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Everything posted by Casswilf

  1. Thanks beeceebee, I know what you're referring to - and no I don't get that coming up... literally nothing happens when I click in a field that should open up a drop down or take you to more info....it's like you have clicked on a field that isn't a link to anything if you see what I mean... For example I have just clicked on the (more) smiley icons link to the right of this text box for more faces to add one after my text - and nothing happens at all!
  2. Hi folks, Wonder if anyone can assist me with a problem please? I use Mozilla Firefox as my Browser and use Sugar CRM daily for my work. I have noticed lately that I am not getting all of the drop downs I once used to on certain web sites and in particular Sugar - say if I need to add a contact I can't get the drop down to add the info?! I am told it may be down to my system blocking pop ups but I don't understand how I get that resolved.... does anyone here know what I need to do? mannny thanks in advance, Casswilf
  3. Thanks Danzil - I read this AFTER doing the steps that Wolfeymole put forward - always good to keep your info as well though as I'm such a pc numpty I need all the help I can get ;) Wolfeymole - Thanks SO much for your instructions as a) even I could follow them and b) they worked a treat! I am officially threat free :D Thanks to everyone, Casswilf
  4. Rolling/bellydancing screeen!! Update Hiya, Ok - did the system restore and the rolling has stopped - yaaayyy only I have my threats back - boooo The threats seem to be: 1 x funwebproducts and 4 x myway.mywebsearch I've searched files and folders but can't see these things lurking anywhere in order to delete them - any advice much appreciated! Thanks - Casswilf
  5. :D Thanks guys! If you could see the screen it's a pretty good description I am giving! It's made my eyeballs roll a bit and I'm walking about with a bit of a bellydancing lurch I have noticed - probably not very attractive! Will keep you posted - thanks for all the help ;) Casswilf
  6. Thanks Randy - hadn't thought about the system restore - will give that a go over the weekend. Sorry to be so vague with what I've done! Thanks
  7. Hi folks, I was receiving some messages stating I had viruses and all sorts of probs after running my security checks (use Spybot) so decided to have an early Spring clean of old folders and programs sitting about that I didn't need. Managed to get clear secuirty checks with no threats found afterwards, great I thought. BUT ever since my little tidy my screen now does a rolling, cascading, shimmy belldance roll every time I roll the mouse up/down or drag the screen..... what on earth have I done, any ideas? From a quick trawl on Google I suspect it may have something to do with a Nvidia program I may have removed?! And no - I haven't been clever enough to save things I removed in my recycle bin either :o I know - I'm an idiot! The screen motion is making me feel rather sick! Can anyone shed any light? Many thanks Casswilf
  8. Hi all, Just joined today as I was looking for help with something I have encountered (which I shall obviously post elsewhere) Found this website through a Google search and there you were. Just wanted to say that this site looks great, I've been flicking through some posts and am almost forgetting to post my problem! Looking forward to communicating AND learning with you all :) Casswilf.
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