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Everything posted by pilotbob

  1. Update 2. Success :) Using "Acronis Disk Director" I managed to combine the C: and J: partitions into one larger C: partition which is now showing as 459GB in windows. Brilliant! Easy this IT stuff init ;)
  2. Quick Status Update. I've managed to clone the drive successfully using "Clonezilla" and now have the 2 original partitions plus a 3rd one (J:) of 317GB. System is all working fine. Can I now combine the C: and J; partitions into one larger C: partition without losing all the files on C: ???
  3. OK thanks for the quick reply, The new drive is at present totally blank, unformatted. I'm confused as to what the "SERVICE001" partition on the existing drive actually is for.
  4. My Lenovo 3000 laptop running XP pro has outgrown it's hard drive (160GB), I have a new 500GB drive (and USB caddy) I want to replace it with. Not wanting to do a fresh install as there are too many programs installed, and all is running well too, I guess cloning is the way to go. However I've had a look at "Driveimage XML" and "CloneZilla" expecting the process to be simply click and copy, :), not so it seems. The existing drive shows 2 partitions in computer manager as follows Disk 0. Preload C: 143.04GB NTFS and SERVICE001 6.01GB FAT32 (EISA Configuration) I'm guessing that the "Service001" partition contains recovery data since the laptop was supplied with a Lenovo system recovery disk and not a copy of XP Pro. So question is do I simply partition the new disk with the same named partitions and clone each partition separately or is there a more straight forward option?? What's the best way to go?? Any or all advise gratefully recieved, Bob. P.S. I also have a copy of Acronis something or other :confused: on one of those repair everything DVD's if that helps.
  5. Yep I have the 2 disks, but!........... the first disk does not do the un-installation of drivers automatically but expects me to do everything manually. Like you I'm not impressed especially as after each un-install the machiune needs to re-boot then upon restarting wants to re-install the missing drivers, stupid or what?. Anyway as of now I appear to have somehow mangaed to get Win 7 installed after several re-boots etc. but all the pre-installed programs etc have been wiped out and with no system disks I have no chance of getting them back. Never mind I'll stick with Open Office for the time being. Lesson learned? Yes, firstly never buy another Toshiba laptop, secondly don't touch anything with Vista on it, and for those who like it and don't find it a problem, just you wait and see your time will come! This is now my 4th or 5th encounter with Vista in it's various forms and without a doubt it has wasted more of my time than anything else. 9 other PC's which I look afer all run XP pro and behave impeccably, why did I not just revert to that??? Thanks for trying to help anyway.
  6. Cause that's exactly what the upgrade system disk said to do! No disks were supplied with the laptop, Vista HP (biggest load of $hite ever to come out of MS) was pre-installed, no recovery disks were supplied either. I tried using system restore prior to the attempt at upgrading but there were no restore points set. So I ran Windows Recovery enviroment (F8 at startup) and Vista seemed to work ok. Despite what so many IT professionals seem to think the upgrade process is far from straightforward and is totally outside of the average computer owners ability. Why can't MS make these things simple, all I want is to do is get what I've paid for.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
  7. Trying to upgrade a Toshiba Satelite L300 from Vista HP to Win 7 using the Tosh upgrade discs. Uninstalled the existing drivers as requested ok, Files copied ok, files, settings, progs gathered ok, Files expanded ok, rebooted ok, Now I'm at the "Where do you want to install windows?" screen. So.... I've selected the existing Vista partition "Disk 0 partion 2" but it says "Windows cannot be installed to Disk 0 partition 2" apparently "This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk." Total madness as the thing has been booting into Vista since it was new, so why can't it use this disk for 7? What can I do now? I'm at the end of my tether with Vista:mad:
  8. You cannot imagine just how true that is ;) sometimes you just can't have back what you once had Many thanks to all for trying though.
  9. Thought I was there for a brief moment then, So far I have mangaed to recover some files using "PC Tools" Quick recovery, Including Inbox.imm 253kb Inbox.imh 3kb Sent items.imm 5125kb Sent items.imh 9kb Deleted items.imh 14kb M.imm 1454kb M.imh 4kb The last 2 relate to a folder created labeled "M" However copying these into the normal directory for Incredimail still does not show anything. Any further suggestions?
  10. Thanks Nev, I did try a program called "Quick recovery for Incredimail" which Google found for me but after a 3 hour scan it found nothing. Guess they've gone for good :(
  11. Rather rashly I deleted all of my emails, received and sent etc. from Incredimail using "Shift Delete". There were a number of them which I woud dearly like to recover if possible. Any ideas please.
  12. Update, GetDataBack has found all the files successfully. I just need to decide if they're worth the $79 to buy the licence. A brilliant piece of software though and would recommend it to anyone needing data recovery. Thanks for the advise.
  13. The point is the system will not read from the drive as I guess it's seeing the first half of a JBOD array and simply reports the drive as unformatted. I will try the software recommended by Tooltech, GetDataBack sounds like the on to go for.
  14. Thanks for the advise, that's exactly what I planned to do, however I still need to get to the data that's on the old drive. If I format it as an NTFS drive will I be able to use any form of data recovery software to retrieve it?
  15. Recovering files from Raid drive I have a 160Gb SATA drive which was removed from an old XP pro system with 2 similar drives set up as a JBOD (320Gb) NTFS single drive. The second drive has failed so I can't set them up as before. I have fitted the first drive into a new system as Drive "E" The new system recognises the drive but will not allow me acccess to the files, presumably because it want's to see the second rive too. It simply reports the drive is not formatted. Any ideas how I can recover the files on the drive, I don't need the operating system files, just the data stored on it. System is a Phenom 9950 Quad core, XP pro x64, 2 x 160Gb Sata drives. 4Gb ram. I've done a search for data recovery software but am completely bewildered by the choices. Many thanks for your suggestions. Bob.
  16. I want to change my m/b and proccessor for a faster device. I currently have 2 160gb SATA drives connected as a JBOD setup and showing on the system (XP Pro) as a single 320Gb drive. At the moment the total used space amounts to about 100Gb. can I assume all of this will be on Drive 0 and that Drive 1 will be empty. I guess I will have to defrag the drive first. If so I could simply set up the new system with the second (empty) hard drive as the new primary drive then after installing the OS, connect the original first drive and extract the data. Does that make sence???? Many thanks, Bob.
  17. OK, thanks for your input, I've actually sorted it now by using another lookup table to convert the actaul input dimensions to the next specific sizes. It's not very elegant but works just fine. Shame we couldn't find a better solution though but I'll keep working on it. Regards, Bob.
  18. OK, thanks for your input, I've actually sorted it now by using another lookup table to convert the actaul input dimensions to the next specific sizes. It's not very elegant but works just fine. Shame we couldn't find a better solution though but I'll keep working on it. Regards, Bob.
  19. OK, thanks for your input, I've actually sorted it now by using another lookup table to convert the actaul input dimensions to the next specific sizes. It's not very elegant but works just fine. Shame we couldn't find a better solution though but I'll keep working on it. Regards, Bob.
  20. LOOKUP As a further attempt at getting a soution to my other post can I get "LOOKUP" to return the next highest value in a range rather than the next lowest value. See attached file. Many thanks again, Bob. LOOKUP.xls
  21. LOOKUP As a further attempt at getting a soution to my other post can I get "LOOKUP" to return the next highest value in a range rather than the next lowest value. See attached file. Many thanks again, Bob.
  22. LOOKUP As a further attempt at getting a soution to my other post can I get "LOOKUP" to return the next highest value in a range rather than the next lowest value. See attached file. Many thanks again, Bob.
  23. OK, thanks for that so far, I have altered your Panels 1 file and attached as Panels 4 below. What I really need is a metohod of automatically extracting the reqired info from the price data. I've added a comment to cell E13 to illustrate what I'm looking for. I know it's a tough cookie but am sure it must be possible. Thanks again, Bob. Panels 4.xls
  24. OK, thanks for that so far, I have altered your Panels 1 file and attached as Panels 4 below. What I really need is a metohod of automatically extracting the reqired info from the price data. I've added a comment to cell E13 to illustrate what I'm looking for. I know it's a tough cookie but am sure it must be possible. Thanks again, Bob.
  25. OK, thanks for that so far, I have altered your Panels 1 file and attached as Panels 4 below. What I really need is a metohod of automatically extracting the reqired info from the price data. I've added a comment to cell E13 to illustrate what I'm looking for. I know it's a tough cookie but am sure it must be possible. Thanks again, Bob.
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