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Everything posted by judierudie

  1. Hi Randy, Please show me the way! Cheers Judie
  2. Yes Im stuck with AOL unfortunately. Just goes to show big isnt always best! Im going to take Seths advice and use his recomendations. Just out of interest what ISP would you guys recommend? Cheers Jude
  3. Hi, Ive just completed a Full Recovery on my PC and am now looking to install some new security software. I have got XP and just wanted some advice on the most effective products to install as iam a PC novice and would probably end up installing stuff that does the same job as other stuff. Cheers Jude
  4. Hi , Thanks for your help. I spoke to AOL yesterday and they said the CDRom i had for AOL 9 was out of date. They are sending me another one so ill let you know if it solves the problem. Apart from that they are useless. Id like to switch ISP but as you all probably know its an absolute nightmare trying to cancel an AOL contract and i cant afford to pay 2 ISPs at the same time whilst waiting to sort out a cancellation. Thanks again for all your advice
  5. Hi Im having trouble connecting to AOL after a full system recovery. I have a Compaq desktop running XP with a Voyager 105 modem. The modem has been installed okay and is working i just keep getting the error message "DNS server unreachable 24-01-08-033" Ive taken down the Firewall and allowed access to everything but still no joy. Any help gratefully received as the AOL helpline is next to useless!
  6. Hi Alfa, If you,ve got a Compaq then you can reverse a System Recovery if it wasnt a "Destructive" one. Press F8 when the Compaq screen appears and go from there.
  7. Thanks for all your help guys. If it doesnt work now i think ill have to buy a new one!
  8. Cheers Randy , problem is i cant get on the internet on the PC in question as it is not allowing me to install any drivers.
  9. Hi AS , gave this a try but got an error message that was long winded but said it would only accept binary code
  10. Hi Kelly, In Safe Mode there are no delays whatsoever. Thats why its doing my head in! Would it be worth while saving all my important files to disk and doing a destructive system recovery?
  11. Hi its running on Windows XP Home
  12. Thanks AS. Ill give it a try tonight.
  13. Hi its a Compag Presario 5190. I had a look at the list and it only bought up a Graphics Driver. Ive gone into Device Management and still cant resolve it.
  14. Hi Im still getting error message "Cant get registry value key=software/globespanVirat/Adsl value = driver type" . Can i sort this or will i have to install a different modem? Also when ive gone into "Change/Remove Files" not all the files on my PC are there , why is this and is there an alternative way to get rid of them? Cheers Jude
  15. Hi Kelly, I havent got any other drivers installed. Still having problems.
  16. Hi, Im trying to install a driver on my Compaq PC for a (dont laugh!) Voyager 105 modem and keep getting the error message "Cant get registry value Key=software/GlobespanVirta/ Adsl value = driver type" Any suggestions? Cheers Jude
  17. Hi Guys, Ive done what youve said and it has speeded up, got it down from 15 mins to 5. Cant download HijackThis yet as not got internet access due to faulty driver. Can i ask about that here or do i start another thread? Cheers Jude
  18. I know its a Compaq Presario but as for the exact model , not sure. Ill check tonight when im at home and let you know . Cheers Jude
  19. Hi I have recently done a system recovery on a Compaq desktop with Windows XP Home. I have noticed iam now without sound. Ive got the bog standard bundle with package speakers. They are all connected and turned on. Any ideas please? Cheers Jude
  20. Cheers guys ill give all this try tonight and update you tomorrow.
  21. Ill give it a try when i get home. I know in being stupid here but what do i put in the search? Cheers Jude
  22. Thanks for all your help guys, photos now recovered and will be saved to USB stick asap!
  23. Hi I did the Disc Clean Up , deleted all empty folders, got rid of all unused programs and shortcuts and cleared out all temp files. Now im stuck
  24. Hi, No its not a company PC. Ive tried a few things over the weekend with no joy. I did a disc defrag amongst other things. It still takes 15+ mins before i can open any windows. Once ive opened a window everything is fine. Help gratefully received. Cheers Jude
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