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Everything posted by steveie85

  1. Maybe running Memtes86 would be best to tell us if there is RAM issue. Its free and will show exatly how many, if any errors at all.
  2. Hello Zoe, Some real nice folks here. I am sure you will get lots of help.
  3. The same reason you would uncheck the Itype and Ipoint stuff.
  4. You can unchecked the Jusched as well. I wouldn't unchecked the Microsoft Intelipoint/Type stuff as well. The Netgear item would be ok to leave and I would personally leave it. Also Seth is right the Nero item should be left checked and the Belkin Bluetooth one is ok as well. Don't forget to run your disk clean up and check for it to clean up all the items, that will also help sometimes in boot. Also running defrag once a month or so will help too. Remember not to run it to often as it can cause issues with your OS down the road.
  5. I have seen ASUS boards do that a lot. Gigabyte and MSI not so much but it does happen. I swear it does weired stuff sometimes just to annoy us!!
  6. Seth, I am originally from southwesteren Ontario, the Georgian Bay area. Thanks everyone, I am sure I will enjoy it here.
  7. Like the new look. It looks good!! Keep up the good work guys.
  8. Is there an LED light on the motherboard? If so is it lit up and green? Sometimes there is a second LED that lights up and is red, these are there to tell you if the board is getting power and if it is good, clean and sufficent power. That will indicate a problem with the PSU.
  9. I have been around awhile, just never said hello and introduced myself:sorry:. My name is Steve and I am from Tennessee, USA:usa2:, and I am originally from Ontario, Canada:canada:. I am 23 and some of my intrests are music, movies, cars, sports and space(I know I am a dork!!). I am currently certified by Microsoft to support Windows XP and Vista. I am also an A+ certified computer tech. I am working on getting my Microsoft Networking certifications, as well as my server certifications. I own my own computer shop and it keeps me and my employee's busy. There are a few familiar names/faces around here and I look forward to getting to know lots more people.
  10. Don't give me ideas!! My wife is already calling me a moron over the theater!!
  11. I find its better picture quality, esp. on HD channels. Yea LCD is better for brightly lit rooms, and plasma is better for darker rooms. I just close the blinds during the day(when I get to watch it during the day).
  12. I have several Plasma tv's in my house. I would never go back to a LCD. If you do buy a plasma or LCD for that matter, beware of the make. RCA's are junk, Toshiba, Sony, Pionner and Philips all make top of the line and are the absolute best at it. Sony has the best plasma's around. When I get my new house built, we will have only plasma TV's except for the theater which of course will be a projector. Just my humbled opinion. Steve
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