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Everything posted by cbrmatt

  1. Thanks to you both. I'll try both possible solutions and see what happens. i'll let you know how i get on. thanks again.... for now. Matt.
  2. Hi, Ive had this problem for a while now. The printer (lexmark x2670) worked perfectly for months but then for some reason stopped/froze mid way through a print. Sometimes it wont print at all until i restart the pc then as soon as it reboots it starts to print. I can then attemp to print something else straight after and it stops again. im sick of restarting every time i try to do any work. Ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling the softwear (downloaded from lexmark website) but its still stopping. Any advice/ideas/help appreciated. Matt.
  3. Nev... you are an absolute diamond !!! :D Uninstalled and reinstalled. Just tried it and its working perfectly. Cant thank you enough. Until the next time I have an episode lol, All the very best, Matt.
  4. ok so revo has now found leftover registry items and made them bold. It wants me to verify the bolded items and tick each one to be deleted... do I tick them all ??? This wont cause me to lose documents.. will it ???
  5. Hi Nev, Ive fell at the first hurdle. Ive tried to uninstall the current version of open office i have but i keep getting a pop up window saying "please exit OpenOffice 4.0.1 and OpenOffice 4.0.1Quickstarter before you continue". As far as i am aware it is closed... i couldnt open it in the first place. What am i missing ???
  6. Thanks Nev ill give it a go and let you know
  7. Hi, I recently bought a reconditioned pc with open office installed on it. Apart from having to tweak all my previous microsoft documents its been ok up until today. Every time i saved a document it asked if i wanted to keep current format or save as ODF format. Up until now i saved and clicked "keep current format" but it wouldnt save correctly, so i clicked "save as ODF" and unticked the box at the bottom of the window. Since then the entire program will not open. Even the documents i had saved on an external hard drive will not open. Please help.... im desperate. Appologies if this has been covered before but couldnt find anything. Thanks in advance, Matt
  8. Thanks kenb, thats very helpful. i dont have a clue about this stuff. Didnt realise xp was so dated. Ill start looking for a new machine. Thanks again. :)
  9. Hi, My question is... which would be my best option to keep cost to a minimum, have my pc upgraded or just buy a referbished tower ? This is what i have at the moment: DELL model no. DHP windows xp professional version 2002 service pack 3 intelĀ® pentiumĀ® 4cpu 2.60GHz 2.59GHz, 512MB of RAM It doesnt have WiFi and i can not get a dongle to work..... i need wifi ! It doesnt have a CD DVD writer.... I need one ! I want it to be fairly good at muti tasking and would like to be able to edit videos/photos without too much buffering. I think thats it.... so what are my options and which would be most cost effective ? Thanks for your help in advance. Regards, Matt :confused:
  10. So either way, it would make no difference to performance which ever one i get, assuming my router has low data transfer speeds.
  11. Hi, I have just been looking at USB dongles online in order to connect my PC wirelessly. There are so many and i do not have a clue. Some say 150Mbps some 300Mbps. I dont know what relevence this has. Does it matter which one i get? What differemce would one make over the other ? Whats the difference between ones with an antenna and ones without ? :confused: Any advice appreciated. Matt.
  12. i cleaned them both and they are both back in and its working fine. Could it have been a case of dirt and dust build up and dirty contacts ?
  13. Hi, Since posting my last reply i have had another look and found the RAM modules you described. It all makes sence now. Sorry im an idiot. I did what you explained and its done the trick. Booted up no problem. Thank you so much for your help. Its greatly appreciated. Regards, Matt.:D
  14. Hi, Firstly thanks for the advice. The model number is PS-5161-1D1S if that means anything to you. Access is via two push release catches on either side of the case. Then it opens up like a book. I have given the whole inside a good dust down as there was quite a bit of it. This did not solve the problem of booting up though. I have tried to locate the RAM modules ( this is the first time ive looked inside a computer) but the parts which i think are the RAM modules dont come out as easily as explained. There are a lot of green catches everywhere... most dont seem to serve any purpose. The only thing i managed to take out completely was the CD-ROM. Everything else is connected via plugs which i dont seem to be able to remove which prevents anything else coming out without the other. :confused:. Matt.
  15. Hi all, I hope someone can help. I have a DELL PC but not sure what model it is i have no clue. Some history... We have three kittens who like to sit on my keyboard if you leve it unattended for three seconds. On doing so on one occation i returned to the computer as a message flashed up saying "closing down to prevent damage". Afterwards it booted up no problem and worked fine. This however has happend again but this time when i press the power button i get the green power indicator on the PC, a horrible beeping sound, a message flashes up on the monitor saying " no signal detected" then says "entering power saving mode" and goes into standby. Nothing i do brings anything up on the screen. Its just black. The green LED stays on. I have checked all the leads are correctly fitted and there is obviously power going o the PC and monitor. Any ideas anyone. I have forms and paper work on the PC which i use for my business and really dont want to be forking out for a new PC and hours creating new forms etc. Any help greatfully appreciated. Matt.
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