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Everything posted by bubblesupper

  1. Hi, No I have it on for about 4 hours in the evening but i'm not always accessing web pages but am connected to the net. But if i dont browse for a little bit then it doesnt let me access web pages but i'm connected fine. I don't have any problems with my actual b/band connection. It stopped for a little while, few days after the clean up but always returns. Thanks, Amanda
  2. Hi, After just a few days of my PC working fine, it's now started playing up again. If I don't keep opening web pages and just leave it connected to the net, it then can't load any web pages but is still connected to the inetrnet. Could this still be a virus/malware? I have sunbelt, wondows firewall disabled, Avira anti-v. Have done all your clean up instructions etc... Any ideas? Amanda
  3. Hi thanks for that. I have installed sunbelt, will this still be effective enough when it reverts to the basic version? I also installed Avira. Thanks for your help. Amanda.
  4. PS sorry should've added to my previous thread, apologies, any help appreciated. amanda.
  5. Comodo Help Hi, I'm about to download comodo free anti -v and firewall. I am currently using AVG and windows firewall. I will unistall AVG before i install comodo. I will also then install and turn off windows firewall. Last time I tried Comodo, i didnt configure it right and couldnt connect to the net. is it hard to work out for a beginner? I need free anti - v and firewall protection you see and the tohers are only free trial and you have to register. Also, on the comodo download page, it says" windows xp(sp2)Vista 32bit" or "windows xp (sp2 vista 64 bit". I am using windows XP service pack 2. So which one do i pick? Many thanks, Amanda.
  6. many thanks will do. appreciate all your help, amanda.
  7. Haha no worries! Ok, last question, do i uninstall and switch of windows firewall before I download the new firewall and anit v?
  8. Hello..again! I downloaded Comodo anti virus and firewall, disabled my windows firewall and uninstalled AGV before hand, however, after I set up the Comodo anti virus, i could no longer connect to any web pages. Apprently it had affected my network configuration. So i had to system restore again :( What would you recommend for my PC, home use only. I have AVG back at the moment with the windows firewall. :( Amanda
  9. Tootech...thank you so much! After deleting that folder after uninstalling it has worked...all systmes go! You're a legend. And also thanks Nev too for helping me rid the beasties Amanda x
  10. many thanks for all your help, after another members suggestion Mozilla is now working again!!! Yay!
  11. Thanks for all your help, i'm still a little confused, I have windows firewall...so do I just leave that on and don't need to download another?
  12. Hi, Thank you, excuse my ignorence, but how do i back up my bookmarks? Thanks!
  13. Yup as follows: Memory Processes Infected: 0 Memory Modules Infected: 0 Registry Keys Infected: 7 Registry Values Infected: 0 Registry Data Items Infected: 1 Folders Infected: 3 Files Infected: 6 All were removed, It was after all this that now Mozilla will not work :( Could it be connection settings? It doesn't work in safe mode either. I really dislike IE! COuld you also tell me which is the best free antivirus (i have AVG) and antispyware to be running and should i leave the spyware running all the time as I do AVG? thanks again
  14. Firefox not fully loading all web pages after malware clean Hi, I have been cleaning my PC as it had suspected Malware. Since the clean it is working better but now I can only fully open web pages with IE and not Firefox. When I go to Facebook with Firefox, it loads the page but only with the top bar showing and not the rest of the home page. Same with the Ebay summery page. IE works fine so far. Any ideas? I don't like using IE! Thanks, Amanda x
  15. Hiya, I already did that but it didn't work. I totally uninstalled it and reinstalled but it's still not working. Anyone else have any ideas? I'm stumped. Amanda x
  16. Hi, Yes I have all of those and am using Firefox 3.0.9. Have just realised that when I use internet explorer the web pages seem fine. With Firefox, Facebook for example only loads the profile page fully but not the home page. Ebay doesn't fully load either. With Internet explorer they all work fine. Any ideas? Firefox was loading we pages ok before I did the above instructions (apart from the freezing etc!) Thank you, Amanda.
  17. ok, I have followed all the instructions very carefully...but now, my web pages wont load properly! It's actually worse than before :( Facebook will not load the home page at all, my tv guide page doesn't load and Ebay so far. Whats happened!? Amanda ps i also cannot click on the smily faces on this message! that doesn't work either.
  18. hi, on step 3, number 7: scanner options, do I only tick those you list as ABC or do I also leave all the others ticked that are already ticked?
  19. Thank you. Yeah I have clicked on the arrow and it goes from april back to march but no further. Right I will now look at your instructions and follow them carefully. I'll get back to you, thanks.
  20. Hi, it will only let me go back to end of march? I need to go back to around feb I think.
  21. Thank you. No I don't have the disks as i was given the PC from a friend about 10 years ago. No, no pop ups, I have got pop up blocker on also. Nothing seems to set it off, although it all seems to have been happening since I downloaded the new MSN messenger service. My MSN icon also sometimes appears as a small black box in the bottom right hand corner instead if the usual little green man icon!
  22. hi, thanks, dont know how to get a screen shot but heres what it says: System:Microsoft Windows XP Home edition version 2002 service pk 3 Registered: Amanda 55285-011-7712711-21920 Computer: AMD Athlon XP 1600+ 1.40 ghz, 640mb of RAM Thanks
  23. Oh I found out it's windows XP home ed service pack 3
  24. Not to worry, I posted in windows XP..think that's right :)
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