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Everything posted by Mara

  1. http://i39.tinypic.com/avk9cx.jpg
  2. Oh drat, I'm late too Randy - but the happiest of belated Birthday greetings are heading to you!! Hope it was a wonderful one filled with magic and laughter! Mara
  3. Oh dear, only got 3 right so I flunked dismally too! No darn wonder people find the English language confusing!!! :)
  4. Well, after reading all these posts I realize I'm incredibly jealous of all the great and imaginative toys that were had! My parents were perhaps a tad slow on the uptake of 'uni-sex' gifts - my brother got all the good stuff (trains and building sets) and I got dollies. So the Christmas I remember the most as a child was when one of my parents friends gave me a huge, brightly wrapped gift - and it was a bow and arrow! (Parents were sure the labels must have been switched :)). Was in absolute bliss with that gift!
  5. What an absolutely lovely story- and what a dear, dear elderly lady! We were watching a program on television the other night about how rude and uncaring our society has become - and remember thinking rather than dwelling on the occasional poop we run across, they could do many many hours of all the kindnesses done each day in our world. Thanks ever so much for sharing this story, Randy!
  6. I'm running a tad late here, I know - but welcome, tajdid - it's great to have you with us!
  7. Gracious yes, you're already doing wonderfully well, Trace! (I don't even know what a departitioin of computer is!). It's lovely that you've joined us and welcome!
  8. It's always lovely to get help here - and to donate as often as I can. My only complaint ... the nasty exchange rate! Yup, for every $20.00 Canadian, I suspect it's a mere pittance by the time it 'arrives'. :(
  9. Hi Trace, Another alternative is the below. I have a lovely friend who can't "unshrink" any of the images that have been zipped and because I want her to get them with high resolution, that means they are too big to be attached to an email. I've used this site ever so often and never, ever received any 'junk' from them or any other nasties - one doesn't even have to sign up and it's also very easy to use. Transfer Big Files Free - Send Large Files up to 1GB
  10. Poor Australia - first the fire storms and now this! Poo and hiss to Mother Nature right now - and I do hope all goes well.
  11. Oh they are lovely!! Hope you picked a wee nosegay for your bedside table - and thanks ever so much for sharing this glimpse of Spring with us, Bob!
  12. Hi and welcome FrustratedGamer! I won't be any help whatsoever with questions re gaming (only suspect it's 'bigger the better' when it comes to games and computer requirements) - but it's great to have you join us here at our site! Enjoy!
  13. Welcome Dina! Our PC Help is so wonderful, truly it is - one can't help but learn here and best of all, each person is so very patient and gives assistance in terms that are easy for even beginners to understand. It's lovely to have you join us - enjoy! :)
  14. Happy, happy birthday Mike!
  15. Hi Alfa, Until our experts here can rescue you, I wonder if the below will help ... "Windows Media Player has encountered a problem and needs to shut down" - This error may occur if the system time is not set correctly, if the basic input/output system (BIOS) time is not set correctly, or both" ... and it shows a few steps to fix the problem. "Windows Media Player Has Encountered a Problem" Error Message When You Try to Start Windows Media Player
  16. Hi Alfa, Until our experts here can rescue you, I wonder if the below will help ... "Windows Media Player has encountered a problem and needs to shut down" - This error may occur if the system time is not set correctly, if the basic input/output system (BIOS) time is not set correctly, or both" ... and it shows a few steps to fix the problem. "Windows Media Player Has Encountered a Problem" Error Message When You Try to Start Windows Media Player
  17. Hi Alfa, Until our experts here can rescue you, I wonder if the below will help ... "Windows Media Player has encountered a problem and needs to shut down" - This error may occur if the system time is not set correctly, if the basic input/output system (BIOS) time is not set correctly, or both" ... and it shows a few steps to fix the problem. "Windows Media Player Has Encountered a Problem" Error Message When You Try to Start Windows Media Player
  18. Oh how I would love to do this!! Have leapt out of planes but it can't hold a candle to being able to soar like an Eagle - wow! http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=1778399 Forgot ... just click once anywhere on the first photo on screen and video will start
  19. Congratulations Match! Preparing for a wedding can be a tad hard on the nerves as well as a drain on the wallet - but it's worth it as surely that special day in May will be wonderful for both you and your loved lady. I'm an incurable romantic so please please post some wedding photos! :) I've been legally married 30 years today - to the most precious man and as corny as it likely sounds, we are still as madly in love as we were oh so long ago when we first fell in love.
  20. Thanks for the lovely wishes, Wolfeymole and beeceebee ... and I burst into delighted laughter reading your verse, Plastic Nev - so funny and wonderful!! It's not Valentine's here until tomorrow but it's a doubly-special day for me as it's also my Wedding Anniversary - yipee!
  21. I don't know the name of the villain responsible for the below either: (Quote from article at above site): "Arbor Networks said as many as 12 million computers could be affected globally by Conficker/Downadup since it began prowling the web looking for vulnerable machines to infect in October". (Unquote) ...but I hope the reward leads to his/her being found and charged. I can never quite get my mind around 'why' people do these vicious things - perhaps they just have a brain wired for sadism.
  22. With the huge time differences between so many of us, thought I'd send my happiest wishes now ...
  23. Thank you both Dalo and Dirty Polo - being 'late' doesn't matter a bit, especially since it's always the thought than counts rather than a day itself. Thank you, thank you! :)
  24. I honestly can't imagine the horror. My most sincere and kindest thoughts are heading across the thousands of miles and I'm just so, so sorry this is happening to your wonderful people and beautiful Country. Gentle hugs.
  25. And I thank you both so very much as well - how wonderful to read these messages and find these gifts waiting - they honestly do make my heart smile, kind ones.
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