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Everything posted by DSTM

  1. One Question,I forgot to ask,Wolfey. What is the best setting, Low Medium Optimal or High? Thanks.:)
  2. Thanks for the answers, so quick, to my Question,Wolfey. Those images, are a big help also. Much appreciated.:)
  3. I have a CD-DVD Burner and I want to Download an FLV Music Video. If I want to download both Music and Video,what do I convert it to? If I only want an Audio CD,what do I convert that to? There are so many to choose from,I am a bit confused.:confused: Thanks in advance.:)
  4. Big drop from $47 a share, back in January 2000. No Company, can withstand these staggering losses, every 3 months,if it was an actual loss. AMD may have lost $1.189 Billion,off the nett value of the Company,in the last 3 months,but that doesn't mean, they aren't still making huge profits. Just not as much profit,as they have been accustomed to. My take anyway.:)
  5. I said, I can't fix it,but I know who can.You Guys saved my Butt.:)
  6. Hi mate,My wife, will only use IE7.I tried to convince her, to use Opera,but to no avail.I got an ear full, when UTUBE stopped working, with IE7. I was told, I was responsible, for stuffing up something.LOL Sometimes,Yes,But not this time. That's the reason,Wolfey.
  7. A Guy here in OZ has invented this Orbita Mouse. Do you think it has a future?
  8. Is this Cat ****ed off,or what.Liked it so much,I made it my New Desktop.:) http://i37.tinypic.com/zvtq8m.jpg
  9. I downloaded the uninstaller,and removed the plug in. Installed the stand alone version, and now it's working fine. Thanks sooo much for coming to my rescue so quickly. It was working,then all of a sudden stopped.Do you think the plug in got corrupted somehow? Much relieved.Thanks again Guys.:)
  10. Yes,Maynard,I did click yes to confirm,when the box appeared. Give me a few minutes,Guys to check all this out.Much appreciated.
  11. It is set for IE7 as per instructions,in that link.Goku. I am at a loss. Would reseting IE7 to defalt settings help? Thanks.
  12. Hi Maynard,I did that and rebooted and still no go.Message: Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Adobe's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. I checked with Java and it says I have Latest Version.System up to date. Have latest version of flash player installed. I also set security like it should be,as far as I can make out. http://i5.tinypic.com/20r8xvd.jpg Java 6 update 7 Flash Player Says in add and remove flash player plug in installed.
  13. Hi Guys I cannot get UTUBE to play with IE7.Opera is fine. I have the latest Adobe Flash Player,and Java. In IE7 I believe Java is switched on. This is stressing me out. Any clues?Guys. Thanks.
  14. Has your Son got a Family to support,Wolfey?
  15. Saw this image, on the net, of future Computer Workstations..:) http://i36.tinypic.com/1ffqmr.jpg
  16. Good One,Wolfey.How true.:D
  17. Wondershare Flash Sideshow Builder 4.6, is being given away free, for a short time,by GOATD,for anyone interested.I am impressed.Keepers for me.:) Giveaway of the Day - free licensed software daily. Wondershare Flash Slideshow Builder 4.6 - Make eye-catching flash slideshow and web photo gallery with fun!
  18. That looks great,Randy.Allways like the timber look,especially dark rich stains. I had a white keyboard,but all I can get here now, are black Keyboards,which I have difficulty seeing,with my poor eyesight. Was thinking of an illuminated Keyboard,to see if that would help. Thanks for sharing,Randy.Much appreciated,mate.:)
  19. New Version of Zone Alarm, should fix the Problem.:) ZoneAlarm SmartDefense Research Center
  20. What should I do to impove it?mate. http://i35.tinypic.com/jktzle.jpg > > > > > > > > > > Only Joshing,mate.This is one off the Net.:D:D What a rats nest.:eek: I have a new Camera,still in the box, and when I can work out how it operates,will post a pic.:)
  21. Looks comfortable,and I like the high back.Think I will go shopping, and spoil myself,mate.:)
  22. Excellent Wolfey.Thanks for sharing.Neat set up.What size monitor are you useing?mate.
  23. I don't watch much Sport,anymore as it's all about Egos,and big money. Sport is so full of Drugs,and teams taking dives,and the like,I have lost interest.:)
  24. I naturally, thought this would be included.After all, it is Computer related. I am starting to walk, with a head Tilt.:D:D
  25. Sorry Randy,I wasn't sure whether Work Stations, fell under Desktops. The only Desktops, I have seen are actually Desk Top shots, on Members monitors. You can delete this Thread if you deem necessary.:) Have you a link,Randy,Please.
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