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Everything posted by JagiBear

  1. ty again help4me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  2. Hi, i am stuck again, i am formatted my hard disk, and now i need to do partition, i need to apply number between 2406-75567 what should i input for best results please????? Gill xxx
  3. ty helpforme, i took out battery before reading your post and it seems to be getting further and further into installing, i will come back with final results. and details of pc if it as not worked. thank you so much xxxxxxxxxxx Gill
  4. Hi, i am running windows xp home, with in 5 minutes of starting windows, everything freezes, i am unable to use keyboard or mouse, can only switch off by on/off switch. Please have you any ideas? Jagibear x
  5. Hi i am computar illiterate, hence why i joined you computor brains in the hope you can help me.
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