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dan m

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Everything posted by dan m

  1. Hey Jon Welcome to fpch :)
  2. Hi Sharlie Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help
  3. Hey welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :)
  4. The link below will tell you about the processor. (its a quad) incase you dont want to have a read. AMD Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition 3.2 GHz Socket AM3 Processor Review - PCSTATS.com The pc you said about at the start will be find for all the games apart from maybe half life but i'm not to sure as i have never played it so i don't know how demanding the game is on the graphics if its like far cry you will be able to play it but it wont be amazing would be like watch a dvd on a normal tv instead off on hd that kind off difference. Chart below shows how different graphics cards did when playing fry cry (demanding) gives you an idear off graphics cards for top games. Your system should be able to upgrade without major problems just the normal off what to upgrade it with :)
  5. Depends what type off games you are thinking about playing. Normally a good gaming computer is around £3000+ some off the top being 6. If i was you i would write a little list down for the games you want to play ones out now and ones you have read about and see if your system cant match what they need.
  6. Hello Welcome to fpch we will all try to help you =)
  7. Hello Welcome to fpch not sure about the torrenting =/
  8. hello vflyer Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help What flight sim you have?
  9. paul did you try sending an email to the apple tech people? its what i did for a different problem and they were really good. is everything update as well? i cant see any other things on itunes it self that could cause the problem you have.
  10. Hey paul welcome back kind off. Ill have another play around in abit and see what i can come up with.
  11. Has he tried boot the laptop in safe mode and seeing if it still tries to scan?
  12. Adobe photoshop is good for designing posters or whatever you may want to do just costs alot to get. you can get a free trail here tho Adobe
  13. Hello and welcome to free pc help. Because we will have to get you to forward are messages to him. Is he unable to have a navy IT tech have a look at it for him. could you explain a little more please? A few seconds after it turns on it starts to scan for a disk? Has he tried booting the laptop up into safe mode? If none off the above work and he still wants to restore the laptop insert the restore cd that should have came with the laptop push the F2 key which will let you boot from the cd and follow the on screen commands. WARNING! doing this will delete all data on the computer (will be like a having a new computer from the shop)
  14. Hello Sue Welcome to the forums.
  15. If your just going to use it for work and bits. I would highly recommend and Apple mac. :)
  16. Here's one from my childhood. When technology started to become fun.:D
  17. haha i dont know which ones better now. But it proves there is one born every minute.
  18. Hey paddy. Welcome to the forums :D
  19. that is a first class answer
  20. Your friend may have to enable you to see their profile. All tho they have already added you.
  21. Again like the both off you i just play music with itunes =/ but i had a look on apples help forums and both off these came up with other people have similar problems Open itunes and under the sub heading 'store' click authorize computer. second where you tick the box saying look for shared library make sure you haven't put a password in there.
  22. yer a few people on the forums where getting errors like that and another common one was unable to load bulk texture =/ think the designers need to go though it and sort a few things out. You thought about buying it on cd's?
  23. Hello and welcome to forums :)
  24. I remember all the top 3. god i feel old now =( im only 18 still young and sweet. ish :rolleyes:
  25. Yer sorry Bjd was being lazy and not bothering to open them.:eek: I been checking many forums including your post, and it seems the game has loads off problems that they seem to being trying to fix. Its like a 50/50 chance off getting a download that works. Have you tried downloading it and the re-downloading it and see if the second download fill's in any of the missing files. America's Army: Special Forces - View topic - »Americas Army 3 Freeze/Crash/Lag/Framerates FIX Tweak Gu This link is to a section off a forum where someone has posted about a Freeze/Crash Permanent Fix. If the above doesn't work i would give it a month and give them a chance to fix it ( not what you really want to do i stand understand) Sorry i cant tell you what the single problem is cause there seems to be many with AA3
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