Hi folks,
I was receiving some messages stating I had viruses and all sorts of probs after running my security checks (use Spybot) so decided to have an early Spring clean of old folders and programs sitting about that I didn't need.
Managed to get clear secuirty checks with no threats found afterwards, great I thought.
BUT ever since my little tidy my screen now does a rolling, cascading, shimmy belldance roll every time I roll the mouse up/down or drag the screen..... what on earth have I done, any ideas? From a quick trawl on Google I suspect it may have something to do with a Nvidia program I may have removed?! And no - I haven't been clever enough to save things I removed in my recycle bin either :o I know - I'm an idiot!
The screen motion is making me feel rather sick! Can anyone shed any light?
Many thanks