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Everything posted by craig

  1. I havent tried that, but i can tell you i am not hearing the post beeps. I have tried taking the RAM out stick by stick and turning the PC on but still nothing works.
  2. Motherboard : Foxconn N15235 CPU: Intel Quad 2.4 Ghz RAM: 1x1GB Corsair DDR2, 1x2GB Corsair DDR2 HDD: Seagate 750GB PSU: 650 Watt Thats all i know off the top of my head.
  3. I am having trouble getting my PC to display on my monitor. Last night i switched the PC off as usual, but when coming to turn it on this morning, i had no display, but the computer started up. I currently have a JVC tv/monitor. I have tested the tv/monitor by plugging my laptop in via a VGA cable and my laptop works perfectly on the screen. Would this mean its definatly a graphics card issue?
  4. I get no beeps at all. My PSU is only 250 watt so im guessing thats the reason why its blown.
  5. Yesterday after using my pc, i shut it down, then later i came to boot it up again and it wont start up. I have tried putting a new fuse in the kettle lead and cleaned the hardware inside the case. Would this be a faulty PSU?
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