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Everything posted by dave1962

  1. Yes I know !! if i'd known it was the mobo I would have had a go myself, I did leave them my recovery disc with xp on it but they said that they would probably use there copy anyway, as long as I have a seriel number ( thats on the sticker on the pc ).
  2. They still have it, there going to put a new mobo in £40 mobo and £40 labour. don't think there going to charge for installing windows though. I also wondered about the mobo being goose but I'll never know will I ? I know there are 4 sata ports it's just the power I'm not sure about.
  3. ahi guys just an update, wife got fed up of me going on about pc so took it in for them to install windows, they couldn't do it, so did some tests and found that the sata ports were u.s so I need a new mobo. looks like i have a spare hdd now lol
  4. I meant that they are going to download the drivers and try them (I have allready downloaded them) but it apears that asus dont support my mobo because it's OEM, so they are the wrong drivers. I think that's what Dallo meant ?
  5. O.k so would I ( we've spent too much time on this for me to take it to someone else) but will vista work ?????
  6. Hi guys have just rang the place i bought the hdd to see if they will exchange it and they say they will install windows for £40 but they also said to download the drivers for the P5B Mx mobo so it looks like they are going to try to install them (if I take it in).
  7. Also the dvd's are on the same cable ??
  8. If I can exchange the hdd for an IDE will it work ?? I know it's a stupid ? for you lads.
  9. Bad news the cable for the floppy is definatly not as wide as the cable for the dvd's, the dvd cable is labled hdd cable and the floppy ...floppy cable. both are asus cables.
  10. Are they the ones that the dvd and floppy are connected to ?? if they are yes there is 2 IDE connectors 1 for the dvd's and 1 for the floppy drive i could live without the floppy ???
  11. So it's not the same as P5B MX then ? and if they don't support it where does it leave me, ?
  12. Hi. These guys are very helpfull and patient, I'm sure some one will be able to help you.... they will defo try thats for sure.
  13. The board number is P5B TMX/S How do I get the drivers on to a floppy? I only have a Dvd rw on the lap top the floppy drive is on the PC
  14. Hi, I have downloaded the drivers from the asus website ( hope there the correct ones) but there seams to be a lot of stff there that i'm not sure i need ? and the info state that the os needs to be fully installed first ?
  15. I have a floppy drive but only have the recovery disc that came with the pc labled "Recovery cd rom" Windows XP media center version 2005 SP2. Thats the only disc that came with the pc.
  16. Just rang them and there saying it's because the sata drivers arn't installed ( same as you have all said at one point or another )but there was a sata hdd in before, i have only replaced it, and don't know how to install the drivers, or indeed if they are not on the cd suplied with the pc I dont have them.
  17. The hdd is powered direct from power suppy, and the fans plugged in to the mother board. Sorry but I can't find the the section in bios to set the sata ports. I think my next is to ring the place i bought the hdd from and see if they can test it or replace it to see if it's faulty. I'll let you know how I get on, thanks again for all your help.
  18. Hi have checked, and the hdd is connected to port 1 and as far as I can see is conected properly.
  19. Thanks for your input, i realy do appreciate everyone taking the time to offer help, I thought that buying a new hdd would solve my problems.
  20. No never seen a screen like that before, the pc only came with 1 disc which appears to have both drivers and windows on it, the pc came with a sata hdd so wouldn't the drivers allready be installed?.
  21. There are two dvd rwr on a ribbon labled asus hdd cable ?
  22. sorry just turned onpcand hdd is pri master in bios.
  23. Sorry to appear dim but yes the hdd is shown as the third master in bios.
  24. Maybe i'm wrong, but the disc suplied with the pc appears to install the drivers whilst prepering to install windows, i have assumed this, has I say maybe i'm wrong.
  25. I have only changed the hdd, and set the cdrom to boot first hence (i believe) the drivers loading but then i'm baffled.
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