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  1. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Early Windows 7 code coming at PDC SearchWinIT.com - 13 minutes ago According to a blog by Mike Swanson, a technical evangelist at Microsoft, Windows 7 will be a major topic of discussion at the event. ... More...
  2. It looks like Microsoft is going strong on tying loose ends with Windows Vista. I have previously reported how so many users are so mad because Windows Vista Ultimate has nothing more to offer than its lower versions particularly Windows Extras because Microsoft didn’t actually provide extras.Microsoft has just released two extras in April (at [...] More...
  3. Windows 7 Hits Milestone 3; Feels Like Vista (Toms Hardware)Secret Windows 7 screens leaked? (The Register)Vista Tweaks, Tips To Be Used As Mind-Jogger (Vista Tweaks)Share This More...
  4. Discover Microsoft's latest mouse, the Arc Mouse, in this new hands-on photo gallery! More...
  5. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Is Windows 7 slimming down to speed up (development)? BetaNews - 13 hours ago After the five-year mission that was the development and launch of Windows Vista, Microsoft's hinting at simplifying matters for Windows 7 -- unbundling ... Windows Live team confirms Win7 to replace subsystems with services ZDNet Blogs all 2 news articles More...
  6. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Windows 7 Hits Milestone 3; Feels Like Vista Tom's Hardware Guide, CA - 3 minutes ago According to this blog over on ZDNet, Windows 7 does not “look or feel like a major departure from Windows Vista.” Users who initially dreaded the Vista ... More...
  7. The latest Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) release, ACT 5.0.5428.1080 is publicly available and can be downloaded here. To give you some background, ACT helps customers understand their application compatibility situation by helping identify which applications are compatible with Vista, IE7, and IE8 and which require further testing. ACT allows compatibility data to be uploaded from individual machines to a central location for analysis, grouping and reporting. Once an issue has been identified, help will be available on how to resolve a particular issue or create a workaround. Furthermore, partners and customers using ACT are able to post comments to the Online Application Community, where they can share data and information about application compatibility testing. The IE components of ACT are: Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool (IECTT). The IECTT helps identify your Web-based issues, shows your results in real time, and allows you to upload and view the data in the Application Compatibility Manager (ACM), a part of the ACT toolkit. As you test your application or site, the IECTT records events in real time when compatibility issues occur. For instance, if one of your sites injects JavaScript to another site and the IE8 Cross-site scripting (XSS) filter detects this as a reflection attack, a Cross-Site Scripting Filter event would be logged in the IECTT UI. Internet Explorer Compatibility Evaluators (IECE). The IECE can be deployed within an enterprise and will help identify Web-based issues in the background. As you test your application or site, the IECE records events in the background as they occur. You will be able to view the logged events in the ACM after you upload them. Overall, these tools help customers lower their costs for application compatibility testing, prioritize their applications, and deploy Internet Explorer more quickly. The work flow for identifying application compatibility issues before rolling out a new version of IE8 is shown below: http://ieblog.members.winisp.net/images/ACT%20Workflow.png Install the latest version of ACT and IE8. Either deploy the IECE to a body of testers or use the IECTT and enable logging. Begin a regression test pass of all line of business applications and sites. Once a compatibility event has been encountered, diagnose the problem and create a suitable workaround or fix. New Application Compatibility Events added in IE8 We added logging for twelve new Application Compatibility Events in IE8, as shown in the table below. Including the IE7 events, we now currently log 31 compatibility events. The Internet Explorer Compatibility article contains more information on these events. New IE8 Event Name Event IDCross-Site Scripting Filter1046Intranet at Medium Integrity Level1047DEP/NX Crash Recovery1048Standards Mode1049File Name Restriction1056Codepage Sniffing1058AJAX Navigation1059Application Protocol1061Windows Reuse Navigation Restriction1062MIME Sniffing Restrictions - no IMAGE elevation to HTML 1064Web Proxy Error Handling Changes 1065Certificate Filtering1073Internet Explorer Application Compatibility article In the past, we noticed that the ACT tool helped identify the compatibility issues that occur in a line of business application or website, however, the tool itself did not provide any guidance for remediation. In IE8, we are providing a resource that gives exactly that information. The article is linked directly in the IECTT logged message or is directly available here. The article covers the following topics for all IE7 and IE8 compatibility events: Logged Message – This is a copy of the event description that you’ll see in the Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool. What is it? – This is an elaboration of the logged message explaining what the event is. Additional references are provided when available. When is this event logged? – This is a short description of what has to happen in your Web page for this event to be logged in the Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool. Example – Most events include examples that demonstrate how to make the corresponding event create a log entry in the Internet Explorer Compatibility Test Tool. These examples help make the description of the event more concrete. Remediation – Guidance on what you can do to eliminate the incompatibility from your Web site. We will be adding additional examples and remediation to this article before the final IE8 release. As you can see, we refined our Application Compatibility logging in IE8 and have provided a useful resource in the IE Application Compatibility article. We look forward to you trying it out and giving us feedback in the IE newsgroups. Jatinder Mann Program Manager http://blogs.msdn.com/aggbug.aspx?PostID=8958306 More...
  8. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> A Linux zealot examines Microsoft Vista Tectonic, South Africa - 20 minutes ago So I thought it would be interesting for the open source crowd to get my initial reaction to my explorations with Windows Vista. ... More...
  9. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=Tlrzo3hfggMJ&imgurl=images.theage.com.au/ftage/ffximage/2008/09/24/pc1_wideweb__470x366,0.jpg width=80 height=62 alt="" border=1> The Age <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> 'I'm a PC' made on a Mac Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 1 hour ago The revelation is ironic because the ads are part of a broader $300 million campaign designed to spruce up Windows Vista's image and tout the PC's ... The Microsoft Saga - Dropping Seinfeld and going back to the old. AdLand all 28 news articles More...
  10. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=HYKRkECr0MkJ&imgurl=www.smh.com.au/ffximage/2008/09/24/pc1_wideweb__470x366,0.jpg width=80 height=62 alt="" border=1> Sydney Morning Herald <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Mac users make Microsoft ad less than PC Sydney Morning Herald, Australia - 21 minutes ago The revelation is ironic because the ads are part of a broader $300 million campaign designed to spruce up Windows Vista's image and tout the PC's ... More...
  11. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Windows 7: Seven developments you should know about NetworkWorld.com, MA - 8 hours ago What is known beyond the Windows 7 code name is that Microsoft is building the operating system on the Windows Vista code base in order to avoid the sort of ... Is Windows 7 slimming down to speed up (development)? BetaNews all 6 news articles More...
  12. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Is Windows 7 slimming down to speed up (development)? BetaNews - 13 minutes ago After the five-year mission that was the development and launch of Windows Vista, Microsoft's hinting at simplifying matters for Windows 7 -- unbundling ... More...
  13. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Windows 7 Beta Screenshots Leaked Slashdot - 44 minutes ago This means if you use Thunderbird, you never have to install Windows Mail (former Outlook Express) anymore. 2) Windows 2008 and Vista SP1 were based on the ... More...
  14. Come visit Microsoft's home of the not so distant future in this tour of the Microsoft Home! More...
  15. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Secret Windows 7 screens leaked Register, UK - 12 minutes ago That is to say, Microsoft appears to be sticking with the same semi-transparent glass-effect graphic interface used in Windows Vista. ... More...
  16. The first Windows Live service to get the Wave 3 treatement is Windows Live Calendar. Check out the new version in this screenshot gallery! More...
  17. Microsoft's new version of Compute Cluster, called Windows HPC Server 2008, is the company's most impressive high-performance computing solution yet! More...
  18. In the first part of an ongoing series about Windows Live Wave 3, I examine Microsoft's broad goals for its new PC, Web, and mobile platform! More...
  19. In the latest episode of the Windows Weekly podcast, Leo and I discuss Windows 7 M3, Zune 3, Windows Live Wave 3, and more! More...
  20. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Windows 7: Seven developments you should know about NetworkWorld.com, MA - 7 minutes ago What is known beyond the Windows 7 code name is that Microsoft is building the operating system on the Windows Vista code base in order to avoid the sort of ... More...
  21. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Windows 7 beta screenshots leaked VNUNet.com, UK - Sep 22, 2008 Screenshots of what is said to be the next version of Microsoft's Windows operating system have been leaked onto the internet. The ThinkNext.net blog posted ... Is Microsoft set to roll out Windows 7? I.T. Vibe all 3 news articles More...
  22. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=IIJS6BIWlIUJ&imgurl=www.itproportal.com/media/images/155/photo-magnifying-glass-.jpg width=80 height=80 alt="" border=1> ITProPortal <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> More Windows 7 Pics Appear On The Web with Embellished Paint and ... ITProPortal, UK - 23 hours ago Chinese Blog Thinknext has published pictures of Windows 7 M3 Build 6780 - with videos to come next - which, at least for now, resembles more Windows Vista ... Leaked screenshots suggest Windows 7 looks like Vista Inquirer Windows 7 beta shots leaked Absolute Gadget Windows 7 Leaking Like Crazy IT PRO all 6 news articles More...
  23. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Windows 7 beta screenshots leaked VNUNet.com, UK - Sep 22, 2008 Screenshots of what is said to be the next version of Microsoft's Windows operating system have been leaked onto the internet. The ThinkNext.net blog posted ... More...
  24. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> One Month with Windows Vista ZDNet - 14 minutes ago Have you too “begrudgingly” accepted Windows Vista? Talk Back and let me know. Disclaimer: The postings and opinions on this blog are my own and don’t ... More...
  25. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> IT Dojo video: Run UAC restricted programs without the UAC prompt ZDNet - 28 minutes ago Windows Vista’s User Account Control (or UAC) was designed to improve security. But, when you’re running Vista with anything other than administrator the ... More...
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