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Everything posted by Casswilf

  1. Hi Tootec I have carried out both these actions to no avail. However whilst in safe mode I did get a new access denied message which read "a device attached to the system is not functioning" if that means anything.. :-( Casswilf
  2. Hi Nev, Thanks a lot for your help anyway - if anyone else out there knows anything to try and help - greatfully recieved! Thank you!
  3. Hi Nev, Oh dear :-( Right, under Control Panel - User accounts - I have two in there - "Administrator - user administrator" and "guest Account - Guest account is off" Is this where you meant me to check? Thanks very much Casswilf
  4. Hi there, Yes I have saved the file and managed to do that ok, just can't run the darned thing! Thanks for all your help, Casswilf
  5. Hello Goku, Ok - I click RUN from my downloads file to try and run the CHIPSET driver after I have downloaded it there... I get an administrator box coming up asking me which administrator I want to choose...I select Current User (the only one I ever use..) as soon as I click ok I get the following error message C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\sp38488.exe Access is Denied I click OK and get the following Package for the Web Error Unable to open the self-extracting executable file. The file is locked or in use by another process. The installation will terminate. Any ideas welcomed... Thanks Casswilf
  6. Hi Goku, Yep that's what I have been trying to do - install the chipset driver - however I keep on getting access denied messages and I cannot install this... I have tried in safemode as well - still no luck! Sooo if anyone has any bright ideas I would welcome them as I am rather fed up! I rang the place where I bought the PC (eBuyer) and they said to back everything up to disk and insert the Restore Plus disk to get everything back to factory setting - but obviously I really want to avoid this if poss. Would a good old fashioned system restore help? Thanks Casswilf
  7. Hi Goku, Yes - sorry - think I posted the answer on this about 4000 threads ago! Yes that is indeed my PC... pre dismantle stage! Casswilf
  8. Thanks Randy - would that solve my problem? if inexpensive I may just go and get one. I rang the company I bought it from as still have a year of warranty left - I was told to back everytging up to a disc and then insert the system restore disk - which I really don't want to do if I can help it! Such a frustrating problem. Casswilf
  9. Hiya Goku - here's a copy of the menu of choices for dx2400 Hardware Reference Guide - Microtower Models</SPAN> Computer Setup (F10) Utility Guide Troubleshooting Guide</SPAN> Quick Setup & Getting Started Guide</SPAN> Safety & Regulatory Information</SPAN> Safety & Comfort Guide</SPAN> Support Telephone Numbers</SPAN> Optical Drive Installation Guide</SPAN> Agency Regulatory Information</SPAN> Install PDF Complete Software
  10. Hey Nev, Okay I found the following that came with the PC - Operating System DVD - multiple language pack for use with Vista 32-bit HP or Compaq PC HP Restore Plus! Supplemental Software-Office 2007 trial HP Compaq Business PC - Documentation and Diagnostics Operating System DVD - Windows Vista Business Service Pack 1 Roxio Sonice Digital Media Plus Looking at them - they're still in their wallets and looks as though they have never been opened... When I got this pC I was working from home and my old one had died. I need to get cracking again in a hurry and so got a local guy in to set it all up for me - he transferred everything across from my old pc for me but I never stood over him and watched what he did - he's pretty well known in the local area so I don't think he would have done anything awful knowingly but maybe he has done some short cuts or something not quite properly... What do you reckon? I'd of had the machine a year next month and can't remember when I started to see this problem first occurring... Thanks Casswilf
  11. Hi Nev, Don't worry I certainly wouldn't do anything off my own back without an expert here reassuring me! Thanks for popping in to advise me - appreciated :-D Casswilf
  12. Hi Goku :-) Thanks for this - and I'll be real embarrassed if that turns out to be the issue - I didn't actually set up the PC after I bought it so it could well be:rolleyes: Have found a bunch of CD's .. nothing marked driver CD - would it be "Operating system dvd"? Thank you
  13. oh dear - have perfomred the install whilst in safemode - all looked well as I got no access denied message coming up....rebooted and then got the same wizards popping up again as usual...:mad: Anyone want a second hand pc? In bits??! Casswilf
  14. Hi Danzil, I have just gone through and perfomred every malware and spyware anti virus scans known to man and restarted - still just getting that one wizard pop up and the one unknown device showing... haven't tried the safemode option yet - will do that next... Thanks for your offer of using emote support to help - that's relaly appreciated :-) I'll see how safemode goes! Thanks Casswilf
  15. Hi No USB devices in use at the mo.. Okay - I found the file where you said and it still wouldn't run - said unable to and access denied again! Thanks
  16. Hi Danzil, I've tried running the install again (Chipset one?) and again - access denied. However - something different has happened since I downloaded the one you gave me - I now don't have 5 unknown devices under other devices with yellow question marks...I have just one that says USB-2.0-CRW... and has a question mark with an exclamation mark over the top! If I click on properties it says "device not configured correctly, code1" and to reinstall driver which just takes me on a series of wizard helps until declaring it can't help as needs the necessary software.... Is this progress?! ;) Thanks Casswilf
  17. Hi Danzil, I just opted for the free one to see what happened anyway - seemed to run okay (was verrrry quick though?!) and so I unistalled all the unknown devices again and rebooted... and all 5 new found harware wizards have popped up again :eek: Thanks Casswilf
  18. Hi Danzil, Many thanks for this. I notice get two choices of download - does the free one work okay or should I/is it best to go with the purchase one? Thank you Casswilf
  19. umm sorry - me again - a friend has suggested I try downloading drivers from the HP website, starting with chispset drivers... I tried this and although managed to save the programme I couldn't run it, kept getting an access denied message - I was then told to work down the list installing all of them until I fixed the problem... here's the link - would you also recommend this? HP Compaq dx2400 Microtower PC- Download drivers and software - HP Business Support Center
  20. Tootech - ahhh yes, this is the beast alright. Armageddon - Opening the case?! ooooh unknown territory for me I'm afraid - with real step by step guides I'd give it a go - if you can promise me I can't do anything awful! Thanks guys :)
  21. Hey Randy - well..no...it's not a notebook!? I'm real confused as that CZC number was on a sticker on the back of the tower. ANother stucker on the side has heaps of long numbers but the name seems to be HP Compaq dx 2400 micro tower. Will a s/n or p/n help? Or I have a really long number starting PROMOd2400me7.... Thanks!
  22. Thank you - the number I found is CZC9038GDN ... just not so sure what I need to to now/the Compaq website is a bit confusing....
  23. Hi Kelly - yep afraid so! it pops up 5 times each time a different message in the wizard help box - the yellow question marks under "other devices" have all appeared again in device manager - locations as follows on Generic- SM/xD-Picture USB Device on Generic- MS/MS-Pro/HG USB Device on Generic- SD/MMC/MS/MSPRO USB Dev on Generic- Compact Flash USB Device on Generic- SD/MMC USB Device Thanks Casswilf
  24. Thanks Plastic Nev - I won't do anything! Umm Dave/Armageddon.. well now, I did have one yes. But when I finally decided to do something about all these wizard pop ups I took everything out as previous folk here recommended, printer, the hub, anything I had. So no I don;t have that connected anymore... I tried to remember why I even had it and then I remembered that it seems as though some usb ports on the tower don't actually work, being lazy I thought I could get around that by using the hub.... Thanks Casswilf
  25. Hi all, Thanks for all coming back to me here - bit nervous about doing the reinstall part of this - is it fairly straightforward? I have no question marks or exclamation marks on any of them - I took a screen shot and attach it here (hopefully) If an idiot can reinstall these fairly okay then I will start uninstalling and switch off ! Thanks Casswilf screenshot.pdf
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