am not getting it?
  21. the GFX card temp is around 77C on game idle around 40C CPU on game is around 50C idle 40C motherboard around 40C on game 32 idle by the way I cant take a computer apart am only 14 and my farther knows nothing about computers also do you think its safe when on games? and also again I think the PSU is 700 watt or 500
  22. Hi I made a post about this before but something new started happening I download star trek online and when I was on it the fans started going fast which is normal but then is sounded like the fan was either hitting something or something to do with the power supply or grahpic card. I have a GTX 560 not ti Power supply what I think it 500 or 700 watts think its 700 now. I got it back from GHI computers when my power supply popped but is it going to pop again? is it a bad graphics card?
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