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Everything posted by iwillbekingin2030

  1. sure it's cool (and confusing to use) but what's the point. Why would i want to create a task that opens IE7 at a specified time (that was only one example of it's glorious abilities). is it really that time consuming to open IE manually. So lets do a poll. The only thing i schedule is virus scans (and i do that through my scanning software) a. it's cool, and has many uses b. it's cool, completely pointless c. what is task scheduler? d. on the fence i vote: B, cool but pointless (at least for my purposes)
  2. Here (In Your Arms) - Hellogoodbye Here In Your Arms - Hellogoodbye - Zombies! Vampires! Aliens! Dinosaurs!: Hellogoodbye - Here In Your Arms - Free MP3 Stream on IMEEM Music heard it the other day and it got stuck in my head so i figured i give-er a listen again maybe even learn some of the words as i suspect it'll be awhile before it leaves my brain.:p
  3. Wowsa those people must really want to get to work. :p
  4. Okay....that makes sense. thanks. i will consider maybe upgrading in the future. and perhaps paying more attention to system requirements.lol.
  5. re starting to get the hang of it. got it reveresed like i wanted. ty for all the help. :)
  6. Sorta Helped...i just need time that sorta helped. i now have named most of my buttons. but the actions are still the same. i don't really understand what i'm doing. and the tutorials section of the program is not helpful. I play around with it and figure out what i'm actually doing. ty for helpful link. :)
  7. Please Tell Me It's Not. Is it maybe my graphics card? I don't know anything about them. Please tell me it's not.lol. "256mb ATI Radeon X1300 PRO" Other System Stats: Intel ® Core2 CPU 6300 @1.86GHz 1.86Ghz 2.00GB RAM Full Windows Experience Index Ratings: Processor 4.9 Memory(RAM) 5.5 Graphics 4.7 Gaming Graphics 4.2 Primary Hard Disk 5.7
  8. I put in +r_width 400+r_height 300 but It just ran Halo 2 in the last resolution i had it set to, which was 1024x768 windowed.
  9. Basically Same Thing As X-Controller Program You Suggested. i just found out my controller came with a software for changing configurations...but i can't figure out how to make it do what i want...here's a screen shot with the buttons i need to switch mapped out. I need to Switch button 11 with D-Pad. http://www.imagechicken.com/uploads/1234135500001872400.jpg
  10. hmm i have run it at 1024x768 windowed and fullscreen i have run it at 800x600 windowed and fullscreen i normally run at 800x600 fullscreen it makes no difference. i have also tried turning down quality and extra things like that. i will try the 400x300 thingy you suggested. ty
  11. Be-lated Happy B-day Mara. :D Belated Happy B-Day Mara. :D [YOUTUBE]z-ZjvY39RlQ[/YOUTUBE]
  12. I have halo 2 and i have a logitech game controller (not an xbox controller). It works fine, except on my controller joystick 2 and the flat pad joystick are in reversed postions. And halo 2 doesn't allow switching between the two in any of the available controller configs. So i currently use joystick 1 to move and the flatpad to look left, right, up, down. Which is really hard. I want to use second joystick for that instead. Is their anyway to do this?? http://www.use.com/media/2009/0208/84334/o_001.jpg
  13. I usually join small games. I usually try and join smaller games...because it does play alittle smoother. but it still laggs. I find it laggs the least if i drive the warthog as compared to walking (if that makes any sense).
  14. this thread is awesome. http://009.web-fun.net/forum/download/file.php?avatar=447.gif i thought this was not only funny...but very well done.:p Lol @ tricylcle
  15. this one made me laugh. http://img275.imageshack.us/img275/3227/lolboxww1.gif
  16. What's the best album Pics and Cd Covers! All From Amazon.com to avoid legal issues. And to save rooom I tried scaling them down when i posted...but i didn't work sadly http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51RPXVW03GL._SS500_.jpg Underoath - We're Only Chasing Safety http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51PMYM2K1NL._SS500_.jpg Harry Potter 3 Soundtrack - John Williams http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/61411AR8J7L._SS500_.jpg Come Clarity - In Flames http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B00005V8VX.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg Matthew Good Band - Audio Of Being
  17. another addtion, another addtion Running Tonight - The Dirty Secrets (38 Seconds) sorry about bad quality :p The Dirty Secrets - The Dirty Secrets - Running Tonight Mp3 Download
  18. another addition El Manana - Gorillaz (41 seconds) Gorillaz el manana Music Video on IMEEM Video
  19. cute little baby bear and woodchuck. http://www.yemiipics.com/images/baby-polar-bear.jpg fullsize- http://www.yemiipics.com/images/baby-polar-bear.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_6NwSLH0-B0A/Rxb7-hfmMzI/AAAAAAAAAT0/UqHi5BRZ6e8/s320/stihl.jpg fullsize- http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_6NwSLH0-B0A/Rxb7-hfmMzI/AAAAAAAAAT0/UqHi5BRZ6e8/s320/stihl.jpg
  20. i dislike using firefox, but i always use it for freepchelp because otherwise it takes forever to load and slows down my other windows too. but when i use firefox it works like any other site. give it a try. it may help.
  21. Vista Optimization. start/allprograms/accessories/systemtools/defrag start/allprograms/accessories/systemtools/diskcleanup the pre-installed defrager works fine. on my last defrag i free'd up 13 gb's using diskcleanup you can delete cookies, recyclebin files, temporary internet files, thumbnails...i would stay away from the more options tab though.:p
  22. My 2 Cents This probably doesn't apply, but i'll mention it. if u're using a cd-rw for audio cd's that may be why it's garbled at the end of the song...it happens when the discs wear out. When my last one wore out i started getting static throughout all my songs. :p
  23. Tommorrow Morning. Customized counter Cairo Time, just for fun. Countdown To Jan 29, 2009, 12:00am:p
  24. I prefer: "Use That Mind" http://www.use.com/media/2009/0128/81103/o_001.jpg
  25. hmm. thanks for clearing that up for me. :p
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