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Everything posted by his_holiness

  1. I'm trying to build an MS Query in Excel using the wizard and want to filter the results based on one value being contained in any record. I can set a query where the parameter is fixed (ie the field value equals exactly the parameter value), but want to pick up all fields containing the value of the parameter (eg set parameter to test and want results from the field with values such as "test", "test1", test_uat1" etc etc. Can someone tell me the syntax to put in the criteria fields of the MS query wizard? I have tried : like '%' & [order] & '%' but get an error message. A bit stuck now..... thanks in advance
  2. Thanks for the reply Dalo, I think I should expand on my previous example. I have several folders (lets say "level 1") under one parent folder and each of these folders contains 4 more folders ("Level 2")which are commonly named. I am interested in getting all of the *.jpg files under a commonly named folder called "pictures" from each of these level 2 folders and copying them to a single folder, however the other commonly named folders on level 2 also contain jpg files so it is not as easy as me running a copy *.jpg command. I do not have a windows based tool to my knowledge which would allow me to provide this trick (I am running XP) so I had just wondered if I could be smart within DOS to do it for me. If not maybe you know of a Windows utility built into XP which can do this? Thanks!
  3. Hi, Can someone help me with a Dos command? I want to copy a number of files from a number of subdirectories within a common folder where the subdirectories have the same name to a new location. eg computer\information\Friends\Phonenumbers\ and then computer\information\family\Phonenumbers , etc etc Can I use xcopy or some other DOS command to call all files from the directories called (in the example) "Phonenumbers" to another location using one command line? Thanks in advance for any help!
  4. Hi, Hope someone can help me out with this question. I will be installing Windows 7 on my laptop soon to finally banish some infernal issues I have with Vista, and I want to install Microsoft Office so assume I need the 2007 version. However I am a little confused as to which package(s) to buy. The Office 2007 standard edition has what I need (Excel, Word, Powerpoint & Outlook) and costs over £250, but I can get the Home edition (Excel, Word & Powerpoint + One note) for around £55 and then purchase Outlook seperately for around £80 therefore saving myself a lot of money. Am I missing a point here , eg is there something missing from the indivisual software versions supplied with the "Home" package vs the "Standard" package, or is this just some peculiar pricing structure from MS? Thanks in advance for any advice.
  5. Dalo, I have got the Vista disk supplied by Evesham. However when the MS guy tried to talk me through installing Vista over itself (not sure if this was correct) we got the error message about tbs.dll, and cancelled the installation. Maybe you can tell me where I can find the "repair" section on the laptop, since I am not sure where to look (control panel somewhere or something more specific?) Tootech, Thanks for the advice, maybe I will avoid this for now. As you know talking to the vendor is proving to be difficult since they have gone bust! Seth, If you can explain to me how to get my error report in a text format then there is no reason I cannot do this. Right now I have a list of items in the "problems / solutions" window of Vista which I cannot copy and paste, and there are alot of issue here. Thanks again all.
  6. Well, one of the problems I am experiencing is that I am unable to install SP1 for Vista. I have spent around 4 hours on the phone this week with the MS helpdesk who have talked me through renaming directories related to Windows update, Disabling potential hardware which could cause issues and removed all of my Antivirus guard etc etc (even downloading the update to my desktop it does not run without error.) . They concluded that there was an issue with my installation of Vista and that I should contact my manufacturer to get it repaired (see earlier part of this thread as to why this is not so straight forward.....). I found the Vista installation disk supplied with the computer, and when we looked at it there was no repair option in the contents so MSHD told me to try and re-run the set up. At this point the install wizard came up with an error message saying that tbs.dll was faulty / corrupt and that I should contact my manufacturer to resolve (again see earlier piece of thread.......) I am now currently unable to update to SP1 (I believe that I should although it will not kill my computer if I do not) but I am now looking for answers as to why and the BIOS upgrade was one of few things suggested by the solutions centre which I could not manage due to my lack of general PC skills. Hope this helps to clear things up a little?
  7. Dalo, thanks again. Looking harder at the report generated by Belarc, it says the system board (I assume this is the MOBO) is made by "Clevo Co." and has a model number of M570U, which appears to exist on CLEVO.COM website. Does this mean anything to you? I could not personally list all MOBO manufacturers and for example know about ASUS, but have never heard of GIGABYTE (as I said, I am not clued up in the hardware field.) Should I maybe contact them?
  8. Wolfeymole, Dalo, Thanks for the advice maybe I will pursue this. Given that I am less than optimistic, I have another question on this thread. I have used a tool called Belarc Advisor to run a list of all the components on my PC, and it tells me that the BIOS is from "Phoenix Technologies" along with some code which I guess relates to the version(??) I took a look at Phoenix.com and looked at their link for BIOS upgrades , which takes you to a site called BIOSAgentplus.com where they you can use their tool for a free BIOS scan and can tell you if you require new BIOS (and drivers I think) along with the relative links to get the updates. Do you know anything about the site, ie can it be trusted or is it case of nothing comes for free...... Sorry if I sound like a doubting Thomas but I have had friends who got their PC's screwed up by liberally downloading things they found on the web.
  9. Wolfeymole, I apologise for the delay in coming back to you, but I have been trying to get in touch with Evesham to follow up with them on the issue. I eventually got an E-mail reply from them stating the following: Dear Customer Regrettably Evesham Technology Limited ceased trading on 3rd August 2007, when the company was placed into administration. Following Evesham?s administration, arrangements were put in place whereby certain Evesham customers were entitled to receive technical support from Totalcare and Support Limited without charge. Whilst free support is no longer available, Total Care and Support still offer support to customers of Evesham Technology Limited (In Administration). Should you wish to receive technical support in relation to your product, please contact Total Care?s technical support team on 0906 200 1002. Calls are charged at £1 per minute and may be recorded or monitored for training and quality purposes. Lines are open 9am - 6pm Monday to Friday Alternatively should you wish to discuss the other support options please contact Total Care;s sales team on 0800 138 8005 (freephone) 9am - 6pm Monday to Friday. Again calls may be recorded or monitored for training and quality purposes. Technical support is no longer available through this e-mail addess. Yours sincerely Totalcare and Support Limited I know that this is not a forum for discussing my legal rights but maybe this is useful for you if anyone else comes in with a problem with Evesham? I will not pursue any further this BIOS issue with you since I think I am possibly chasing an issue that may even not exist (since there is a suggestion that I should not pay too much attention to Windows solutions). I will however be starting a new thread soon on Vista SP1.....watch this space since I think I have more issues based on Evesham not existing any longer.........Thanks for the help!
  10. Thanks Wolfeymole, but I can assure you that the owners are not the same people I bought my PC from and I have tried to call their service centre a couple of times and been told both times I am not covered any more in terms of warranty. I have to log off now but I will come back tomorrow to see if you have any news. Really appreciate the help. Have a good eve!
  11. Mr Wolfeymole: I have not been onto Evesham since when I bought the PC I purchased the extended warrant service to cover me for technical issues for 3 years. In January (??) they went into Administration and the company that took them over phoned me to kindly inform me my extended guarantee was now worth diddly squat and would I like to pay them £x per month to cover me , which frankly I did not. I am therefore not keen to speak with anyone there now since I believe I would be charged, but if this is the only option then so be it.... Mr Tootech: I do not know which one of the many problems reported from my PC this solution refers to. I cannot see any link back to the initial reported problem from teh advised solution. Sorry Thanks Both!!
  12. I only think I do because Vista is suggesting it? My PC is an Evesham laptop model "PC Pro Voyager C720DC". The suggestion was from the Vista "system and Maintenance" area of Control Panel.
  13. Hi, I am not very computer savvy when it comes to computer setup etc (more of an end user of products) and I have a question if someone can help. I use Windows Vista Ultimate and have been looking at the "Problems Reports and Solutions" piece of System Maintenance. I have a recommendation in here to consider a BIOS upgrade, but I have not idea what to do. The company who I bought my laptop from went into Administration early this year and so I cannot ask them for help. Is it possible to find out what BIOS upgrade I need, and if yes, can someone explain to me what I need to do with it? I assume that you will need certain information about my PC, but rather than me boring you with everything can someone be specific about what is required. I will be eternally grateful Thanks:)
  14. Hi, Just wanted to say hello, I joined the site yesterday and have a few questions although some for my PC (software) and some for my Father in-law's PC (hardware). This is a really useful site, thanks for the help in advance!!
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