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Everything posted by URCHIN2009

  1. Hi all members, whilst attempting to install I-Tunes web page to my Computer (Dell 9150 Dimension / Media Center) Windows 7, a message appears informing me that the computer is experiencing an error, namely Error 2203. Could anybody assist me,to remove it, I would be very grateful of any suggestions or ideas ? Awaiting any Replies, thanking you kindly Regards :- URCHIN2009
  2. Hi all members, recently I have installed Windows 7 (Home Premium) full package on to my computer, everything was going well until I attempted to set up the Media Center. During the set up, the system could not locate channel frequencies from my Freeview aerial, I uninstalled the aerial cable connections, and reinstall them and the same problem is still there. I have been thinking could the problem be in the software which I installed, as the TV tuner worked when I had Windows XP on my computer, Awaiting a reply if possible. Regards :- URCHIN2009
  3. Hi Randyl, thanks for your reply, Her computer is a Vista operated computer, with a 2GB (Maximum) ram, also I have run the malware & anti virus check up. Regards :- URCHIN2009
  4. Hi everybody in the Forum Could anybody assist me, with regards to my Wife Laptop computer, She has a problem when she logs in, it takes ages to get to the desktop also it takes ages to switch the computer Off. I have taken off web sites she did not use, done a Disk Clear up, also defragmented the machine, that took ages, I can only think that the problem is with AOL ? Any ideas would be grateful. Regards :- URCHIN2009 PS :- Please help to stop the grief I am having.
  5. Hi RANDYL, thanks for your response. Regards :- URCHIN2009
  6. Hi Armageddon, thanks for your response, I have been searching Windows 7 Home Premium Family pack, very difficult to obtain, I will take your response on board. Regards :- URCHIN2009
  7. Hi everybody, I own a Dell Dimension 9150 XP Computer also I have access to my wife Laptop computer, my question is, I am thinking of upgrading to Windows 7 home premium system, will I have to purchase two packages one for my desktop & one for my laptop. My desktop runs XP & the laptop runs Vista ? Awaiting any replies please Regards :- URCHIN2009
  8. Hi Goku, Very good info but I am only a novice, you have given me technical info which goes over my head but I will pass the info on to somebody that knows more about computers, if that is OK. I must tell you what the Apple technical people told me this afternoon, that the Ipod Touch will not be compatitabe with my computer due to the computer being an XP with Media Centre installed, ? I am very grateful for the suggestions you have given me, most appreciated. Regards :- URCHIN2009
  9. Hi Danzil, thanks for your reply, will attempt to carry out your suggestions in due course. Regards :- URCHIN2009
  10. Hi Goku, thanks for your reply, to answer your questions 1 Yes 2 Yes USB 2 port 3 Yes My Laptop 4 No 5 Have used other devizes on the USB 2 port, it seem there were no problems, Not tested 6 No ( Tested another I-pod in the same USB port, same problem occurs) Hope these answers will solve my problem. Thanking you Regards :- URCHIN2009
  11. I have a problem, my Ipod will not synchronise with my Dell 9150 Dimension XP computer, I have contacted Apple but no luck,they did their tests, even sending my Ipod to their technical department and found nothing, they seem to think that the problem is inside my XP computer. As a novice in the computer world I feel that Dell & Microsoft are very expensive with their costs, that is why I am hoping that somebody in the computer fraternity can assist me in rectifying this problem. I have attempted with another Ipod, but the same occurs. At certain times a message appears on my screen, Radeon X600 256MB hyper memory secondry has not passed Windows Logo testing to verify it's compatibility with Windows XP, could this be the cause of my problem ? Could it be that my Graphics Card be on the blink ? Hope that somebody can assist me to rectify my problem. Awaiting any Reply or Ideas, thanking you all Regards :- URCHIN2009
  12. Hi all, I'm in a bit of a pickle,and wondering if sombody can assist ? I have mislaid my Microsoft original CD-ROM disc, this disc I had when I purchased my DELL DIMENSION 9150 XP/MEDIA CENTRE computer. Reason I could do with one ASAP, I deleted something off the computer and was told to shut down the computer, but now I am unable to log on, nothing happens when I select F8. During the time I have been attempting to solve the problem, a message appeared telling me to insert my original recovery CD-ROM. Could somebody tell me where I can obtain a disc? I would be very grateful, for any replies, just one other thing I am only a novice on computers, so if any suggestions , please keep them easy. Regards :- URCHIN2009
  13. My Dell 9150 Dimension computer Hi all, I would like to thank all the people that gave me replies and advice on how to cure my computer problem, at long last my machine is back at the computer store, hoping that he can resolve the problem ? also I have loaned my Dell computer discs. Lets hope he will get some luck. Regards :- URCHIN2009:)
  14. Re my computer problem Hi once again Danzil Keyboard is an USB connection Regards :- URCHIN2009
  15. Dell 9150 computer Hi Danzil, thanks for your response, I am unable to log in , when I select F8 & select safe mode it takes me to next stage and I select Windows XP Media Center, the next page is for Log in to Windows this is where the problem starts I attempt to install my password via the computer keys, nothing occurs, even though I have attempted logging in by administrator no joy. My name appears in one of the boxes, but cannot delete to attempt putting in the word administrator. It's doing my head in:confused: REGARDS :- URCHIN2009
  16. Dell dimension problem Hi Nev, just to inform you, still having problems with computer, still awaiting for the shop owner to contact me, shop not open for the last few days. Thinking of taking the computer to another computer repairer, or else I will never get the problem sorted. Tried another key board, with no success. Regards :- URCHIN2009
  17. Hi everybody, can anyone assist me with the above named computer.This week I installed a TV/Tuner card at my local store,when retuned I could not log in to windows, it would not accept my password even though the mouse was working,but the keyboard did not allow me to use it, the up and down keys worked, and I was able to bring the F8 page up I selected the Safe mode, but nothing occured. If no solution will I have to reboot and loose every thing ? I would be very grateful for any suggestions. Awaiting your replies please Regards :- URCHIN2009
  18. Hi everybody, nice to join your fraternity, looking forward to reading your posts. Regards :- URCHIN2009
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