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Everything posted by Starling

  1. Hey Nev. Thanks for the response. I may be wrong, but isn't wix just a website builder? I need that too so I'll definitely look into it, but do you know of any good hosting services? I'm finding this is most important to me to find a company that offers good services and customer service. Have you (or anyone else reading) had any experience with 1and1 (link included for reference). They have domain, hosting and web builder services and I'm looking to use them especially for the first two, but I wanted to do more research before I commit. Does anyone else have experience with them?
  2. Hi all, I know I'm just a newbie, but I thought I'd ask since there are people here that I'm sure can help. I know this is probably not the forum or site for this, but I thought since I was on here looking for some PC stuff I'd post it. Sorry if it's the wrong place. I'm looking for a good web host, and I suppose somewhere to get a domain from, too. Any good advice or recommendations of companies to use? Any to stay clear from? I thought I'd ask before taking a plunge with a specific company. I have a small business and I'm hoping to get a website started for it in the near future. The site will serve mainly as a point of contact and reference about our services, but who knows, with time perhaps people can actually purchase items straight from the site. So, I need something that can grow with my company if need be. Any suggestions are highly appreciated. Thanks loads and I look forward to hearing what you think.
  3. Hi Peter, I don't have an answer, but I just wanted to say that similar things have been happening to me, too, except on my smart phone. I do what you do and don't even touch it and disable and then enable the wireless again. It usually goes away and I haven't not been able to use the internet because of it. It is definitely very annoying though. So yes, any insight on this would be fantastic.
  4. Does Adobe Reader do that? I thought it was Acrobat that did that. I feel like I have tried to do that on Reader and wasn't able to do so. I could be wrong. I'm not on my own computer at the moment to double check.
  5. I agree with the guys above. Windows Movie Maker is basic but good for simple cutting and editing. I play basketball and we get both the men's and women's games recorded and I just edit them with movie maker. Meets my needs exactly and everyone seems to like the videos enough.
  6. Thanks for all the advice. I have been experiencing a few of the same problems so this is good to know. Is this just an Hp thing?
  7. I've had a great experience with Adblocker Plus. I can't imagine going back to before and seeing so many ads. I often forget they exist in such numbers until I use another computer that doesn't have it.
  8. Is it just me or do other people get this intense feeling of satisfaction when they initially turn the keyboard over and shake it out. Seeing all that crap come out of the keyboard makes me realise 1) how much food I eat at my computer and 2) that maybe I shouldn't eat so much food near my computer haha. I'll give the toothbrush cleansing a go. My keyboard sure needs it.
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