I hope this helps you more than my last post
This is how I did the rose
1 Open the main photo
2 create a new layer call it say paint brush
3 Now select the paint brush tool on this layer and paint all around the part of the photo you want to show OOB make sure you have a black line all around the rose head ie on mine all the rose
4 now select the fill tool and fill the selection
You can turn of the visibility of this layer now (click the eye at the side of the layer )
5 now click on the main photo layer to select it
6 hold down the ctrl+alt keys and click the paint brush layer that will select just the rose bit of the photo. Go to edit and click copy and then click paste.
You should have a new layer with just the rose in it
7 create a new layer call it back fill. Fill this layer with the gradient or paint bucket tool.
Turn off the visibility of this layer for now click the eye icon for this layer. so you can see the main photo
8 create a new layer and call it frame
Now select the rectangular marquee tool and draw where you want the frame to be
9Now click the back fill layer so it goes blue and turn on the visibility for the layer so the eye is back on. Then click delete that should remove the rectangle part of the fill layer where the frame will be.
10 now click the frame layer again and fill the rectangle box with white
Now make the frame as you did with PseFrank tutorial
If you have the layer in the right order it should look like PreFrank OOB
With the rose head at the top layer if you need to remove anything from it just use the eraser tool.