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Everything posted by Gibby1313

  1. Hi there. Sounds to me that your issue IS a driver issue, your new devices don't need the drivers but windows does. Anything that you Purchase new today wont be recognized by Windows XP and a driver will need to be located for it. You can usually get these drivers from the manufacturers websites or from Microsoft itself. If you post the Model #s of what you are trying to hook up to your computer someone might be able to help you find the drivers/info you need Hope it helps and good luck :D
  2. RAM was the first thing i checked. next i checked the PSU for low output. After that i loaded and ran Speccy to find that EVERYTHING checked out except core temps for the CPU... According to Windows Vista the CPU was running at 100% capacity but Speccy showed that it was only operating at 43c which is pretty much idle temp for a 4550e AMD cpu which narrows the problem to the CPU/MB interface or cache. But as the temps didnt spike or fluctuate i was able to determine the problem to be on the board rather than the CPU, as internal issues in the CPU would most definitely cause the CPU to run hot or at the very least force abnormal thermal activities (which was not the case).
  3. OK, I successfully narrowed it down to the MB cache and have a new MB on the way, TY all for your time and input, it was greatly appreciated!
  4. TY for your input so far. As of today i have the machine able to post and boot on both the new and old power supplies with no difference in performance. It takes about 45 minutes for Vista to load fully and it seems to be processing about as fast as water eroding a canyon =P I have it narrowed down to a CPU or MB error at this point but neither of these conclusions make a whole lot of sense.... I'm currently loading a copy of Speccy on it right now (which should take about 3 days at its current computing power) hopefully it should score me a bit more info to share.
  5. i had the same thing happen to me a few months back while i was still using Vista. I dont have a easy solution for you but can tell you that when i had those issues it turned out to be my DirectX10, as it was a fresh install i simply wiped and reinstalled the system again to save both time and my hairline lol you may have rolled back the drivers but the changes they may have made to other software already on compy would not necessarily have reverted with it I run a 9800m GTS so the drivers may react the same good luck, hope it helps
  6. This is my first membership to any forum of any type. I wouldnt call myslef a computer guru by any means but i have successfully built many gaming computers and resolved many hardware issues by my own blood, sweat, and tears, so i can say that i have a good idea of what goes on under the hood ;) I live in North Dakota and i dont drink so you can be assured that most of my time is spent either at the keyboard or with my head buried in a computer case! If i have any input to share with the members of this site i wont be bashfull in the least. At last it would seem that i may have found a way to get some of my knowledge out before my head explodes lol
  7. Hey guys. this is my first time so please be gentle :P I'm having a major issue with a friends machine following a PSU transplant. He was running a new graphics card for 5 months (rated for 350w min) on a 250w psu. as of late the power drain became too much for the system and it started shutting down the graphics card/ sound card systematicly. Today i talked him into replacing his PSU with one rated for his current load. After replacing the 250 with a 400 his PCIEx16 slot stopped responding. Being no stranger to the inner workings of a PC i fiddled with the connections until i finally got power moving to the graphics card, but there was still no signal. I could connect to the onboard graphics and get a signal however. after many failed attempts i decided to clear the cmos and start from there. Now I'm facing an issue i've never had before.... After clearing the CMOS i cant get Vista to boot up, it gets to the "thinking" screen and stays there, not locks up, jsut stays there infinitely with no HDD activity. The machine is a bone stock Compaq build so the bios are extremely cut down but i noticed that the System Cache value in the bios is "none" which is confusing the heck out of me.:confused: I'm usually quite resourceful but this one has me at a loss. Any input on this would be greatly appreciated!
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