My PC is slow after ive just turned it on. It can take upto 15 minutes before i can open a window. Any idea wht might be causing this? Ive deleted all temp internet files.
Thanks for all your help. As PC came on at Compaq screen i bashed away at F8. Then put PC in Safe mode and went from there. Just got to find all my drivers now!
Hi i didnt click advanced so i guess i just did a normal recovery. Does that make things easier?
I know i had to go through the Microsoft procedure again.
Im pretty computer clueless and i thought i was doing a system retrieval. I pressed F10 as the PC booted up and took it from there. Im at work now so not sure whther it was destructive or not.
Thanks, not sure whether it was a full one or not. Mind you how do people get access to stuff that paedophiles and the like delete? I didnt think you could get rid of everything forever.
Can anybody help? My Compaq PC was playing up and i couldnt remember how to solve it so i foolishly pressed F10 and did a System Recovery instead of a System restore. I have now lost all my files including precious baby pics. Can i ever get these back. Any help gratefully received.