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Everything posted by iwillbekingin2030

  1. awww :( awww :( , not that this isn't interesting. but when i saw the preview for this topic i though it meant plastic dishes and bottles (my mind is awkward like that) and i got all excited to read about thieves stealing plastic cups...only to find out you meant bank cards and credit cards. lol. I guess i'll make due without it...you have to admit, it would make one brilliant clump of words. :p ps. i didn't mean stealing as in raiding ur trash can (boring :D) , i was thinking more like thieves sneak into your house and steal all the plastic containers, Or your sitting drinking a coke at a cafe and you get up to leave and bump someone then when you get out onto the street u realize your coke bottle is missing. :D
  2. useful freewares some useful free softwares (you may have heard of): audacity - for making audio recordings or editing audio files. http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ :p:p:p:p:p download the add-on pack for extra effects (eg karoke...not sure if i spelled that correctly):p:p:p debut- for making screen recordings http://www.nchsoftware.com/capture/ :p:p:p:p:p both work great...though audacity requires the additional download of the lame encoder to export mp3's, or atleast it used to...that latest version may not. (lame - http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=290&package_id=309&release_id=628063) and debut requires the download of additional codecs to record in those codecs...if u use a codec it doesn't have it will ask if u want to download that codec and then it will automatically download and add. the add-ons for audacity and debut are also free :p
  3. Sigmatel Audio Drivers you can use the dell.ca website. dell.ca scroll down and click downloads and drivers then pick a model then click audio then find one that's sigmatel works well if u have a dell and know ur model if u don't have a dell then find out what dells use the same driver as urs and then search that model example find for a dimension 9200: SIGMATEL STAC 92XX C-Major HD Audio version -, A07 Drivers and Downloads
  4. what kind of stuff can u upload? ex (music from copy protected cd's or is that illegal?)
  5. what do u like most about the holidays (besides family)?
  6. ty all for help. thanks all...none of this was quite what i was looking for...but i appreciate it all the same. I'm no longer in need of a form.
  7. he he he Harry Potter Parody (COMIC RELIEF) - YouTube - Harry Potter Comic Relief
  8. :( yes...but thanks anyways for link. [it doesn't quite cover what i want...and it's way to complex for me]
  9. Re: Linking A Form Come on people...someone must know an online resource that explains it...or personally know how to do it in dreamweaver. I have posted this here and on yahoo answers and no-one will touch the question...i really need to know and all i can find on the web are auto generators that allow people to imput info about themselves and it will send me an email...and that isn't what i want...that doesn't even have a use. I will be making a form (or gettting) in dreamweaver and it will allow users to select a year (on a list of 5 or 10, i haven't decided yet) and when they click go! a new page will open with info specific to the number they selected. i need to know how to make the form open this new page as dreamweaver doesn't have tutorials for that and i can't find the info anywhere on the web when searching. The site will be html...i may use css.
  10. yuppers yes any language is welcome. :)
  11. i want to make a web form and i need to know how to link it...i'm not very technical and i haven't made the form yet but i will be using dreamweaver most likely. The Form will allow users to select their birth year and then when they click go! i want them to go to a new page specific to which box they checked in the form. If anyone on here knows how to do that or knows any sites that explain the linking process in detail for beginners i would appreciate it.:o
  12. ty all ty for the link.
  13. bullets?? i wondered that too...but wouldn't they just bounce off like other matter does? i've never seen that episode with the bullets mentioned above..did the bullets work???
  14. is there anyway to make a playlist in realplayer and have realplayer play through the list without stopping...i've done it before but i can't get it to anymore...if u know just list the steps and i'll try that next time i need to make a playlist. ty in advance ps the playlist is for video.:p
  15. a list of awesome songs (one submit per-person)...i name this list the "TOP 50 SONGS ACCORDING TO FPH" please number ur post so we'll know when we hit 50! use links from youtube, imeem, deezer, and similair sites that allow you to specify the track.:p my submission: 1. Submersed, Divide The Hate: Submersed - Divide the Hate - Free MP3 Stream on IMEEM Music 49 more to go! i checked the rules and it didn't say anything about linking this kind of stuff but i wasn't sure since alot of the stuff on youtube isn't supposed to be.
  16. What is the difference between Auto Desk 3-D Max and Maya??? Curious.:p
  17. list of sites. :pfreewebs.com (50mb) i have used and loved...by far the free website standard for basic site creation. free-space.net (200mb) i was rejected upon application wetpaint (it's a wikisite) haven't tried geocities (i think it's like 15 mb) haven't tried
  18. you may have seen the desktop thread...well this is for vista users...what sidebar gadgets do u have...how many pages do u have?:p mine: Page One - Calendar, Weather icon (NOT MICROSOFTS), Translator, PC Security Status Page Two - Slideshow (FEATURING GARFIELD), and two notepads of important things to remember (BUT I WON"T). i'd upload a picture of it...but i'm too lazy.
  19. cool stuff. cool...:p
  20. Reply - 4 now firefox is working normal again...giving me like 1-4 seconds to load a page??? :confused:
  21. Reply - 3 i just deleted the temporary internet files in firefox and now it runs as slow as internet explorer...but only on this site.
  22. reply yes...i do that regularily. and it doesn't affect other windows...just other tabs. example: i had this site open in one tab (fully loaded) then i opened a new tab and that site loaded as slowly as this one and continued to be even slower...but when i tried the other site in a new window..it was fast as usual.
  23. for anyone who doesn't use virus software and thinks they have a virus...this link may be useful...sorry if i posted in wrong section...i wasn't sure where to post, u can use these to scan ur computer. cheers.:p Free Virus Scan From Symantec: Free Virus Scan - Free Antivirus Software Free Virus Scan From Mcafee: McAfee – Computer Anti-Virus Software and Internet Security For Your PC (PLEASE NOTE, THESE ONLY FIND VIRUSES, THEY DO NOT REMOVE THEM)
  24. good tip good tip...i always just pull things out without doing the safely remove thing.:p
  25. Recycle Bin Renaming - smaller scale alternative i'm not sure if this changes the actual name or just what u see...but if u click on the desktop trash can u can right click it and re-name it to whatever u want...but this is different from what ur doing. :cool:
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