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Everything posted by devilsofdarkness

  1. Hi all is this disk any good for rebooting my system? Windows Boot / Repair / Data Recovery Disk XP, 2000, NT on eBay (end time 05-Jan-10 22:02:01 GMT)
  2. Hi all...following on from my post a few minutes ago ive found that the system does have an I386 folder in C drive but what do i do now??? lol help greatfully recieved ty debi
  3. Hi all im running a desktop system from Time computers which is a AMD SEMPRON...serial number20520 000214632/004 and having real probs with it.....it really needs to be completely formatted and windows installed for a clean start yet when we got the pc (mother bought it new from time) i dont recall it coming with any windows disks and have a feeling it had windows home xp already loaded in....so my problem is how can i format the drive without the disks??? On the top of the tower there is a product key which i think is to do with the windows application so can that help atall? im a complete novice when it comes to the systemy stuff of pc so any help would be greatfully appreciated ty debi
  4. hi all he repaired it..didnt replace hd but i wanna know how to make the back up disks please....these will actually be made from my other daughters pc ( for her pc as her is running fine n i would like to have them in case anything happens in the future!) so can anyone please let me know step by step how to do this? thanks
  5. Hi all im running windows xp home and also currently using avg free anti virus but im not sure im happy with it...so does anyone know of a TRUSTHWORTHY and FREE anti virus software i can download which will find any viruses etc and the GET RID of them??? Thanks Debi
  6. Hi all....after a problem with my daughters dell laptop.,it went back to shop and apparently had bad sectors? and would start up correctly...Wolfeymole on here was kind enough to help me at the time and suggested when i get it back to make back up disks in case anything else goes wrong with it....(it didnt come with original disks...windows xp pro all ready loaded) so can someone please explain to me how i make back up disks thanks all Debi
  7. Hi all my daughter is running a dell latitude D600 on windows xp pro....but she cannot get her D drive to recognise any music, game or dvds that are put into the drive.....I was told it could be a problem with GEAR from itunes but dont know if this is correct and if it is how to remove it safely..... Can anyone advise?? Thanks Debi
  8. well ty for all your help...hubby is going to take it back tommorow and see what they say
  9. yep windows updates are always on....i did think it a bit expensive but not knowing alot about pcs i stupidly took his word for it.....no he didnt advise to make any back up disks or give me any....so if i take it back then hes only gonna reboot with the same copy really aint he.....ive got no choice as i cant afford another laptop for her ...would i be in my rights to demand the money back as its still under warranty? my other daughter also bought a laptop from the same shop and hers is working fine but would it be worth her downloading the windows gueniune advantage tool to check hers? if sh where can i get her to download it and what happens if it comes back that hers is rogue too?? Surely thats not right for a shop to being that?
  10. ive just done a diagnostic scan and a box has come up with no diagnostic utility partition found...to run diagnostics insert your dell drivers and utility cd then select ok to restart the system and boot off the cd???? what does that mean cos i go no cd ???? yeah she paid £160 for it out of her bday money and yes its the one in the pic u found
  11. well my daughter bought it in april from the computer shop here and so far no probs....is there anything else i can try? oohh and ty in advance for your help :) the pc is still under warranty so would it be better to just take it back and get them to sort it or could it be something i can sort?
  12. Have tried that and still get black screen...no change plus it keeps going in a loop..trying to start and then back to black screen
  13. Hi all can someone please tell me if there is a way to sort my daughters laptop...its a dell latitude 640 running windows xp pro...it was shut down correctly last night but now it will not start up All we keep getting is the black screen stating windows did not start successfully, weve tried to start up in last known good configuration, also in safe mode and none of these are working....we are getting a blue screen flash up and disapear quickly so we cant read what it says..... We can access info using f2 and f12 and f8 but dont know where to go from here to try and fix the problem.... We dont have the disk as compiter was bought second hand from a computer shop with windows already loaded.... Nothing has been downloaded or changed....so anyone got any ideas what we can try to rectify this thanks Debi
  14. Hi all im running windows xp but cant find the disks anywhere,,,Is there anywhere I can download windows xp to format my drive?? Ive got my product key and my current edition of windows is registered and i didnt no if there was anywhere i can format my drive by inputing my product key,,, does that make sense?? thanks debi
  15. Hi all..i really need some advice....My sound on my pc keeps playing up..one minute it will work and the next it ges silent...if you bring up the main volume control and click mute on and off it someties comes back and sometimes not.... also sometimes if i try to bring up the volume control it gives me the message 'there are no active mixers devices available...goto control panel, click printers and other hardware.....but theres nthing there! Also when the sound does work it sounds almost warped???? ive been into device manager and all seems fine...no problems highlighted can anyone help? im running windows xp on a time semphron unit if that helps thanks p.s. im totally clueless about pcs so please be nice!! lol
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