Yer sorry Bjd was being lazy and not bothering to open them.:eek:
I been checking many forums including your post, and it seems the game has loads off problems that they seem to being trying to fix.
Its like a 50/50 chance off getting a download that works.
Have you tried downloading it and the re-downloading it and see if the second download fill's in any of the missing files.
America's Army: Special Forces - View topic - »Americas Army 3 Freeze/Crash/Lag/Framerates FIX Tweak Gu
This link is to a section off a forum where someone has posted about a Freeze/Crash Permanent Fix.
If the above doesn't work i would give it a month and give them a chance to fix it ( not what you really want to do i stand understand)
Sorry i cant tell you what the single problem is cause there seems to be many with AA3