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Everything posted by JungleJme

  1. Bios thanks for confirmation, i'll update the Bios and hopefully that'll sort it. I'll let you know how i get on! Cheers
  2. Hi guys, i've just finished my first ever build, i'm a bit of a beginner and am having an issue. My poster returns the error "DET DRAM" when shutting down on a restart. It's odd, if i perform a full shutdown and power back-up it boots into windows without a hitch. However, when i perform a restart It black screens and stalls with the "DET DRAM" error displayed on the poster. I have to do a power override to shutdown and reboot. On reboot the message "Overclocking failed" appears and i have to strike F2 to restore settings and get into Vista, even though i haven't attempted an overclock! Vista detects my 4gb of RAM when it finally does boot. I have tried switching the RAM between slots, and running with one stick and the same issue occurs. Before going to the trouble of sending the RAM back, or heaven forbid the mobo!, i was wondering if anyone else has encountered this issue. As i can actually boot into Windows are there any apps i can use to identify or fix the issue? The next thing i thought to do was update the BIOS and the Asus website appears to have an update that could be of use. But i have a question, do i just download the latest version or the version with a description that mentions memory issues? So Bios v.1202 is the latest but v.0904 specifically mentions memory compatibility. Any help would be appreciated and how i could go about fixing this issue. Thanks Intel QU660 2.4ghz Asus Maximus Extreme OCZ 2 x 2GB PC3-10666 Intel Extreme Edition Vista 64-bit Home Premium Sapphire Radeon 4870 1GB 2x WD 320GB HD
  3. I thought you might have to install software that imitates a 32-bit system for certain apps but like i said i didn't know too much about it, but after a bit more net research it appears that i'll be ok. Thanks for the replies though.
  4. Hi everyone, I've just finished my first self-build and installed Windows Home Premium 64 bit last night. Haven't gone any further yet as it was late but it seemed to boot without a hitch. I've got enough knowledge to know that some programs/applications will require 32-bit emulators to run, but not enough to know which apps will need them or what to download! The rig is going to be primarily for gaming and also movie/music download/storage. I'm not even going to bother with MS Office as that's already on my laptop which i use for work. Also any further advice, general tips and do's or don'ts for a Vista 64-bit install would be appreciated as this is my first Vista install. Thanks Jme Vista Home Premium 64-bit Quad Q6600 @ 2.4ghz 2 x 320GB WD HD 4GB OCZ PC3-10666 Sapphie Radeon 4870 1GB
  5. Hi, i'm looking for someone to help me with the formula below. I can't see where i am going wrong. The formula is meant to: Return the Number of working weeks between two dates (Start and End dates of contracts). It also allows the user to enter a manual override in an adjacent cell (for use if they don't have firm dates but do have a contract length) If the difference between the Start & End date is less than zero return the message "Check Dates" All of the above works correctly, i have a problem with the final piece of logic: If the user has entered an incorrect date (e.g. 30/02/09) that generates a #value error, to again return the message "Check Dates". =IF(D9>0,D9,IF(H7="","",IF(C7="","",IF((H7-C7)/7<=0,"Check Dates",IFERROR(ROUNDUP((H7-C7)/7,0),"Check Dates"))))) D9 = Manual Override Cell to enter a number of weeks H7 = End Date C7 = Start Date Using this formula still returns a "#value" error when an unrecognised date is entered in either C7 (start date) or H7 (end date). As you can probably tell i am self-taught in Excel and I know it is long winded but hopefully there is some logic problem enthusiast out there who can help? Thanks in advance for any help Jme
  6. Thanks for the tip, i will certainly check! Cheers
  7. Will do thanks for the help!
  8. Thanks Dirtypolo, also i notice you are running the Q6600 with a hefty overclock. I am putting the same processor in this build and in a flurry of enthusiastic optimism ordered an Asus Maximus Extreme mobo & a Zalman CNPS9700 with the intention of overclocking it. Now i'm actually about to build the bleeding thing i've kinda got cold feet and "The Fear" about attempting an OC without any experience and limited PC knowledge. At the same time it seems pointless having bought that kit only to back-out!!! So i am in a dilemma, any advice you can give me on modesstly OCing that chip as a beginner? Sorry about the tangent and thanks very much for any help.
  9. Thanks a lot, it's my first build so i want to make sure i leave no room for error!:)
  10. I purchased a Xilence Gamers 800w PSU for my self-build from a UK company (aria) and didn't even think to check the voltage spec. Turns out it is a 230v power supply with an EU connection. Rather than go through the hassle of getting it exchanged can i just plug a standard UK 3-pin lead into it and use as normal without any side effects? Thanks in advance
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