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Everything posted by gazgee

  1. Updated driver and still the same... :(
  2. My drivers for it are in monitors: Generic monition pnp says in details was configured in 2006, and the display adapters says intel ® HD graphics 4000. It says they are up to date and no option to roll back? any ideas please
  3. Trying that now, will see if it works. Thanks :)
  4. Hi, I running a HP 15 TS Notebook on windows 8.1 64 bit. For weeks my screen has shrunk. It has a black border of about 1.5cm all the way around. I have been researching it and can not find a fix. Resolution is 1366 x 768 and it says it's recommended. I have tried all the setting to no avail. I have not had the laptop long and it's really winding me up. Please help if you can TIA
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