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Everything posted by paulc

  1. I hope this helps you more than my last post This is how I did the rose 1 Open the main photo http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/firststep.jpg 2 create a new layer call it say paint brush 3 Now select the paint brush tool on this layer and paint all around the part of the photo you want to show OOB make sure you have a black line all around the rose head ie on mine all the rose http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/step23.jpg 4 now select the fill tool and fill the selection You can turn of the visibility of this layer now (click the eye at the side of the layer ) http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/step4.jpg 5 now click on the main photo layer to select it 6 hold down the ctrl+alt keys and click the paint brush layer that will select just the rose bit of the photo. Go to edit and click copy and then click paste. You should have a new layer with just the rose in it http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/step56.jpg http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/step562.jpg 7 create a new layer call it back fill. Fill this layer with the gradient or paint bucket tool. Turn off the visibility of this layer for now click the eye icon for this layer. so you can see the main photo http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/step7.jpg 8 create a new layer and call it frame Now select the rectangular marquee tool and draw where you want the frame to be 9Now click the back fill layer so it goes blue and turn on the visibility for the layer so the eye is back on. Then click delete that should remove the rectangle part of the fill layer where the frame will be. http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/step9.jpg 10 now click the frame layer again and fill the rectangle box with white Now make the frame as you did with PseFrank tutorial http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/step10.jpg If you have the layer in the right order it should look like PreFrank OOB With the rose head at the top layer if you need to remove anything from it just use the eraser tool. http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/finished.jpg
  2. Thank to PseFrank for the tutorial on OOB This is how I did the rose 1 Open the main photo 2 create a new layer call it say paint brush 3 Now select the paint brush tool on this layer and paint all around the part of the photo you want to show OOB make sure you have a black line all around the rose head ie on mine all the rose 4 now select the fill tool and fill the selection You can turn of the visibility of this layer now (click the eye at the side of the layer ) 5 now click on the main photo layer to select it 6 hold down the ctrl+alt keys and click the paint brush layer that will select just the rose bit of the photo. Go to edit and click copy and then click paste. You should have a new layer with just the rose in it 7 create a new layer call it back fill. Fill this layer with the gradient or paint bucket tool. Turn off the visibility of this layer for now click the eye icon for this layer. so you can see the main photo 8 create a new layer and call it frame Now select the rectangular marquee tool and draw where you want the frame to be 9Now click the back fill layer so it goes blue and turn on the visibility for the layer so the eye is back on. Then click delete that should remove the rectangle part of the fill layer where the frame will be. 10 now click the frame layer again and fill the rectangle box with white Now make the frame as you did with PseFrank tutorial If you have the layer in the right order it should look like PreFrank OOB With the rose head at the top layer if you need to remove anything from it just use the eraser tool. If the layer are in the wrong order you can click on the layer and drag it up or down the order This is how I have my layers http://i1201.photobucket.com/albums/bb356/PseFrank/Photoshop%20Edits/roseoob-2.jpg hope it help
  3. the rose did fill most of the photo. so i made the image for the background a bit larger
  4. I am using photoshop i have been playing with photos for years to much time on my hands i think
  5. My first go at OOB http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/FLOWER11.jpg
  6. You did well for the first time Bob keep the good work up
  7. Very good PseFrank
  8. is that your work DSTM it is a great job with Photoshop
  9. Never believe what you see in photos http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/seatiger-1.jpg http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/dolion1.jpg this one north east Scotland last week http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/polorbear1.jpg
  10. Very good for your first time DSTM
  11. It is good to live on the sunny side of the street http://i150.photobucket.com/albums/s84/python9/sunnysidecopy.jpg
  12. Hi Bob you can download a plugin for virtualdub so it takes in MOV files Virtualdub - Video software and downloads - VideoHelp.com look for import plugins
  13. Hi Bob I have used Virtualdub in the past it is a free program Free-Codecs.com :: Download VirtualDub : VirtualDub is a video capture/processing utility instructions on how to use it AVI 2 DivX Hope it helps Paul
  14. What type of files did your camcorder save the film in cos you may have to convert them to play on a stand alone dvd player. but if your dvd player play's them all you have to do is join the files togeather.
  15. Hi Matt2322 it could be that you do not have the codec for the file type it is saved as by the vhs dvd combi you could download k-lite codec pack and try that. but if roxio creator 10 will read it then you could do the work you need on it and then save it to your hard drive or burn it to disc with roxio if it is the codec then when you did a copy of the disc in roxio it will still be the same file type on the dvd. it justed copied what was on the disc
  16. Well done Paul have fun with your video's :) glad i could help Paul
  17. Hi madon37s in the converter in the profile box (top right had side) set that to (dvd video pal mpeg) from the dropdown menu. then let it convert i do not know if WMM will take in mpeg4 files Paul
  18. The link that Nev has is the one i used open any video converter. click add video in the profile box click dvd video pal mpeg ( that is for europe) dvd video ntsc (that is for U S A ) click convert that is all you have to do Paul
  19. what i would do then is convert the files to a mpeg file i have just use my Kodak easyshare c340 camera to capture a video (i forgot i had that camera) saved the file to my computer and it was a quicktime file. i found the any video converter i had i converted it with that and all went well wmp played it and i opened it in windows movie maker sorry the k-lite codec did not work Paul
  20. Hi madon37s there is a freeware program that you can get to convert quicktime files to mpeg files so you can work with them in windows movie maker. it is easy to use search for (any video converter freeware) the k-lite codec pack is free aswell hope it helps Paul
  21. The first thing i would try is to download K-lite codec pack. to see if the video's will play in windows media player. then try windows movie maker hope it helps
  22. Hi Dred from what i have read it seems that all you want to do is save your files from the desktop to an external hard drive so you can format it. what i would do is download hiren's bootCD 10 and burn to disk with your laptop insert disk and reboot your desktop. you can then use mini windows xp or one of the file transfer programs on the disk to save to your external hard drive then format the desktop
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