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Everything posted by Vflyer

  1. Hi I am truly glad to have found this web forum. I am a member of a couple of flight simulation forums an d one other for hearing aid users so I am aware of the value of sharing information and interests. When I was working I had a good circle of colleagues to help keep me up-to-date with PC matters but since I have retired I find the day to dayinformation and help is totally cut off so this forum will, I hope make up for the loss. I started with MS DOS and worked through Windows 3.2 and Windows 98, XP and now have Vista. My interests on the PC are virtual flying (wonderful and it doesn't break thje bank) and music. I have notation and MIDI software and make recording of previously unrecorder music onto CD, mostly for English Country Dancing. I have just this week purchased SONAR Home Studio XL so I am looking forward to much better sounds from now on. That's about it except to say that my wife is also a frequent laptop user so I may use my membership to try to sort out some of the problems she has from time to time. Thanks for the welcome. I hope to be able to do my bit in helping other forum members as the opportunities present themselves. Vflyer:o
  2. Can anyone tell me how I can reformat or delete data from an optical disc that can't be read in a RW drive but can in a ROM drive. I believe I have established that cause (faulty files that were rewrites of earlier image files and show up as as having 0 Kbs.:)
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