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  1. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Mozilla updates new browser VNUNet.com, UK - 19 minutes ago ... the ability to drag and drop tabs between different windows and better integration with Microsoft’s Aero interface that is found in Vista. ... More...
  2. We’ve been sharing plenty about the work we’ve done in Internet Explorer 8 Beta 2 for browser users; we also want to share some of the notable advances we’ve made in the web developer platform in Beta 2. This post serves as an overview of the web platform changes since beta 1 that will be covered in more detail in the coming days and weeks. The Layout Engine First and foremost, we’ve been hard at work improving our standards support – we are now “CSS2.1 property complete,” meaning we’ve implemented every property in CSS 2.1 and are closing in on our goal of complete support for the CSS 2.1 specification by the time we release. This work includes improved support for many existing CSS 2.1 scenarios such as selectors, visual formatting (display, positioning and sizing) and text; significant progress on the features first introduced in Beta 1 such as generated content, counters and outline; and some new and improved features such as the CSS3 writing-mode property (currently behind –ms prefix.) In addition to the standards compliance work we have done, we have contributed more tests for the CSS 2.1 Test Suite including tests in support of the Accessibility Rich Internet Applications (WAI – ARIA) draft standard. The Programmability Engine We’ve also been improving our programmability engine. In addition to working on performance gains across the entire programmability stack, including in the core JavaScript engine, we’ve implemented mutability in our Document Object Model prototypes as well as attribute getters and setters in order to enable web developers and framework builders to extend our object model. We’ve continued our Beta 1 investments in cross-domain requests (XDR) by working together with the Web Applications Working Group on improving the Access Control specification, and supporting it from XDR. This makes building interoperable cross-domain requests easier for everyone! Additionally, we updated our DOM Storage implementation to better align with the recent rounds of changes to the HTML 5.0 spec, especially in the localstorage method. Last, but not least, we’ve added toSafeHTML/toJSON/fromJSON which is a set of code that sanitizes HTML and JSON content sent through the wire. It’s a great partner to the XDR (cross domain request) feature as well as HTML 5.0’s XDM (Cross Document Messaging) and delivers safer mashups to the user! Developer Tools While Beta 1 introduced the tools and provided helpful features like live HTML editing and a JScript debugger, Beta 2 is significantly more powerful with live editing of CSS, save to file, and console.log support. And because you need to make sure your site is not just correct, but fast, Beta 2 also includes a JScript profiler to help you find hotspots and compare design patterns. We’d love feedback on the tool and suggestions on ways to make it even more helpful. In Closing… With all the posts about the great things for the people who use the web with Beta 2, we wanted to remind those of you who build the web about the great opportunities you have to give visitors to your sites a fabulous experience. Moreover, we wanted to make sure that you developers had a reference (Internet Explorer Readiness Toolkit) checklist to vet against so your visitors to your site have a good experience as you ponder how to make it great with IE8. As always, you can find more information at the IE Development Center, http://msdn.microsoft.com/ie. Thanks, Doug Stamper Lead Program Manager Developer Experience http://blogs.msdn.com/aggbug.aspx?PostID=8934185 More...
  3. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Stupid Chrome bug: Why I’m switching back to Firefox Computerworld, MA - 16 minutes ago I remember when Google Desktop Search was first released and it made my PC unusable - I had to reinstall Windows XP. As I said before, this beta is pretty ... More...
  4. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Living With NAC - A Report From The .EDU Trenches InformationWeek, NY - 28 minutes ago Unfortunately StillSecure didn't support inspecting Macintosh or Windows Vista computers and by the fall of 2007 we expected these to make up a substantial ... More...
  5. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> What could Microsoft bring to the PC hardware business? ZDNet - 4 minutes ago Also, let’s not forget Microsoft epic fail when it came to the “Windows Vista Capable” program which was supposed to make sure that PCs sold with XP would ... More...
  6. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Real gets into the DVD ripping business BetaNews - 8 minutes ago A version is available for Windows XP and Vista, where additional licenses can be purchased for $20. Real said it is working on a version of the client for ... More...
  7. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=r-Wcer_yDAMJ&imgurl=s.wsj.net/public/resources/images/OB-CG767_advert_D_20080907231000.jpg width=80 height=53 alt="" border=1> Wall Street Journal <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Geeky Gates joins deadpan Seinfeld to save Windows Vista from ... Economic Times, India - Sep 6, 2008 The 160 millon-pound campaign is aimed at combating the public's perception that the company's latest PC operating system Windows Vista is hard to use ... Microsoft Starts Windows Ad Campaign, With Nod to Shareholders Redmondmag.com Updated: Seinfeld Makes His Microsoft Debut Adweek Forget Seinfeld. Can Windows gurus help the Windows brand? ZDNet The Associated Press - myFOXlubbock.com all 638 news articles More...
  8. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Microsoft Starts Windows Ad Campaign, With Nod to Shareholders Redmondmag.com, CA - 13 minutes ago It didn't specifically mention the company's flagship Windows Vista operating system. Seinfeld reportedly is getting paid $10 million for the series of ads. ... More...
  9. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=JTCDGmRBcQUJ&imgurl=cache.boston.com/resize/bonzai-fba/Globe_Photo/2008/09/07/1220841157_4565/539w.jpg width=80 height=79 alt="" border=1> Boston Globe <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> IE8 is praised but doubts over compliance remain Small Business, Ireland - 28 minutes ago To aid IT departments, IE8 can be "slipstreamed" into Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008 rather than being installed separately, while new group policy ... Video: Tech Test: Google Chrome Lacks Polish AssociatedPress Google's Chrome Officially SOL all 376 news articles More...
  10. I had a chance to catch up with "The Mojave Experiment" outside of the Best Buy in Lynnwood, Washington this weekend! More...
  11. In the latest installment of the SuperSite Switcher Guide, I look at moving from iTunes on the Mac to iTunes on the PC! More...
  12. In the latest episode of the Windows Weekly podcast, Leo and I discuss Google Chrome, set-top boxes, an Xbox 360 price cut, Picasa updates, and more! More...
  13. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=-SN6bGuvfPAJ&imgurl=media3.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/photo/2008/09/05/PH2008090502154.jpg width=60 height=80 alt="" border=1> Washington Post <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Updated: Seinfeld Makes His Microsoft Debut Adweek, NY - Sep 5, 2008 There's no overt sales pitch for specific Microsoft products like the oft-maligned Windows Vista operating system, though the company's logo does appear ... New Seinfeld Ad Draws Negative Reviews Online myFOXlubbock.com New Seinfeld ad draws negative reviews online The Associated Press Forget Seinfeld. Can Windows gurus help the Windows brand? ZDNet DaniWeb - Metro all 499 news articles More...
  14. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> HP: We Don't Need No Stinkin' Vista DaniWeb, VA - 8 minutes ago With Microsoft and Windows Vista, such is not the case, and Hewlett-Packard isn't taking it lying down. HP, the world's number one PC supplier in terms of ... More...
  15. This looks to be an awesome commercial featuring Bill Gates and Seinfeld. The campaign has started.To note, as I have previously written; go and vote for Windows Vista Weblog here.Share This More...
  16. I found this via flickr and talk about Microsoft wanting to be seen as a cool company particularly Windows Vista, this looks to be really sparkling cool.Found this via flickr.To note, as I have previously written; go and vote for Windows Vista Weblog here.Share This More...
  17. Bill Gates is shifting to a new career — hollywood style. Look at the photo of a limited edition of Windows Vista Bill Gates Signature Series.Photo found here.To note, as I have previously written; go and vote for Windows Vista Weblog here.Share This More...
  18. This is a colorful and beautiful wallpaper of Windows Vista. Found it here.To note, as I have previously written; go and vote for Windows Vista Weblog here.Share This More...
  19. Cartoons is the trend right now. Heard of the chrome cartoon? Anyways, above is a funny cartoons of Windows Vista.Found it here.To note, as I have previously written; go and vote for Windows Vista Weblog here.Share This More...
  20. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=RChvBMhA_O4J&imgurl=www.sciam.com/media/externalnews/2008-09-05T010842Z_01_NOOTR_RTRIDSP_2_TECH-MICROSOFT-MARKETING-DC.jpg width=80 height=52 alt="" border=1> Scientific American <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Geeky Gates joins deadpan Seinfeld to save Windows Vista from ... Thaindian.com, Thailand - 30 minutes ago The 160millon-pound campaign is aimed at combating the publics perception that the companys latest PC operating system Windows Vista is hard to use compared ... Updated: Seinfeld Makes His Microsoft Debut Adweek New Seinfeld ad draws negative reviews online The Associated Press Forget Seinfeld. Can Windows gurus help the Windows brand? ZDNet DaniWeb - Metro all 447 news articles More...
  21. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Seinfeld and Microsoft: A Commercial About Nothing DaniWeb, VA - 19 minutes ago And certainly something other than Vista. The series of ads, of which yesterday's was the first, is "designed to spark a conversation about the Windows ... More...
  22. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Weekend open forum: Windows 7 target to boot in under 15 seconds TechSpot - 6 hours ago The blog post details some of the under the hood tasks needed on boot and some of the challenges that have prevented Vista (for example) from cutting down ... More...
  23. Join members of the Internet Explorer team for an Expert Zone chat next Thursday, September 11th at 10.00 PDT/17.00 UTC. These chats are a great opportunity to have your questions answered by members of the IE product team. Thank you to all who have attended the chats to date! If you can’t join us online, all chat transcripts are published here. Hope you can join us on Thursday for our first chat sine IE8 Beta 2 released! Kristen Kibble Program Manager P.S. Upcoming IE chat dates are posted here. http://blogs.msdn.com/aggbug.aspx?PostID=8926700 More...
  24. <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Microsoft considering splitting Windows Home Server in two Ars Technica, MA - 43 minutes ago ... Server Console and that the Windows Home Server Connector software can only be installed on up to 10 home computers running Windows XP or Windows Vista. ... More...
  25. <img src=http://news.google.com/news?imgefp=5WodasapDNYJ&imgurl=media.arstechnica.com/journals/microsoft.media/windows_7.jpg width=80 height=38 alt="" border=1> Ars Technica <img alt="" height="1" width="1"> Don't get hopes up, 15s Windows 7 boot time is just a goal Ars Technica, MA - 22 minutes ago Last week, Michael Fortin, who leads the Fundamentals feature team that is Windows 7's Core Operating System group, made a post on the E7 blog that detailed ... More...
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