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Everything posted by Kingpin

  1. ok then, nice one mate! thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.
  2. I had an old system and i formatted the drive in that tower and then transferred it as a spare drive to my current PC but now i want to put it back in its old tower as its got a better graphics card and faster processor, i suppose im asking really how do i install XP on the HDD without formatting it and losing all my data, and also how much GB do i need to leave for the XP installation....
  3. Hi Wolfeymole, basically i got hold of an old PC, which had XP installed and i formatted the drive and installed it in my current tower just for extra space, but now i want to stick the Hdd back into its old tower, but is windows installed on it? if so, how do i install it?
  4. hi guys, new to the forum and hello to u all, i have some computer experience but need to ask a question before i risk having no pc! basically, i have 2 hardrives in my computer, all i want to know is if i decide to remove D:, the secondary hdd and install it in my new tower, will windows XP be installed on it already or if so, how do i install it without losing 50gb of programs/movies/music? desperate for some help guys!!!
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