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Everything posted by wellies

  1. The method I used: * Disconnected from the Internet. * Ran the regular uninstall tool. * Rebooted. * Searched the disk for 'Comodo' and manually deleted anything found. * Used Regseeker's 'Find in Registry' function to seek out Comodo entries and deleted any found. * Used the tool that TOOLS has linked to, just to be sure (although that probably could have been used instead of some of the above steps). No sign of Comodo on the system after that. Very important (I believe) to remove all traces of old security programs before installing anything new of a similar nature. Note: The above use of RegSeeker makes changes to the Registry. The usual cautions apply. Always make a backup of the Registry before making any changes.
  2. Just a misunderstanding there because resetting the BIOS on my motherboard leaves the USB support (and so the USB keyboard) working.
  3. I believe it is a full version with a product key. I went to Amazon and took a close look at the packaging. No sign of the 'upgrade' word on it ..and there usually is if it is an upgrade package. XP can't be upgraded anyway, so another pointer to it being the full installation disk. I've taken the plunge and pre-ordered from Amazon. I'll find out all about it in October :).
  4. But don't most motherboards have USB legacy support? That could need enabling I suppose.
  5. Windows 7 pre-release time limited offer is available now. Read more here: Microsoft Windows: Windows 7 Pre-Order Offer
  6. Good luck with it. If the fault does occur again and changing the PSU cures it, then perhaps it would be worth taking note of KenB's post regarding the guarantee.
  7. Are you able to try the disk on another computer to see if the boot-up from disk will work?
  8. Hello simsgirl078 - You really need to start your own thread about this. When you do, try to describe what (if anything) lead up to the problem and when it occurred. There may be subtle differences in your own situation that would lead to other advice. If you feel the problem is exactly the same as johnboy007's, then you can just keep an eye on this thread because the advice will also apply to your computer. No need for a 'me too' post.
  9. Difficult to be certain without hearing the noise or examination but being an ex-repairer of electronic goods (and still one at heart :)), I'd say it sounds like a faulty electrolytic capacitor. Maybe dried out or gone low capacity. I say this because the sound is coming out of those speakers as well as out of the PSU. Spikes on a voltage rail radiating possibly. It could be best to get a new PSU now rather than wait for it to deteriorate further.
  10. I'm used to producing files using various computer applications and storing them in folders on the installed OS. Using online applications is OK but what happens when the connection goes down, or the Internet becomes so busy that data slows to a crawl? At least with a full-blown OS installed, there is always something else you can be getting on with. I'm not sure a netbook running Google's OS will ever take the place of a real computer for me. :)
  11. Really need a bit of feedback from furiousgraphix but if IE, there's an option in 'General > Tabs Settings' for opening links in the current tab or Window. If Firefox, are there any tab extensions installed?
  12. How about if you.. Go to 'Device Manager'. Expand the 'Monitors' listing. What do you see? Is it the HP2009v or 'Plug and Play Monitor'? If the latter.. Put the monitor disk into the CD/DVD drive. Right-click on the monitor icon in Device Manager. Choose 'Update Driver'. In the box that opens, select 'No, not this time' and then 'Next'. Select 'Install from a list or specific location' and click 'Next'. Tick 'Search removable media..'. Once done, that should ensure that the monitor is installed. See if the 1600x900 resolution is available in Display Properties. I have to say that with my monitor, it doesn't matter whether it's shown as 'Plug and Play Monitor' or 'Viewsonic VX1940w'. I can still get select the native resolution. This may not be the case with your own monitor though, so worth a try.
  13. The correct resolution setting being available can depend on the graphics card and driver. Although my Viewsonic monitor came with a driver, it wasn't this that made a difference to the available resolution settings. It was an updated graphics card driver that did. So, it might be worth checking to see if there's an updated driver for your card.
  14. Is it just happening in the browser (if so, which one), or does the same thing happen in a word processor and Notepad?
  15. Has printing other pages straight from the web been tried? What do they look like?
  16. We made good use of freezing fluid aerosols in the electronics repair business. It didn't conduct electricity but I sometimes used to worry about the small amount of condensation left behind once the fluid evaporated. It never did cause any trouble though. I still have a can of it. It would certainly come in useful for computer hardware repairs that are temperature related. Now, if you could arrange for a light mist of that to float around inside the computer, then you could throw away the fans. :)
  17. Any vector based program would probably be good for the purpose, Inkscape looks a capable program (I haven't tried Scribus). There other suitable programs but unfortunately they aren't free. If you just want the program for occasional use, or for a 'one-off' type of job, then the free (or low cost) programs might be the ones to go for. Serif have some free and low cost programs. Have a look at the titles at the top of this page. If you intend to turn out many posters/graphics and actually enjoy that kind of thing, you could consider buying a program. CorelDraw and Xara Xtreme (I've used both) would both be good for posters, menus and other graphics. Wonderful for text effects. Early versions of CorelDraw might be fairly inexpensive. There's a trial version of Xara Xtreme available.
  18. So what's wrong with XP Antivirus? ....OK, only joking. :D The water-cooling post was admitted to be a wind-up/joke in the end, although the poster could have been fibbing about not really drowning his computer just to save face. :) I can't hear my computer at all. The noise was so annoying that I put it the other side of a wall and ran all leads through a hole to where I sit. These included the Reset and Start button wires that now operate on a couple of micro-switches screwed to the underside of the desk. A solution to the noise problem that works well here.
  19. What more can we say? Best regards to you Gashler. :)
  20. I once pulled out of a forum over an issue somewhat similar to this one. Otherwise perfectly nice people saying that someone deserved the death they got. I couldn't be part of a gathering who thought like that. In retrospect, I believe pulling out was a mistake. I now think that many people say online what they wouldn't say face to face. Not only that, I'd also venture to say that those people probably aren't really like that at all. There's just something about the anonymity of the Internet that makes people say such things. Personally, I'm willing to realise this and don't think any extreme opinions expressed are necessarily a true measure of the person who wrote them. If that means I always want to see the good in people, then I'll admit that I do. Take with a pinch of salt Internet opinions about Michael Jackson's death I'd say. Let people state them. If you really find the remarks someone has made upsetting, offer to meet them and talk it over. If that unlikely situation ever came about, I think you'd find a completely different person sitting in front of you than the person who wrote the comment.
  21. I actually pretty much agree with what you say Gashler. I think he was different and almost child-like in some ways ..and he was found innocent by those who were actually there to hear the charges brought against him. That is good enough for me. He was a good entertainer when at his peak too. I'll continue to like the songs. Indeed a king of pop. The 'Earth Song' and video being particularly powerful for me. All about what he'd have changed if he could ..like we all would if we could maybe. Anyhow, about the disrespect. The pattern of forum threads regarding deaths of the famous often go the same way. Some praise the deceased, some express dislike for the deceased and there is someone who usually says 'Have some respect for the dead'. It's those words that go a little against the grain for me. This looks to be placing your values above those of others and possibly trying to instil a feeling of guilt in those who don't feel the same way. People who make comments that might be thought disrespectful aren't bad people. They just have different but not necessarily lesser opinions and are not worried about stating them. I think the varying opinions that come to the fore when the famous die just show of the diversity of human nature. Forever present whether loved or hated. So, fair enough to express a view but perhaps not right to chide others for expressing theirs.
  22. The way I read it, these (link below) aren't upgrade prices. A good offer if that is the case: Microsoft Windows: Windows 7 Pre-Order Offer Note: Although the country says 'United States' and still keeps saying that even when the country is changed, the prices are in UK currency. The offer begins on 15th July and ends on 9th August. There doesn't seem to be a list of participating retailers yet.
  23. Probably held together with nuts and bolts. :)
  24. Huh ...you was lucky, you 'ad toys! :) ...Well, I did too really but also used to make some. We'd rig up a line of cotton running from an upstairs window to the bottom of the garden. On this ran the tray part of a matchbox. It had wires attached to it that hooked over the line. Many hours spent running up and down stairs to put different objects in the matchbox just to watch them travel down the line to the end of the garden. Another toy we used to make was named a 'tank', even though it looked nothing like one. Below is one I made for our grandson about 15 years ago. It still survives. It's had a new elastic band though. :) The matchstick is wound up and then the whole thing placed on a fairly flat surface. As it unwinds (slowly because of the friction between candle and cotton reel), the thing rolls along. Great joy if you could get it to go uphill or climb over a pencil or something: http://i165.photobucket.com/albums/u78/Mart44/tank.jpg
  25. I can see you're not very keen on this idea Chris :). I don't think it will create too much of a problem for us though. You can be sure that Microsoft will make it easy for those who want IE8 to get it installed. Also, the way I understand it, the issue doesn't really affect those who buy their computers with Windows 7 already installed. This would be the vast majority of people. Computer vendors can put whatever browser they want to on the computers they sell ..and that's probably going to be IE8. The issue more affects those who buy the Windows 7 installation disk in order to install the OS themselves. These are likely to be the more computer-knowledgeable types who will have no worries or difficulty about installing a browser of choice. All in all, not so bad perhaps.
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