I seem to be having the same problem all over again! I have tried the safe mode again, restore etc, but it will not let me restore to before Jan 2009. Any other ideas, or should I use the suggested solution by dirty polo?
Sorry - I am a bit dumb. I did find folder options and followed your instructions. However, it did not give me the option to "restore". I think I will leave it now anyway. It is working. Thanks again!
I did try your version, but my control panel doesnt have folder options (or I do not see it anyway). However the problem does seem to be solved anyway. Thanks for your time.
OK thanks very much. All seems to be working now! Really appreciate your help. To know who you helped, see our web page: Home - Daktari Bush School and Animal Orphanage in South Africa
Thanks again!
I managed to re-boot in SAFE mode. Tried system restore. A window comes up (like on all .exe files) with the title "rstui.exe" and the message that windows cannot open the file etc.
.exe problems
I am using a laptop - although I am sure that makes no difference. I tried re-booting, but even when tapping F8 it doesnt give me the black screen or safe mode options. Just boots back to windows
I have just joined. I have a problem I hope someone can solve. My PC is very slow. I downloaded FREE REGISTRY FIX. It found 900 errors. It fixed 100 then said I had to pay. I removed program from add/remove programs and did it all over again. Each time I did this it fixed +- 100 errors. After about 7 times, could no longer open add/remove programs. I can no longer open any .exe file! How can I fix this?