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Everything posted by ahamilton

  1. I'll look into it, although im rubbish at things like that! Thanks :o
  2. Hi Randy. No luck with the disk check unfortunately. I guess maybe it's fubar'd then! It's a bit frustrating as the thumbnail looks perfect, but as soon as i open it with a viewer its ruined =(! Thanks anyway guys, i'll look into the restoration thing but if it's as expensive as it sounds, i guess i'll have to let go of the picy! I appreciate the help and advice :)
  3. Hi Tootech, thanks for the quick response. I've tried viewing it with other applications, no luck that way. I'll run the scan thing you suggested then get back here, hope it works. Thanks =)
  4. Hi people... I have a photo i took a couple years ago which i recently decided i'd like to get printed. I clicked on the thumbnail which looked (and still looks) fine, but the enlarged image is covered by a pale shade of white on about 8/10ths of the photo, leaving a band of the original colour at the top. Is there any way of getting the photo back to it's original glory? Thanks for any help i appreciate what you guys are doing here.
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