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Everything posted by mij

  1. Thanks KenB. You said In the Search Box type ......msconfig ....... hit Enter Is there anything there relating to Amazon ? Nope, nothing related to amzon at all. In facf there is nothing at all there. Should there be? Is it not clearing the clip-board thingy after each use? Jim
  2. The open-reach engineer was booked for this morning from 08:00 to 13:00. He found a couple of faults here. We were missing a filter at the main feed (it's a tangle of wires as it accomodates an emergecy thingy in case we have a fall) Also we had an old connection that was no longer needed - so that was got rid of ( yes we had two phones at one time). Having got rid of a proggy I was surprised to see a 'clip board' that I had copied from a 'print screen' of that proggy, pasted to an open office text page. It stayed no-matter what i attempted. Jim.
  3. Thanks KenB. I could find nothing amazon related following the control board. Nothing on the programs/features either. A B.T.W. is that a USB charger for the battery of a Fuji-pix camera disconnected my wifi. I only got it this morning as well. A talk with a fault finder (I assumed my ISP was faulty) booked me an egineers slot in the morning because the line was found faulty. Aren't computers frustrating! Jim
  4. Another splash screen irritant! It is Amazons free delivery page!!! WTF??? I have just said goodbye to one and another pops up. Jim
  5. Hmmm! It has corrected itself? I don't know what it has done but it is ok. I just followed what was said and stopped where I got lost - so as I said , I don't know what it was. Perhaps it will come back. Thanks for all the effort. Jim.
  6. Thanks KenB. Ok, I've got to 'name' but I do not get 'app data'. I get suck there. Jim.
  7. KenB said If you click on "Computer" you should be able to locate C:. =============== It shows how little I retain about this doesn't it :).
  8. Might restore do thw job? jim
  9. Thanks KenB. Typing my computer in the search box got me control panel and a page full of proggies. No 'C' or 'user' etc. Obviously not the same version of W. Jim.
  10. Thanks for getting back to me on this KenB, it is a pain. It took me trying all sorts on the keyboard to get that symbol but I should have read on as you anticipated it. It has not worked, it still goes into recovery mode whenever open office is required/opened. I do have a number of templates saved as spread sheets and as address headers and it opens in recovery mode every time. Jim
  11. I've tried clipboard and nothing at all. Jim.
  12. Hmmm, I omitted something. I copied and pasted your instrucions in note pad and it worked fine. I tried typing 'setting' in the bottom left hand corner and it showed me all about the scanner. I don't know what was wrong. Jim.
  13. Ken B said Open Notepad [ type notepad into the search box bottom left of screen ] Type something Highlight > CTRL + C Use CTRL + V to paste. Does copy / paste work here ? I used right click and 'paste' and that worked fine. Jim
  14. If I want to copy and paste in a document it errors (no number) and then fails to recover the document. I have tried downloading a fresh copy (scrubbed it clean of the faulty prog) but still refuses to paste and just shuts down. Jim.
  15. It's the one I use as a search engine 'duckduckgo' Jim
  16. An amazon url that I used yesterday needs shutting down after every site I use on this W7 desk-top. It is always opened no matter what I view. What do I do to shut it permanently? Jim.
  17. I attempted to download gimp. Instead of getting the usual icon i get one for running the set-up thingy. If I try to search for gimp I get zlib1.dll and then then get a screen which says something about privacy. I am unsure how to show that screen. Jim PS edited to add that gimp cannot be found in the zlib1.dll
  18. I need a spell and grammar checker for open office on my W7 desk-top. I have tried several times to change it but it still does not work. Can you help please? Jim.
  19. Thanks KenB for the further info. but it hasn't done it any more - blinking computers. They have a mind of their own! It was a "share this" screen and I never cicked on it. Has Windows made me wary? jim, thinking this has solved itself :).
  20. That does not look very successful, I've done something wrong. Jim.
  21. Hi KenB and thanks for the greeting. A happy new year to all-I hope it is better than the last. I have printed out a screen before but not online. Let me try. And yes again, it appears it is a part of google. I have saved the offending window into an open office file so if i point this communication to it it should show at your end. I will paste it to this post. Jim.
  22. I clicked on something and a Google meeting window now is always present. Addblock has had no effect on it. Can I get a screen shot to help? This is on my desk-top that has W7. Jim.
  23. Thanks KenB who said "Is there anything else that we could help with ?" I don't think so. Everything seems to be uncy dory on this W7 desk-top :) Thanks again. Jim.
  24. Thank you KenB, the monitor is a bit large to manhandle - especially at my age :). So no it was not dropped - it is an Acer screen - that is flat. Not one of the bulkier ones from yester-year. I am unsure if it is an LCD thingy - hold on speccy might know. Yes, amidst the details. It is as below but means little to me, it doesn't state the kind of monitor. Monitor Name Acer V226HQL on AMD 760G (Microsoft Corporation WDDM 1.1) Current Resolution 1120x700 pixels Work Resolution 1120x663 pixels State Enabled, Primary, Output devices support Monitor Width 1680 Monitor Height 1050 Monitor BPP 32 bits per pixel Monitor Frequency 60 Hz Device \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0 I have observed the splat and it is not growing at all. Perhaps it is something I'll have to live with. Jim.
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