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Everything posted by iwillbekingin2030

  1. 2nd reply i already have three different browsers installed on my pc...but opera looks interesting so i might install it just for fun...thanks for the suggestion.;)
  2. reply i like internet explorer but it takes 15-20 seconds to load any page on the site...firefox loads fast like any other site. :eek:
  3. lol i like the work virus joke...ha ha ha :p "very funny mr scott, now beam down my clothes"
  4. wow..so many phobias..lol i'm afraid of spiders, creepy people, and being forcefed mushrooms by a large rogue sumo-wrestler. :p
  5. Virtual PC 2007 i haven't used Virtual PC but the fact that it's free got my attention...if i had a second OS i'd use Virtual PC rather than Dual Boot. if ur concerned with program compatibiltiy for Vista...vista has a thing called compatibility wizard which helps a bit, also u can find out which programs will run on vista by searching here: Windows Vista Compatibility Center
  6. What's Ur Desktop Background?? i think mine is a picture of a model??? if not...she should be.:p
  7. What I'm Listening To I'm Not A Theif, I'm A Treasure Hunter - A Skylit Drive - Wires And The Concept Of Breathing (Screamo / Experimental / Rock) Rating::p:p:p:p:p links: YouTube - I'm Not a Thief, I'm a Treasure Hunter by a skylit drive
  8. Why does this site "FREEPCHELP" load so slowly in internet explorer 7...it even slows other sites on that i open on dif tabs of the same window? Is there some way to make it faster or is it just easier to use firefox. but i also have firefox (though i dislike it very much) and it loads fast in there.:mad:;):mad:
  9. Ty defining the number of colums and rows worked great...thanks.:D
  10. Partial Solution...but not how i'd like i found a useful code on yahoo answers... <textarea>code here</textarea> it works but it makes a tiny box that i then have to scroll through...the box is very ity bitty...this won't due...so i thought i'd post the code here incase anyone knows any add-ons so i can loose the scroll and widen the area for my text to show. i need the whole code to be seen at once.
  11. Breaking Code????Response adding brackets just makes them appear before and after the image...i have also tried putting DELETE THIS PART in the code...but then blogger just embeds empty boxes. ty for the suggestions though.
  12. i'm having trouble with blogger...i have some code that i want to show on blogger...the code is for embedding images but blogger keeps showing the embedded image...i've tried breaking the code but i doesn't work. How can i properly break the code to stop blogger from embedding the image..or is there additions i can make to the code that tell blogger not to embed it? any helpful ideas or ways to solve this problem are much appreciated. :p example code: <a href=examplewebsite.com target="_newwin"><img src=http://www.examplecode.com/334aadcf.jpg border="0" title="Example" /></a>
  13. Alternative way to verify ur files haven't been moved when using WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER u said u checked...so i suppose this is kinda repetative...but when ur in movie maker if u right click the media listed in the imported items section, then click properties, it should list the name, file type, resolution...if it doesn't then ur file has been moved. perhaps the file is gonna be too big...the new windows media player saves in much higherquality than the old versions...maybe try saving to a cd. Also if u right click the file u can go browse file location and it should list ur file under that location.
  14. hey... :D i'd say welcome but i just signed up also...he he he.
  15. Firefox3 vs IE7 firefox is faster no question...but i prefer internet explorer because it's what i'm used to...and it looks nicer than firefox.:p
  16. Firefox3 vs IE7 firefox is faster no question...but i prefer internet explorer because it's what i'm used to...and it looks nicer than firefox.:p
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