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Plastic Nev

in Memory
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Everything posted by Plastic Nev

  1. If you are sure the computer is sending the audio out, as Tootech suggested it may have to be configured to do so first, then we are back to the TV, the company LG, do have an on line chat service or send E mail within their support, so it may be worth trying that, have a look here- http://www.lge.com/ca_en/support/product/support-product-profile.jsp?customerModelCode=42PC1D-UB&matchedModelCode=&searchEngineModelCode=42PC1D-UB&initialTab=documents&targetPage=support-product-profile I have looked around that site but cannot seem to find a manual for that TV, have you had a look in the manual yourself? Is there anything in it mentioning those inputs regarding sound?
  2. This is important, your mouse may need to be calibrated and could eventually lead to everything it does shifting over to one side. To calibrate it a very simple solution is follow everything below. Below are the letters "Y" and "G" in the colour red, simply click on the letter "Y" and drag it across to the letter "G". YOU SILLY PERSON, YOU WILL BELIEVE ANYTHING
  3. Hi and welcome back. You certainly are having problems with that one, so far you appear to have done the right things though. So if you can follow this, and hopefully get it on the machine it will help. I must be fare though it may be a day or two before Chiaz can get to you. Please download the latest version of HijackThis from Trend Micro and save it to your desktop. Download HJTInstall.exe to your desktop. Doubleclick HJTInstall.exe to install HijackThis. By default it will install to C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\HijackThis . Click on Install. It will create a HijackThis icon on the desktop. Once installed, it will launch Hijackthis. Click on the Do a system scan and save a logfile button. It will scan and the log should open in Notepad. Include this log in your next reply. Notes: Do not use the AnalyseThis button, its findings are dangerous if misinterpreted. Do not have Hijackthis fix anything yet. Most of what it finds will be harmless, or required for your computer to run like it should.
  4. Hi, being no expert, but do a bit of video editing myself and find problems with my poor set up, I suggest you look at dual core processing or higher, plus a board that will support the maximum RAM the operating system can use. You mention games as well so for future expansion you will need perhaps a decent graphics card so PCI Express is the latest type of port needed on the MB as well. Please do bear in mind you will have problems with the operating system if retaining the original hard drive and OS. It will see a new environment and refuse to boot. In this case, considering this is an upgrade and not a repair replacement of the motherboard, Windows licensing conditions state that as far as they are concerned, a new motherboard is a new computer, and therefore a new operating system must also be installed with the old one deleted. Sorry about that bit of bad news, but you do need to consider the extra costs involved in order to remain strictly legal. Nev.
  5. Hi Shorttyler, and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. As you can see I deleted your E Mail address for your safety and privacy. Various spam bots can harvest that address and then overload you with spam. I hope you understand. The advice given by Tootech is about the same I would have given, and unless there is a nearby computer spares shop selling similar equipment that you can go and pick up in person, that is the best option. Nev.
  6. Hi ant. Is it both HDMI at the laptop and TV or are you using some form of adapter at the TV end of the lead? I have seen this problem previously and in that case there appeared to be no sound support at the TV end, so a separate sound cable had to be used in the end. If there is a HDMI socket on the TV, check the TV manual that it does have full support for it including the sound. I looked up your PC the TJ65 and according to the manufacturers site everything should be OK at that end, so I suspect the problem is the TV. Nev.
  7. You could also follow the suggestion from Seamus and install Firefox. In most peoples opinion Firefox is a much better browser. Have a look at their site first and decide if you want to try. You will be pleasantly surprised I hope. Mozilla | Firefox web browser & Thunderbird email client
  8. Hi Tootech, thanks. I only saw the spec after writing in a hurry first, hence the edit about checking batteries. From the pictures I saw it looks a bit awesome to dismantle.
  9. Two concerns to finish this off if you come back to look. Whatever caused the track to burn in the first place is not known and could happen again. Secondly, if it does and you need to replace the mother board, or decide to replace it anyway. If exactly the same type and make of motherboard is not available and you have to use a different one, please be aware that when you first try turning on with the new board in, Windows will quite likely see it as a new environment and refuse to start. If that does happen it will need a "repair" of Windows to be done, please get back to us if that is the case. Nev
  10. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. Unfortunately if your keyboard and mouse are both USB, you will not be able to get into much, you need a PS2 connection for the keyboard at least to get into the BIOS, can you get hold of either a USB to PS2 adapter or borrow a keyboard that can connect to the PS2 port. presuming it has one. if we can get into BIOS or Safemode we can perhaps advise further. Edited to add, I have only now looked at your machine, is the keyboard wireless? if so have you either replaced or recharged the batteries in both the keyboard and mouse? Nev.
  11. OK Straggler mate I think it is just down to the fact you only have 1GB of RAM fitted. However I see you have Skype installed, have you made sure that is turned off as that may be using resources at the same time. I can give you a link to Crucial.com which is a service that can scan your computer and both find what RAM is already fitted, and also recommend what type and how big of extra RAM that can be fitted to improve things for you, The link is- RAM Memory Upgrade: Dell, Mac, Apple, HP, Compaq. USB drives, flash cards, SSD at Crucial.com You will need to be using Internet explorer for the link to connect directly and scan. If using a different browser such as Firefox you will have to download the program first to run it. As you say your connection is poor I hope the service can scan OK for you. As far as buying and then fitting the extra RAM I believe there is a good tutorial on the crucial site for most makes of computer, however if you decide to go that rout and not sure how to proceed, don't hesitate to ask again. Nev.
  12. Hi Alan and Polly, Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Can you tell us what make and model your computer is please as those beeps are a code as to what could be wrong, I suspect RAM, but may not be, as each manufacturer has different codes for faults, hence why we need to know. Nev.
  13. Hi Melanie, do you have any restore disk or disks for this laptop as they may be needed. I will hope someone with a bit more knowledge on this can be along soon as it is a bit out of my field. However I think this may be a hard drive failure. Nev.
  14. Well thanks for the feedback and you must have better eyes and patience than me. Congrats on getting it working, but it is not something we normally recommend as solder can too easily bridge over to another connection causing a short circuit. however I would be recommending you do look round for another motherboard as the original cause of the burn out is unknown and could arise again. Nev.
  15. Hi MLM and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. Normally these days you can make recovery disks for restoration of your operating system, the instructions for which are different to each manufacturer in some cases, but should have come with your computer. If no instructions are available but that is the sort of disk you are meaning, then can you tell us the make and model of your computer so we can research it for you. As far as buying a copy of Windows 7, you can obtain one directly from Microsoft or reputable dealers. However you will be paying the full price for either an OEM version, which is really meant for computer builders, or the full version which is quite expensive. When you already have it and just need to make the recovery disks, why spend extra money. Nev.
  16. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help, Have you clicked the yes and allowed it to install the version of Flashplayer needed? If so what happens then. Nev.
  17. It could still be down to not enough RAM, if less than 500Mb then definitely the reason though the minimum fitted is 1GB but only on those with Linux installed, do you know how much you have in it? Also which model is it, if it is the FF009AA it should have 2GB so there may just be a fault in the memory fitted. you could try a memory test have a look here- http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/memory-issues/7172-memtest86-run.html If that comes up as all OK, there may be something running that either shouldn't be or there could be some software conflict using up resources. let us know how you get on, plus also what security programs you have. Nev.
  18. Hi, it just might be a RAM error, how much RAM does it have? and if more than one stick in, try removing one and try again, if no different, put it back and remove the other. If only one stick then I would try a memory test. Have a look here- http://extremetechsupport.com/forum/memory-issues/7172-memtest86-run.html If there is something wrong with the RAM it could account for the very slow processing speeds. Nev.
  19. Hi Dave, if you can totally remove AVG while in safe mode then do it, once done make sure Avast is running. It just may be the the AVG and Avast conflicting right from start up that is creating the freeze up. it is because two anti-virus programs trying to run at the same time will conflict is the reason for the recommendation for not having two anti-virus products together. Nev.
  20. Hi, which browser are you using? Internet explorer or Firefox, or other? It may be a setting in the browser rather than the printer. Nev.
  21. I will say a definite no to that idea Kev Windows operating systems are not transferable under licence conditions in any case, but practically I doubt it would work or that you could copy it over, not to mention the fact it wouldn't validate. Some Macs will allow an installation of Windows, but that must be done from a new disk. You will need to find out if it is one of the Macs that windows can be installed on from Mac themselves. Nev.
  22. Well I also am startled that you managed that, knowing the compact nature of a motherboard. I have in the past repaired burnt tracks with soldered in copper wire, but on printed circuit cards of much larger construction for machine controllers. In other words, where I had room on the card to play with. The last one, some years ago now, was a speed control card for a golf trolley:D The main power transistor had overheated, blown, then burnt the track out, it meant replacing the transistor and track, luckily nothing else had blown. But that isn't a computer mother board. Nev.
  23. I will back up Tootech on this, I do a lot of home video and found I needed more RAM on an XP system to get good results, not just in the picture side but also sound as well, so if you can afford it get two sticks of 2GB., otherwise for now one 2GB will be enough for reasonable results. you only need better graphics cards if doing a lot of high end game playing, for ordinary video playback, keep your cash in your pocket. Nev.
  24. I think Dalo has the answer in the file storage system, try changing it to FAT only if possible, it will of course limit the size of each file though as FAT can't handle large file sizes. Next is to try NTFS if FAT isn't recognised.
  25. Hi, for my two pence worth, I intend buying a new machine in the new year, mainly for the higher processing speeds given by the newer machines with dual or quad core processing. Each core doesn't run that fast, but can process more in the same time so appear to run faster. It is the ability to process more data over a given time that will be important for me as recently I have been doing quite a bit with a video camera. I personally see that a separate graphics card may not be all that beneficial even for that work. So may buy a manufactured machine rather than do a build, however I am not ruling that out yet. Nev.
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