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Everything posted by DSTM

  1. For those Members, who have never been to OZ,we are an Island,and this gives you an idea, of the size,compared to Europe.:) http://i36.tinypic.com/ifvnv8.jpg
  2. Would hope 7Search.com is not successful,or it would open the Flood Gates.:eek:
  3. The Web Site wins,we lose. McAfee SiteAdvisor sued over 'spyware' tag | The Register
  4. Thanks for your input,Randy. After I downloaded the under 2MB program,Site Hound,and installed,it said to install updates,which were more than 15+MB.Also McAfee didnt ask me for my Email Address,or huge extra download. With Site Hound,this extra download,it's sheer size, I thought, was a bit over the top, campared to the size of the Program itself. They are both Site Advisors,and there are others out there.Wondered, what's so special about Site Hound,to warrant recommendation.Just want to have the best.:)
  5. I downloaded and installed Site Hound,and found it slows Web Page loading,as expected. What is the better, between McAfee, and Site Hound? Does one have a larger Data base, than the other,I wonder. It's not a matter of choice,if one is more thorough, than the other. If I have all Security in place,wouldn't they catch any nasties,anyway? Would like to hear your unbiased views.:)
  6. Hi Guys,I changed the USB Cables, as instucted by Dalo,and I have ran 7 one hourly speed tests since.All are between 3500-4000 kbs/s.It is like a new PC. Everything is so much faster.This headache is finally over,thanks to Dalo,and all who helped in trying to figure the problem.The USB Powered adapter was the problem.You are good,Dalo. Appreciate the fact that you Guys, just didnt give up, till a solution was found.Many Thanks.:) This thread can be closed,Wolfey,if you so wish.
  7. cnet,Looks much better, and so much faster,to download. Exploring Internet Explorer 8 | Outside the Lines - CNET News
  8. Have printed out the link you supplied,Dalo. Excellent.I want to test the Internet Download speed,first, every hour for the next 12 hrs to see if there is great degree of difference.No harm trying this.If speed doesn't vary much,will seek another connection. I will bypass the adaptor,and run the test. Many thanks Guys.:) Doesn't matter which USB Port I use,does it.?
  9. It's Optus ADSL2, and comes through the normal Phone line from the nearest Post Office,to me,Wolfey.:) The further away,the less speed you have.Optus says I have 6000 and I have round 495.Something is amiss. Edit.One change was the USB cable from the Modem is now rooted through a 4 way Powered adapter.That shouldn't have any effect.
  10. Thanks Dalo,will give it a go.
  11. Sorry mate,I haven't a clue how to do something like that.:o Unless it was step by step,I would be lost. I know how to get into safe mode,but that's about it.
  12. Do you mean with another providor? If so,Here ISP Providors wont give you a connection without a Contract.I am paying for UP to 20,000 kbs/s and getting less than 1. I am happy with 5000 or 6ooo kbs/s if it were possible. Is it possible I have too many full time guards swithed on? Nod 32 Threatfire. SAS. Winpatrol. Should I start disabling all except Nod? Also how do I know what Ports are in use, and if they are open? Is this check necessary. Sorry for all the Questions,Dalo.Just anxious for a fix.:)
  13. No,that all looks OK,Thanks Dalo.:) If I may add,The Phone 20 mtr Extension cable is one made by the Phone Company,themselves.
  14. Hello Steve,Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:) You have come to the right place to learn.IMO. Enjoy your stay.
  15. Sygate Firewall,Dalo.I disconnected Sygate Firewall, and reactivated Windows Firewall,but made no difference. Nod 32 Paid AV. Malwarebytes. SAS Paid. PC Threatfire. WinPatrol. I do have an Icon in the System tray, with a red X which says. Local area connection.A network cable is unplugged. I only have 1 PC.Thanks. EDIT.This techy didnt Know much,, as he kept on stopping, to ask his Supervisor.
  16. I am useing Windows XP SP3. I have a download speed issue.Just spent 1 hr on the phone to ISP Technician.Tested download speed by ISP is 6000+kbs/s. Internet download speed tested on my PC is 495 kbs/s. Isp techy says 20mtr extention cable from phone socket is too long.????They also said my Antivirus Software could be a possible cause. Nod 32 Antivirus.Have had popups saying the ISP Listening Port is Blocked,giving my ISP Address Number.DIR. Check Firewall or Na Router config.Any clues? please Guys.:)
  17. Hello Adele,Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:)
  18. Good One, Maynard.:D
  19. Don't start comparing Paid Sofware to Free Software.as there is no comparison.:) EDIT.Have a look at my HHD Screen shot in Defragging Software. Whats wrong with that.???? Regardless, on Dalo's advice, I have ditched JK Defrag. FREE PC HELP, is the BEST Tech Site on the Planet. IMO.
  20. Granted, It was only a number suggestion, in case other Software was added like Hosting sites,etc etc.The more groups, this Sticky could cover,the less we have to go chasing,elsewhere.Doesn't have to be huge. We are only giving our thoughts. :)
  21. I also think this is an excellent idea.Say 4 or 5 in each Group,that are top of the line software,then we can trial each one, till we find one that suits us. Thanks for suggesting. Mara.:)
  22. Excellent Points, and one question that I would like you Guys, to answer. I have had a Windows box, come up when analysing the Hard Drive,which says, "You should Defragment"and looking at the Colours, there wasnt all that many red lines.Should we Defragment, when Windows says, or disregard,till the System slows? Thanks.
  23. 10. You have to hold onto the lawn to keep from falling off the Earth. 9. Mosquitoes catch a buzz after attacking you. 8. The back of your head keeps getting hit by the toilet seat. 7. Your idea of cutting back is less salt. 6. You can focus better with one eye closed. 5. You fall off the floor. 5. The whole bar greets you when you come in. 4. You haven't had a driver's license in such a long time that you have forgotten what one looks like. 3. Roseanne looks good. 2. You don't recognize your wife/husband unless seen through bottom of glass. 1. You spent more time on the floor than you do standing up.:D
  24. Hello Rob.Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:)
  25. Appreciate all your thoughts,Guys.I don't know,and just want the best software for every application. That's why I am seeking your guidance.:) I will add,when I used Windows Defrag,it left red lines,when I expected them to all go.
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