Check if you have issues with any of these overheating, insufficient power supply, faulty GPU/CPU, outdated drivers, malware, corrupted files, RAM issues, or motherboard and PSU defects.
recently, I downloaded files form a remote server. The download was complete but I couldn't find the files. I though download never happened so I downloaded again. It turns out that the download folder was changed and instead of download folder files were downloading on another drive.
I do not think there is need to install software for photo editing because we can browser based photo editing tools. Canva is a good option. I used Photoshop in the past but these days I use canva. NO need to download and install, just start editing in your browser.
I sometimes have this issue and I turn to airplane mode and then turn off and connect to the internet and it works. Sometimes, I disconnect from the network and then connect back, this also works
I think built in Windows Defender is great but if you want to install antivrus, I suggest 360 total security. I have been using this for over 4 years without any issue.
I also experience this problem sometimes, I though it was because my laptop is getting old. Sometimes turning wifi off and then connecting back works, and sometimes I have to restart the laptop to connect back to wifi.
I have two hard disks that got damaged when my laptop fell on the floor. I have kept them safe in a hope that I would be able to recover data some day. Never heard of Recuva but I am going to try this.
I use a free VPN on my firefox browser and when I connect to any site using Firefox when the VPN is on, I will be accessing the site through the location I have connected. I have never tried using VPN as a desktop client.
You can record a selfie video and send to facebook to recover your password. This will work only when you have used your own photo on the profile. Recently, my account was blocked and I was asked to do a selfie video and Facebook unblocked my account after 24 hours
This is an interesting topic. I use a Dell laptop and I want to add two more screens, it is possible to do it. I saw a product on the internet where the person just attaches two screens on the side of the main screen and connects with cables and the screen starts working, is it as simple as that.
I had made no changes in camera permission before my camera stopped working. Clearing cache also does not work. Do you think camera would work if I installed some third party camera app.
My laptop memory is 90 percent full, do you think this could be one of the reasons why it is slow? What about hardware adjustments, what could I replace or add to make my laptop better.
Ever since it was reported that Neuralink has successfully installed a chip in a human brain and the subject is able to play chess through his mind, I believe one day technology will help us use 100 percent of our brain.
I never have had dual booting on my PC. I have always been Windows user. I have never used Linux but I am very much interested in trying Linux. I might some day try Linux on my computer.
In our country, drones deliver medicines in the mountains and hills. About 76 percent of the country landmass is covered my mountains and hills, so drones have become very useful tool to deliver medicines fast.
What's that?
I like trekking in the Himalays. Every autumn before the snow starts falling and every spring when snow starts melting, I go for trekking.
I have a Samsung phone. It is an old phone but everything is ok, including a good battery backup except for the camera. A few days ago, when I opened my phone camera, it did not open instead gave me warning "Camera failed" I have checked the app and there are no issues, it just does not open. What could be the possible person, is it related to hardware or just a software problem?
I have an old HP laptop. It works well but it is very slow. It takes a lot of time to boot. How do I improve its speed without making any hardware adjustments. Are there some settings that can improve my laptop's speed?
Recently, when I was trying to edit some codes, I asked ChaGPT for the solutions and then ended up using the codes generated by ChatGPT. It worked but then I realized what if it had suggested me the wrong codes? Can we actually trust AI when it comes to doing stuff, especially something related to coding.
When Skype was first released, it got 27 million users too quickly and it was a records number of users in 2011. Currently, Skype claims to have 300 million active users but I do not see a lot of people using Skype. I don't remember when I used this VoIP service last time. Why do you think stopped the growth of Skype. Why is Skype not as popular as it used to be in the past?
Windows Movie Maker was a free video editing software from Microsoft. You could not only create videos form still images but even edit your videos. There were a lot of effects availaable that gave you a professional quality videos. The first video I created was on Windows Movie Maker., But they discontinued the service. Why did Microsoft discontinued Windows Movie Maker