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Everything posted by AWS

  1. You should be able to. It looks like the cage would work for that.
  2. As I further consolidate my tech sites I will; be incorporating Mac Forums into ExTS. The process will begin tomorrow and I hope to have it complete by the beginning of next week.
  3. They should have merged.
  4. To further consolidate my tech sites I imported Free PC Help Zone into Extreme Tech Support. All your posts and information is here. The only change you have to login with your email and password. Using a username is not secure. If you forgot what email you used to register contact me and I will set the email to your prefered email address. Welcome to the community!
  5. Good input here. I am looking at options. I am leaning to opening them up again. After doing some research it seems there are groups that installs old OS for nostalgia purposes. I grabbed a Windows 95 VM and installed it to play with. Amazing to see how far we've come. I might even offer the VM's for download.
  6. Howdy and welcome to ExTS.
  7. Got to check this out. Getting more into AI. Even have a project planned that will be all AI controlled.
  8. Thanks for adding the site.
  9. Hello Manny. I'll check and see if your old account is still in the database. If it is I will merge the 2.
  10. I use Google Drive. It is fast, reliable, secure and cheap. The company I worked for had almost a thousands employees storing and sharing documents and plans from Google Drive. Never had a problem. When I had the IT department set it up they thought I was crazy. Why move things off site. Made sense to me since we had employees scattered all across the country.
  11. More than likely your monitor or video card went out. If you have another monitor try plugging it into the computer. If it still doesn't work then you'll have to replace the video card.
  12. Windows 7 and above have this feature they call hybrid sleep. It shuts the computer down and keeps everything you had opened in memory. When you wake it all your programs will reopen to the state they were in. Windows will install updates at times when it see's the machine as idle. In that case it will also keep all your programs open and in memory.
  13. I hadn't thought about it that way. Now I have something to think about.
  14. I don't use Windows except for my servers. I do have Edge installed on my Mac. I like some of the features of it. It's not my default. Chrome is.
  15. AWS


    I have certain groups on reddit I check everyday. I also am on Stack Exchange daily.
  16. I always have it turned off. Doesn't bother me that websites can see what I'm doing. I don't think it worked very well anyway. You can still use inprivate browsing feature.
  17. As I continue with the consolidation of the tech sites in my network of sites I will be importing the data from PC Help Zone into ExTS. This is to further extend the reach of Extreme Tech Support. The end goal is to get the site back to the top where it once was. I truly believe I fractured this community by adding other tech sites. I am in the process of fixing the mistake. During the import the site might slow a bit or might not load for short periods of time. This will be short lived. I will keep you informed at each step. Thanks for understanding.
  18. I took an old iPad mini 4 and converted it to a gamepad for my wife. Emulators are easy to find for Apple devices now too. She loves it. Her favorites are Frogger and Pacman. Although she plays more than them.
  19. I still run Windows 10 in my dev VM. Never seen a reason to upgrade it. I didn't know I could upgrade for free. Maybe I'll upgrade to see the difference.
  20. Welcome @Ravenfreak. Nice to meet you. My son is into hacking old roms. He knows I like to play old games so he keeps my pi loaded for me.
  21. The company I worked for sent me to school to learn the admin side. They were getting ready to roll it out. It was way more complicated than it had to be. I retired before it got fully rolled out across all locations so never really got into it too far.
  22. Windows likes to fill the memory. It allows things to run faster since they are already in memory. Problem is most software devs don't know how to use this feature of Windows so they add to memory and don't release when you close the app. I make it a routine that I use task manager to fully shutdown unused apps.
  23. I used to dual boot MacOS and Windows when I first switched to Mac 20 years ago. Now I use VMware and create virtual machines. Much easier to switch back and forth between the OS. No need to reboot.
  24. It is possible. I would try it. If that doesn't help you could try booting in safe mode to see if the camera is seen by the OS.
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